The Stupidly Simple System I Use to Stay in Shape And Love My Body As An Empath At Age 40

red thong body love acceptance

Yeah but whadda YOU do?! 

I get that question from folks all the time, in person & online, when asked to give advice about getting in shape, protecting energy, & preventing self sabotage. 

I lay out a really simple, low-maintenance approach. It’s true — I don’t put much effort into all this health & fitness stuff. What I do, I do week-in, week-out, though. And it all starts with self awareness, self love, & frankly, not giving a f*ck what other people think or do.

So yes, over several decades, I have put in A TON of effort in total. It’s taken over 10 years to build the body y’all see today. But day-to-day, not so much. BECAUSE I’ve made it a lifestyle. I eat plenty of food (around 2000 cal/d on avg) & still enjoy occasional social alcohol in moderation.

I want you to look & feel fabulous as you get older, too, so strap yourself in for a typical, really low-maintenance week for me (that you can copy or use as inspiration) that helps me stay lean & healthy as an empath at 40.

Mapped out my daily routine here just for you in this IG post!

I Train for 5 Hours a Week, Tops

“Ah but you’re a nutritionist & single & have no kids, you can work out all the time if you want to?!”

Yeah, I could…but why the f*ck would I want to?

I’ve been working out for 30 years — believe me, the novelty wore off long ago. Nowadays, workouts are like vacuuming for me — a necessary thing I need to get done so things don’t get messy & I feel my best. We all wanna look good nekkid too!

I workout out for 4-5 sessions of 40–60 mins a week [depends if I get side-tracked by that work thing or extracurricular activities between sessions 🙂 ] Every muscle group gets hit with a wee dose of damage because I am too damn old to waddle around for days after some hardcore leg day or CrossFit workout. Upper body push/pull days & lower body glute/leg splits. Schedule varies with work schedule. (Routines, guides, & resources in link in IG bio)

training before and after

I Walk 15k Steps/d As A Target

Walking Is a True Health Hack. I have no desire to run at a medium pace for an hour or do hours of CrossFit WOD’s a day anymore, messing up my joints & hormones. If I need to get somewhere 5 miles away, I’ll drive. Thanks.

But I do plenty of brisk walking — 15k steps per day is my target. This has enormous payoffs on several levels:

  • Low-impact stamina-building.
  • Vitamin D for hormonal balance cuz I walk outside in the sun.
  • Clears my head & energy like nothing else does.
  • Torches tons of calories per week.

Takeaway for You

If you hate a particular exercise, please don’t force yourself to do it — there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Walking is fantastic. Also, I have no idea how many calories cat skinning burns <opens Google>.

I Take & Use a Few Things To Thrive

You can easily find yourself taking handfuls of pills & powders daily because you think they’ll magically solve all your problems. They won’t if you don’t have your foundational success routine in place first. If you’re eating a varied & healthy diet (for YOU) & exercising, you don’t need to supplement with much at all.

There are a few things I take & use that help me thrive. You can find these along with discount codes in the link in my IG bio & highlights.

Complete Biohacking guide here!

Biohacking that helped me instantly feel better & reverse aging
cort-eaze nuethix formulations
  • Nuethix Utilyze digestive enzymes prior to meals for better digestion & absorption
  • Nuethix GDA-Max before large meals &/or meals with carbs for better digestion, blood sugar control, & nutrient partitioning
gda max
red light
  • Infrared sauna – got mine off Amazon

Takeaway for You

If you’re taking tons of shit, do an audit & ask yourself, “What happens if I stop taking this?” If the answer is “nothing,” then save your $$

I Eat 2 Meals & Nothing I Don’t Like

I want to maintain my weight while eating enough to build a wee bit more muscle if I can. This means I aim to eat at my maintenance level in total each week. Use the to find yours.

I do what works for me, which is a form of intermittent fasting every day in windows that suit my work & social schedule.

