How long will it take me to lose 30lbs?

Dieting from the inside out & “How long will it take me to lose the weight”…

It’s so much about your mental state and internal work when it comes to finding a diet/workout/lifestyle that works for you.

I really don’t think you can have one without the other. The mental health world and the fitness world should be mutually inclusive.

The problem is too often people are not willing to address their emotional, headspace, inner narrative problems — they just want someone to give them the diet or the workouts or the solution they think is going to solve all their problems when they are the ones that really have to solve the problems. No one can tell you what is going to work for you.

We can tell you as coaches & practitioners what to do but unless you see what the root cause of your issues are & take action to execute the plan, you’re never truly going to make a life change. You’re basically going to yo-yo diet through life


 tough love.

When you just simply lose the weight but stay the same you mentally, most often you’re going to find the weight you lost again eventually.
— Because you didn’t up level to who you truly want to be.

It’s like building a house with no foundation.

Swipe for all the deets & a reality check on how long it REALISTICALLY will take you to lose 30lbs.

Love & hugs y’all!

Coach K