Yesterday’s magic is today’s science

Yesterday’s magic is today’s science.

What you think is magic may just be science that you don’t quite understand yet.

Stay with me here…

I’ll relate this to all of those quick fixes you think were magic, for example:

cutting carbs

slashing calories

choosing a specific diet camp

Changing your morning routine & adopting a more positive mindset…

…yesterday you may have thought these were magic when in reality it all comes down to:


how your body works

the power of your thoughts

how your behaviors & habits are wired & learned

the impact of your past on your present & how you choose to move forward

The point of this post is to do your own life admin. Be a forever student, be open to learning new things & experimenting fearlessly. 

Stop relying on other people to tell you what to do without learning why things work and why they don’t and why you are making the choices and thinking the thoughts of your every day. 

You have all the answers you need.

I’ll leave you with this…

…when we lose our intuition to listen to ourselves & allow ourselves to become lost in information & what everyone else is doing — we lose everything.

You can hire the best coaches, teachers, doctors etc, but if you don’t learn from yourself, learn to trust, & stop worrying about what other people think of you or your decisions — you’re allowing other people to live your lives for you.

Tough love ❤️ 


Coach K