  • coffee & plenty of water + Ultima Replenisher electrolytes
  • a big breakfast of protein & healthy fats after my walk or workout in the morning
  • a smaller meaty meal mid-late afternoon
  • fast overnight until the next day usually 12-18 hrs. No snacking
  • throw in occasional a large OMAD (one meal a day) on days I work a 1st shift & then a 3rd shift or if I’m just not as hungry

I don’t eat kale — it’s gross. I don’t eat veggies, fruit or fiber because I can’t break them down due to my Crohn’s disease (my whole story is documented in the link in my IG bio & highlights). Carbs & sugar I have a really shitty relationship with so I abstain. I don’t eat any food “because it’s healthy”, I eat what healthy food I like because I like it.

Takeaway for You

Start with the healthy foods you like. Base meals on those. Keep protein high for muscle retention & satiety. Avoid trigger foods, sugar, & junk.

Post workout breakfast. 1.25 lbs of *0% ground beef #meatbars Airfry. 380. 12 minutes. Did not consume the fat in the bottom of the airfyer to make it leaner.
meat bars guide
click for guide here

My Weekends Are Never A Shit Show

You could get in great shape if you gave up sugar, alcohol, & junk food & ate only grilled chicken & broccoli for meals for 12 weeks straight. But you’d also hate life & everyone around you, & after 12 weeks, you would probably binge off the rails.

80-90% for Health. 20-10% for Flexibility

Instead of quick fix, masochistic approaches to dieting, we can lose body fat & stay lean intentionally managing calories & eating healthy foods the majority of the time, say Monday to Friday, or 80-90% of the time, meaning things like:

  • High protein breakfasts (eggs, bacon, sausage, etc)
  • High protein lunches/dinner (meat, seafood, eggs, etc)
  • No-minimal sugar & snacks between meals (2-3 meals/day)
  • Intermittent fasting overnight (12-16+ hours) Do what works for you as far as eating windows.
  • Use carbs (fruit, veggies, oats, rice, etc) intentionally. Typically the more active, the more you tolerate. If they cause issues mentally & physically, you may do better abstaining.
  • If you like weekend/social flexibility, use wisely.

Takeaway for You

Controlling your weight long term: control portions & eat your protein. Remind yourself what makes you feel your best mentally & physically.

Health & Fitness Tips As An Empath

Tips that have helped me to eat well, stay fit, & release negativity before self sabotaging & over eating:

  • Minimize Sugar & Processed Food As Much As Possible: Although you may crave carbs & sugar (as well as alcohol), they will destabilize you mentally & physically. This makes you more susceptible to absorbing unwanted energy & self sabotaging. These kinds of hyperpalatable foods are like drugs, leaving you wanting more.
  • Prioritize Protein: Protein stabilizes everyone. It gives a sense of grounding & satiation. Get protein at every meal, at least 30g. Big reason many food addicts thrive, lose weight, & heal on carnivore.
  • Rest: Sleep. Solitude is your best friend to energetically rest & reset. Go take a restorative walk in nature.
  • Eat Alone & Mindfully: most of us empaths need to avoid outside energy & distractions when eating. It allows us to have full presence, chew thoroughly & savor our food which helps us feel true hunger & satiety cues. This aids in avoiding over eating & thus weight gain.
  • Manage Your Emotions, Time, & Energy: Managing your emotions actually frees up the energy you’re spending on things that do not serve you. Emotions are messengers. They alert you to boundaries being crossed. If you’re like I was, that is what made me want to stuff my face with donuts, cookies, cake, chips, cereal, crackers, & ice cream & then throw it up. I was suppressing emotions & giving my time & energy to everyone else. UNTIL I realized that self loathing & sabotaging behavior meant staying sick, broke, & lonely AF.
  • Move Your Body: Walk, go to the gym, get out in the sunlight, connect with friends. We cope with stress, including loneliness, by using dopamine-triggering substances & behaviors as a means of avoiding painful emotions & self-awareness. But if we make a commitment to living a kick-ass life, then moving the body will get the dopamine flowing, reconnecting us to what we truly enjoy, like our friends & families. I will reiterate again, walking is a GODsend. If in doubt, go walk!

Final Thoughts

Most of adult life isn’t about finding new answers, but unravelling the web of misinformation we pick up over the years.

Here’s the truth about exercise & eating well — it’s a lot simpler than it sounds. The more you eat well & exercise, the stronger you’ll get, the better you’ll feel, and, the more you’ll enjoy it. Then it becomes you & your lifestyle.

