Me – eat meat bars. 😂 🥩 ♨️
But really…
I know I’m not the only one out there that has let themselves get to the point where your mood is basically, “Fxck EVERYTHING.” That deserves an LOL fo sho!
There’s no way to sugarcoat this – I’m just telling ya like it is. Coach “Keepin it Real” K 🙋♀️
We can’t BS ourselves & say we don’t know how we got here, because in retrospect – WE DO. This is a big topic my clients & I talk about & how we can prevent these roadblocks from stopping us in our tracks.
To offer a lil bit of help, so this “mood” doesn’t swallow & paralyze you to the point that overwhelm, poor health, weight gain, hopelessness, depression, & normal functioning stops (as you see it impacts you both emotionally & physically) — here are some exercises that have helped me & my clients avoid major catastrophes!

Create a “Control & Release” List
One of the first things I do with clients who are dealing with burnout or hopelessness is have them write a list of everything that’s stressing them out, or making them angry & upset.
Then, we go through the list & divide it into things that are within their control, & things that are beyond their control. Like a pros & cons list.
You can’t avoid work hours or certain bills or social/family commitments but you can control how are you react to them, things like your sleep, over training or lack of movement, choosing foods that make you feel nourished & fantastic vs guilty & bloated, self-care time.
The point is to get familiar with what’s demanding the bulk of your time & energy, assessing how you’re reacting to it, & controlling only what you can control.
Create “You Time”
We need time to ground. Setting aside time each day that are completely your own will only serve you positively in every facet of your life. Doesn’t matter what it is. It could be getting a pedicure, taking a walk, coloring, journaling, meditating, catching a workout, taking yourself out on a date. I would even suggest putting it in your scheduler as an appointment to keep “work” from bleeding into your time.
Invest In A Coach or Mentor
We live in a society & culture that is all hustle. Seek out those people who seem to balance it well and embody the life and the person you desire to be. I call them expanders.
“Success leaves clues.” – Tony Robbins
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” – quoted by so many top leaders
You’ve probably heard it more times than you can count…
“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn.
There’s also the “show me your friends & I’ll show you your future” derivative.
Whichever you’ve heard, the intent is the same. Audit the people around you!
Create “Personal Success Boundaries” to help you navigate socializing.
While I agree one of the preventative tactics for burnout is to have a robust & fulfilling social & home life, constantly getting texts/calls/DMs/Snapchats, whatever, can be taxing, & energetically draining too. Especially for us introverts & empaths.
To avoid getting into the “I have no people juice left or fxcks to give” zone, you gotta set boundaries, sis.
This can look however you want it to. Maybe it’s letting people know that you’ll be slow to text back or “off the grid” till Monday. Or it could be as simple as saying NO to certain people & things, because you’ve decided they’re energy draining vs energy giving. Or maybe it interferes with your workout time or Netflix & chill time, whatevs.
Whatever your success boundaries, stick to them as best as you can AND communicate your “rules” to folks in your inner circle as they come up.
If somebody doesn’t understand them or can’t evolve WITH YOU — they’re NOT your people. I don’t care how hot they are, this especially matters in romantic relationships. The people meant to be in your life align with you at this very moment. Learn to be unattached to outcomes & lovingly release what is not meant for you. Anything meant for you you should not have to chase and it shouldn’t be hard.
Balance shxtty tasks with things that bring you JOY
Know what brings you joy, unapologetically.
I say this all the time, “Self-awareness is your superpower.”
If lifting weights doesn’t bring you joy, and running does – run. And vice versa.
If you love staying at home but your friends &/or other half likes to be social, find a balance! Stay home this weekend and go out the next.
If you hate your job or relationship or financial situation or the fact you don’t feel well & don’t like your body – you have the power to choose again & choose a thought or something that brings you JOY.
There is so much abundance out there if you keep an open mind & heart, just focus on doing what makes you happy & give up expectations, control, & worry.

I hope these exercises help you feel a lil better on a day to day basis, which is a sunnier place to launch & will give you the ability to advocate for the bigger inner, & subsequently, outer changes we desperately seek ❤️🌈
And if you need to book a consultation and talk, about whatever is hindering you – nutrition, health, life, relationship related – fill out an inquiry HERE and we’ll schedule time.
Oxox Coach K