When people ask my fitness regimen & I respond with “I workout 4-5x per week for 45-60 minutes & walk 15k steps per day.”…I get, “I could NEVER find time for that!” or “How long do you have to do this for? Are you losing fat or on a diet?”

I shake my damn head. Because, society has programmed us that exercise & eating healthy are short-term things to lose weight for an event or to fit into clothes – not a LIFESTYLE.

Like reps & weight, they’re merely tools to build a fulfilling life. On their own, they’re meaningless. I started counting intentional moments & habits. I no longer log hours of workouts a day, binge & restrict food from a place of self loathing, or find myself obsessed with chasing a smaller body. You can’t live a BIG life chasing a SMALL body on an EMPTY tank & TIRED soul.

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Workouts & Tips That Helped Me Build A Lean Physique At Home, Work, While Traveling, Or The Gym

Workouts & Tips that helped me build a lean physique at home, work, while traveling, or the gym

I remember getting anxiety when I thought I’d miss a workout due to travel or work because I couldn’t get to a gym. Then the C-word hit in 2020 & rocked our worlds right?!

Tips on how I optimize workouts at home, work, & travel creating a more peaceful, successful, abundant, strong af life!⁣

  • Workout 1st thing in the morning. Have a success routine nailed down. Walk after meals, set an alarm every 20-30 minutes to get up & walk around, take stairs, & park further away.⁣ Add a weighted vest to your routines!
  • Get movement & steps in while your food cooks, down time at work, make walking especially outside your meditation! Sometimes I do a mini workout with bodyweight or dumbbells while my meat air frys⁣. I keep dumbbells, yoga mat, resistance bands, & a suspension set at work in the cabinet. I don’t sit much & walk around as much as possible.
  • If you’re 1 that travels often, have pre-packed bags with essentials ready to grab & go with workout gear & snacks. Book hotels with a fitness center, fridge/kitchens, & or near parks/trails.
  • I keep an overnight bag with me at all times.⁣ Travel with my barbell & bumper weights in my trunk. I keep a bag of my bands, dumbbells, trx, weighted vest, etc in my car. I got all mine from Amazon.
  • I lay clothes out for the next day & set my coffee on auto brew. It speeds up the process & gets me pumped to get sh*t done! YouTube & Google are wonderful resources for workouts. They have apps that generate workouts for you too. Do your own life admin!
  • Have ready to go meals or snacks. I keep string cheese, packets of tuna, hard boiled eggs, ready bacon just in case & I don’t have time to go to the store.⁣ Rotisserie chickens on the go are BAE!

I have a whole Biohacking/Anti-aging guide HERE complete with all the products & supplements that keep me looking/feeling my best!

before and after weight loss

You can ready more about my carnivore, weight loss, & gut healing story to help answer all your questions HERE!

weight loss before and after carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly
I’ve lost 55lbs!

Swipe, share & save for workouts, tips & more!

  • Workouts & Tips that helped me build a lean physique at home, work, while traveling, or the gym

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

How To Feel And Look Good Naked: 18 Fitness And Nutrition Tips to Make This Your Year

How To Feel And Look Good Naked: 18 Tips to Make This Your Year

You know it’s true, we all wanna look good naked. Yes, health should always be at the forefront & I stand firm in my belief if you focus on health everything else will fall into line.

You may have resolved to make this the year you finally start, & hopefully stick with an exercise program or nutrition approach, but you’re fighting an uphill battle if you don’t shift your vow into truly making a LIFESTYLE change. 

It’s all too easy to give up after a few weeks & lookin around the gyms after the January rush, come February you see the same people there as before & most newbies drop off. The OG’s know what’s up!

So how to turn your determination into action you can sustain for more than 30 days? There are no secrets. In Beth Dutton fashion, to be blunt, at some point, you must get off your tush & take action. No one can do it for you.

  • How To Feel And Look Good Naked: 18 Tips to Make This Your Year
  • How To Feel And Look Good Naked: 18 Tips to Make This Your Year

To help you get started towards truly making this your year of change, here are fitness tips to feeling & looking good naked!

1. Set Clear Intentions

Write down your ultimate physique &/or health goal & how you’d like to look/feel. Include weight, body fat, any mental or physical improvements you’d like to see. Anything goes here. 

2. Make Time

Work up to 60 minutes of physical activity each day. That doesn’t mean beating the crap out of your body 7d/wk, but strive to get some kind of activity & routine down — even if it’s a walk with your dog, walking after meals, working out 3 days a week, etc. If you’re new to fitness, start with a 20 minute session 5-6 d/wk, two 15-minute sessions or three 10-minute sessions to help you become acclimated. Work your steps up to 10k/day.

3. Do What You Enjoy
Weights & lifting are one of the best ways to make significant physical changes to your body. Unfortunately, not everyone enjoys lifting. The most important determinant of long-term success with fitness is how much you enjoy an activity. Choose something that makes fitness fun & keeps you consistent! Explore new exercise classes and activities to determine which you prefer. As a beginner, almost anything you choose will be challenging, but gains will be made starting your very first week.

4. Surround Yourself With a Supportive Community & Accountability

Train with a friend who has similar goals. Join a group class at your gym. Try CrossFit, F45, Orange Theory, Spin, etc. You’ll be far less likely to skip your workout & it’s also more motivating when you workout with a group & push each other. You’re also less likely to cut your sessions short. People who choose healthy lifestyles will engage in behaviors that will impact you. Similarly, if your friends are just the opposite, they’ll likely reinforce the wrong kinds of behaviors.

5. Avoid Comparison to Others

Instead, compare yourself to YOU. If you make every week better in some way than the preceding week, you’re moving forward & making progress. Aim to improve yourself vs last year’s version of you. It’s hard for any of us to feel good about ourselves when we try to measure up to more advanced athletes who may have been training for a decade or more. What makes these people champions is they focus on what they need to do & who they need to be to get what they want every single day. They stayed consistent, created a lifestyle they love, & kept going.

6. Make Mistakes & Be A Forever Student

Experiment! It’s the only way to figure out what works, what doesn’t, what you like & what you don’t like. Try different classes, different diets, track your food, get a mentor, get a coach, invest in a trainer or nutritionist. An easy way to get inspired & increase your knowledge of fitness, training, & nutrition is to commit to researching each day. There are tons of free resources via the web, YouTube, Podcasts, Social Media, etc.

7. Learn to Be Patient AF

Many individuals will drop out of their training or nutrition program because they’re not seeing results fast enough. However, physiological adaptations occur incrementally. You most likely won’t see much, if any, improvement from one week to the next, but you surely will over 90 days. That’s why you should make a commitment of at least 3 months when starting any diet or exercise program.

8. Rise, Grind, Then Shine

Work out in the morning before the rest of the day gets in your way. Bonus: morning workouts boost your energy & confidence for the rest of the day! Get up 20 minutes earlier & knock out some of those steps. Sleep in your gym clothes or set your clothes out in the morning to make it easier. Set your coffee on auto brew so it’s fresh & ready. Caffeine helps!

9. Get Up & Move During the Day

Sedentary jobs are associated with greater risk for cardiovascular disease, not to mention weight gain. Incorporate some kind of movement every 30 minutes or so at work. Set a reminder on your phone, walk after meals, park further away, walk to lunch, take the stairs, walk on calls, just keep moving.

10. Get Sunshine

Get outside in nature as much as you can. Sunshine is vital to healthy vitamin D levels & walking in nature helps lower stress levels. Try Red Light Therapy. You can get a small portable one for your home. You can read all about my experience here in this blog, complete with a 20% discount code for EMR TEK: lilbitoffit20

Benefits include:

* Reduces oxidative stress
* Reduces inflammation & joint pain
* Increases muscle recovery
* Increases collagen production & tightens skin
* Reduces fine lines & wrinkles
* Increases hair growth
* Increases overall energy & vitality
* Increases wound healing, great for skin conditions
* Improves memory & vision quality
* Increases testosterone production
* Improves sleep & can aid in fat/weight loss

11. Reduce Eating Out & Alcohol

You consume more total calories when you eat out, & many of those calories will be empty, in the form of sugary beverages like pop & alcohol, & desserts. You won’t be tempted to indulge during a weak moment if you’re eating at home & no junk food or temptations are present.

12. Make Protein the Focus of All Meals

Undereating + over exercising = bone loss, muscle loss, & a hot metabolic & hormonal mess for women especially. We underestimate the protein we need, especially if we’re active. It’s all about that repair & regrowth of muscle mass & recovery that build a healthy, lean physique. We need protein for “tone” & if we’re not careful when we lose weight, we’re actually losing muscle instead of fat. For most, .8-1.2g of protein/lb of body weight or goal weight if you have more to lose (or even 1.5g/lb for some more petite, leaner, active women) is appropriate. Choose what’s right for you. Try to get at least 30-50g of protein per meal.

13. If You Consume Carbs, Choose Slower-Digesting Carbs Over Fast-Digesting

Slower-digesting carbs such as veggies, brown rice, whole grains, oats, sweet potatoes, & quinoa provide more sustained energy throughout the day & don’t spike your insulin as much. Fast-digesting carbs like sugar, white bread, candy, crackers, pancakes, bars, juices, baked goods, & most prepackaged stuff can spike blood sugar levels & increase the insulin response. Save these for your post-workout meal, when your body can use the extra carbs to replenish fuel stores if you must have them.  And don’t forget to keep sugary juices & drinks in check!

14. Set Eating Windows & Routine Meal Times

Routine meal times & some kind of food boundaries are helpful for most. Try fasting, which isn’t a dirty word. It simply means periods of not eating. Fasting 12-16hrs overnight would suffice for most. Nix late night eating & snacking in front of the tv. Set routine meal times. We should not be snacking in between meals. If you find you’re hungry in between meals, you’re most likely not eating enough food, especially protein &/or fat. Meals should keep us satiated for at least 3+ hours. Track your food if you don’t know. I use MyFitnessPal.  Awareness is a super power!

15. Realize Huge Muscles & Ripped Abs Don’t Equate To Being Fit & Healthy

Fitness is about more than big muscles & ripped abs. Flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength & endurance, & body composition are elements in determining how fit & healthy you really are. Realize there are specific activity & exercise regimens for each one of them. This goes back to tip number one, define your goals, create a system & plan accordingly.

16. Start With Simple Total Body Workouts

One of the simplest ways to ease into a weight workout is to do a total body workout 3x/week with a day of rest in between for recovery. A total body workout hits these major muscle groups: glutes, quads, hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, & core. Choose one exercise for each muscle group (multi joint exercises hit multiple body parts), training every other day. Examples: bench press, shoulder press, squat, deadlift, rows, pull-ups, push-ups.

17. Build Upon Your Workout Routine As You Gain Experience

As you gain experience in the gym, start adding more exercises and sets (volume) for each body part for better overall development. Rather than just doing longer workouts, start dividing your training into a split, such as push muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps) one day, pull muscles (back, biceps) on another, and legs on a third. Given the greater overall volume you do each session for those individual muscle groups, you’ll also need a longer recovery session before repeating that workout again.

18. Prioritize Strength Training & Use Cardio As A Lever For Fat Loss

To lose body fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Doing cardio is one way to widen the caloric deficit. But not all cardio strategies are created equal & more is not always better. Weight training is an essential component of weight loss. Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, meaning it burns off loads of calories all day long, even when you’re at rest. To build as much muscle tissue as possible, or even to keep it when dieting, train with moderately heavy weights in the 6-12-rep range. And stick with the multi joint exercises for the majority of your movements.

Studies have also shown that intense, moderately heavy lifting of this sort has the greatest effect on keeping your metabolism elevated for as long as 24 hours after your workout has ended. That significantly adds to the total number of calories burned!

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Ridiculously easy ways to burn calories without exercise!

People with great bodies have a dirty little secret…⁣

…OR maybe they’re simply just more aware of their activity & habits.⁣

I’ve found shifting your perspective is EVERYTHING. Especially when it comes to diet & exercise. It’s a myth that “exercise is only effective when you break a sweat.”⁣

People often ask me, “how can I exercise every day, how can I do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, & how can I make exercise a habit.” My answer remains the same — reinvent the meaning of exercise.⁣

Though exercise does shred calories to disperse extra stored fat, aid in muscle building, & mobility, it doesn’t always imply killing yourself in the gym to attain the body you want. Oftentimes we’re doing too much. extremes are not sustainable.⁣

Exercise shouldn’t be a forced time-based activity. That’s one of the reasons why most of us fail at exercising. It needs to be enjoyable & easy just like the diet or WOE (way of eating) you choose.⁣

You wouldn’t believe how many straightforward ways there are to burn calories, but it’s easy to miss the opportunities if you’re not looking for them.⁣

Research has shown that swapping sedentary habits, such as watching television, for pretty much anything that doesn’t involve sitting down can make a world of difference.⁣

I hope these simple tricks help you on your journey & explain how to take every opportunity to love life, flex your muscles, boost your heart rate, & eat foods that yield maximum nourishment & satiety for a happier, healthier life!⁣

Story continues here, swipe, save & share with your fellow #fitfam !⁣

oxox Coach K⁣

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

Since I’ve been on my gut healing & weight loss journey I have thought a lot about addiction. It’s really hard to admit you have a food addiction because everybody needs to eat in order to live.

There were several things that made me realize that I was addicted to food & THAT was the biggest culprit which exacerbated my Crohn’s issues & inability to get healthier & lose weight.

Maybe you can relate to these too…

Going past a McDonalds & instantly wanting to devour a large fry & 20 piece nugget whether I was hungry or not (And I did smash the ENTIRE meal!)

“Having” to have something sweet after dinner & eat in front of the tv.

Seeing other people eating, especially food I restricted or labeled as “bad,” longing to do so regardless if I had just eaten.

Hiding food & eating when your friends & family don’t know you are. I’d binge then throw it all up.

And just plain feeling out of control!

I’m sure you understand the feeling of waking up in the morning & saying you’re “going to do better today” & then you fail miserably like you did the day before.

Maybe you’re like I was. You’d go to bed at night & say that “tomorrow will be another day & you’ll start working out & eating right.” Then you don’t.

I remember saying one time if food were liquor, I would be drunk every day.

It’s taken over 2 decades to build the body you see today, I’ve been every shape & size! If I can do it, so can you!

Life lessons I learned along the way to hopefully help you transform too: How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023!

  • How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

oxox Coach K

7 Fat loss & fitness misconceptions keeping you stuck

7 Fat loss & fitness misconceptions keeping you stuck

Misconceptions & confusion that are most likely holding you back.

Like these: “I am not losing weight on the scale but am losing inches. Is this working?“ & “Muscle weighs more than fat”

Which isn’t actually true.

A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat. Just like a lb of chicken breasts weighs the same as a lb of ribeye…YES, one is fattier than the other, but a lb is a lb.

The more accurate way of saying this & probably what most people mean when they say this is “Muscle is more dense than fat.”

When you’re losing inches but not weight, this means that your body is going through what’s called recomposition or you’re losing body fat, which takes up a significant amount of space, & you’re left with a greater proportion of muscle, which takes up less space (i.e., more density)

This is actually a great sign due to the positive changes your metabolism & overall health are undergoing as you continue to build muscle


Muscle is the organ of longevity & metabolically taxing. This means that the more muscle you have on your body, the leaner you will be. The less muscle you have, the less efficient your body is at using the calories you consume on a daily basis & the greater decline you will have in your overall health.

The scale can be a useful tool to show long-term trends but it doesn’t give you the entire picture. Additionally, fluctuations in your scale weight can happen for SO many different reasons that have absolutely NOTHING to do with body fat gain or loss.

With that, here are 7 fat loss and fitness misconceptions that are most likely keeping you!

  • 7 Fat loss & fitness misconceptions keeping you stuck
  • 7 Fat loss & fitness misconceptions keeping  you stuck

Hope these deets help!

Oxoxo Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

The Hard AF Truth Why You Struggle In Life, With Food And Fitness

the hard af truth why you struggle in life, with food & fitness

Gut check moment: I realized I felt incapable of discovering who I was or what I wanted on my own.

This was why I couldn’t find the right diet, career path, or relationship.
One of those “Fxck, it WAS me all along” moments.

Now, hear me out, I see no problem in seeking guidance when searching for your life path. And I know part of finding your path includes finding your identity & making mistakes. In fact, it’s essential to know who you are to discover your purpose in this world.

What I did & what I take issue with is when people feel incapable of discovering who they are or what they want on their own, placing their value in people pleasing, diet & exercise “camps,” what they look like, achievements, titles, &/or how much money they have in their bank accounts.

Ya feel me?

On the evening he died, Buddha delivered his final, but one of his most powerful teachings for generations to come.

As recounted by many historians, he gathered with his monks encouraging them to continue practicing everything he taught them long after he was gone.

His words, translated into modern English: “I was only able to point the way for you.”
He furthered: “All individual things pass away. Strive on with diligence.”
He also told them: “Be a lamp unto yourself, be a refuge to yourself. Take yourself to no external refuge.”

Essentially, he was telling them that he himself & his teachings were not the source of happiness, well-being, peace, & wisdom. Instead, he reminded them that to become FULLY FREE, they needed to find their truth FOR themselves & WITHIN themselves.

I feel Buddha was urging us to see this truth: although you may search the world over trying to find it, your ultimate refuge is none other than your own being.

In other words – You do you, Boo.

Hope this meets you where ever you need…the hard af truth why you struggle in life, with food & fitness + a few rules will make you stronger than you’ve ever been.

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  • the hard af truth why you struggle in life, with food & fitness

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hoosier farm girl & Purdue University grad, Katie is a multifaceted girlboss! She’s a nutritionist, radiologic technologist, personal coach, executive assistant, motivational speaker & writer, & brand growth consultant working with individuals, businesses, organizations, & executives.
She specializes in gut health, sports nutrition, disordered eating, social branding, human connection, and how to optimize life to attract health, wealth, & happiness.
Katie welcomes all preferences & skill levels with a no diet dogma or one size-size-fits-all approach to health, wellness, fitness, & nutrition.
After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit

Do this right now to start living your best life

live your best life list katie kelly indiana lilbitoffit

@lil_bit_of_fit ‘s Live Your Best Life List
If you’re ready to begin again, start here!

Sharing my list!

Name off at least 3 things you’re grateful & do at least one thing that brings you joy. Smile more. Compliment more. Do at least one nice thing for someone every day. Make a vision board or list on Pinterest & fill it with visions, quotes, pictures, & expanders of the life, love, body, & person you desire to embody. Believe you are worthy & deserving. Listen to positive podcasts, read books, surround yourself with extraordinary people & nurturing environment.

Get a walk or some kind of movement done 1st thing in the morning. Be intentional about getting 10K steps/d. Choose nourishing food that does not cause any negative physical or mental triggers. Eat slow & mindfully. Hit your protein grams/d. At least 30-50g/meal. Average 2-3 meals/d, no snacking. Let your carbs & fat grams fall where they will. Eat at your maintenance calories the majority of the year. Hydrate. Walk after meals, even 10 minutes. Eat your largest meal & carbs (if you eat them) after your workout & taper meal sizes off later in the day. Moderate caffeine & alcohol. Strength train 3-4 x/week. Use HIIT cardio wisely.

Do sh*t you love everyday, fill your cup. Sleep 7-8 hrs/night. Take rest days. Sweat, get sunshine & nature as much as you can. Live by the 4 agreements: Be Impeccable With Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, Always Do Your Best.

LOVE what you do. Spend & invest wisely. Find out what you love to do & get paid well for it. Realize you work to live not live to work. Money is good, it’s energy & freedom. Give back. Wealth means more than just money in the bank. Make decisions from a source of love not greed or loathing. You deserve a life of abundance!

Connect with your people. Make memories! Tell people you love them. Communicate efficiently & often. Seek first to understand before judging. Your network is your net worth. Every opportunity is a networking opportunity, carpe diem, savor the present.

  • live your best life list katie kelly indiana lilbitoffit

That’s it. There’s mine. Make your own! Remember motivation is fleeting, but you have the choice to be a person who keeps commitments to themselves!

Now that know better…

Do better


Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

5 Principles That Will Make You Incredibly Fit

get fit girl lilbitoffit carnivore diet

Y’all, the diet and fitness industry is keeping you unfit. There I said it.

Many of them promise 6 pack abs in a pill or quick fix. They profit on your weakness, poor health, and most of all, your ignorance.

I too was told by medical professions and “gurus” all I needed to do to lose weight and improve my gut issues were eat less calories, eat more fiber, more fruits and vegetables, and drink more water. All of which I did, gaining more weight, worse constipation, and exacerbated gut symptoms.

It’s CLEARLY not a one-size-fits-all or easy answer like eat less.

If you knew what truly matters when it comes to health and transformation, you wouldn’t fall for all the BS.

There are certain foundational principles that will help you get incredibly fit.

I made big mistakes in my fitness journey juggling digestive problems, disordered eating, & fueling like an athlete for performance.⁣

I remember starving myself after workouts because I thought I’d “undo” all my hard work. ⁣

I thought I’d be “toned” & have better energy but what I actually got was “skinny fat,” weak, & bloated.
What does it take to optimize workouts?⁣⁣
1. Adequate food quantity & proper meal timing for your workouts
2. The RIGHT food (what you can digest & absorb efficiently mentally & physically)⁣
3. Appropriate stimulus (WEIGHTS & cardio)⁣⁣
4. Consistency (not perfection)⁣⁣
5. Recovery (SLEEP & rest days)⁣⁣
Liquids & low volume, easy to digest foods will be your best friend when it comes to IBS & IBD & eating closer to workout times.

meat bars lilbitoffit carnivore diet
Here’s my post workout meal this morning! I post these on the reg on IG

Athletes have special needs:⁣⁣

  • An endurance athlete? You train for high-level competition. You log a lot of high intensity miles each week. For you, carb or fat & calorie needs are likely higher.⁣⁣
  • Training as a bodybuilder? You lift weights with serious muscle growth in mind. Your protein & calorie needs are likely higher.⁣⁣
  • Getting ready for a fitness competition? You’re trying to drop to a single-digit body fat %. For you, carbs or fats would be lower depending on the individual & protein would be higher.⁣⁣
athlete shapes and sizes lilbitoffit
My body has been all shapes and sizes! They required different diets and different macros.

Basic Generalizations:⁣⁣

  • Carbs & Fats are your fuel sources. If you eat carbs, they’re more appropriate for the Crossfits, Cyclebar, Orange Theory, Shred415, F45, etc. We burn a ton of carbs doing high intensity activity for long periods of time. You can also fuel with fat if you’re fat adapted, I do.
  • Eat 90-120 min prior to exercise⁣⁣, minimize added fats or fiber around workouts for digestive ease⁣. 2:1 ratio carbs to protein for traditional dieters. Ex: 50g carbs, 25g protein ⁣
  • 5am’ers training fasted, just eat a delicious carb (traditional) or fat-filled (keto or carnivore) dinner the night before.

⁣ I’d be happy to guide you in the right direction, link here to coaching options!

lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

When is the best time to workout?

best workout time

Q: When is the best time to workout?

It’s different for us all, you may be on team “whenever my kids or job leave me alone long enough”

There’s no right answer here, & no specific time is necessarily best. Workout whenever it fits into your schedule AND keeps you going back!

If you hate waking up in the morning & the thought of working out early is miserable, then evening workouts are probly in your best interest.

For me, I love morning workouts. No matter what the day throws at me, I don’t have to risk missing my workout or an excuse that I’m tired & don’t feel like doin it. This is part of my morning routine & success regimen. You should have one too.

I also find I have significantly more energy & my attitude is more positive the rest of the day if I do workout. Also helps me sleep.

If you prefer to workout fasted, or follow intermittent fasting, it’s also much easier to roll out in the morning to get your workout done while in a fasted state before hunger sets in.

There are benefits to working out at night too. Many find they have greater strength at the end of the day due to being in the fed state, more awake, & better flexibility/mobility.

Plus, we cannot ignore the fact that life can be stressful af, & there is no better stress relief than walking or sweating it out after a long day.

Which one are you?

oxox Coach K

Helpful Guides and Links

#crossfitwod #workouttips #girlswholift #strongmom #fitmom #fitat40 #fitover40 #carnivore #crossfit #f45 #orangetheory #bodybuilding #crohnswarrior #meatdiet #workoutoftheday #fitnessmotivation #carnivorewomen #carnivoreaf #lowcarbdiet #ketodiet #carnivorediet #indyblogger #carnivorecoach #getlean #nutritioncoach #lchddiet #ketocarnivore #carnivoreketo #workoutroutine #dailyworkout