Love people for the humans they are

I cringed. Conversation starter…saw a T-shirt this mornin that said, “The best man for the job is a woman.”🫣

Why do we feel the need to have to hate on the opposite sex? I’m so grateful my parents taught me it’s OK to be a “girl” & it’s OK to be strong like a “man” too. They just wanted my brothers & I to be ourselves.

Listen Linda, I’ve been divorced twice, but I still LOVE & appreciate men. I’m grateful for y’all. I acknowledge there are some things you men do way better than me, & I’m totally OK letting you do it.

I love everything about women, too, we’re both simply unique. (get yer minds out of the gutter, because I know they went there😂)

My mom taught me I can do anything a man can do, & if I can’t, I can hire it done. 

💁🏼‍♀️Girl boss shi*t level 100

— THIS is more about being a self-sufficient human, not hating on the other sex.

It’s like when I get questions when you could’ve simply Googled & YouTubed that shiz

Ima straight shooter, we real talk on this channel. Y’all can do your own life admin.

I know I don’t need someone to take care of me nor do I feel like I have to have a man to be happy, but I do love the feeling of having someone to protect & take care of me because they want to.

Successful relationships thrive because you see each other as equals & want the best for one another. Your happiness is my happiness. 

Not because either one feels they can’t take care of themselves or are incomplete without the other.

A negative pattern I used to fall into, I would attract partners where I quickly fell into the role of mom, teacher, &/or enabler.

Karen, we ain’t got time for that.

And neither do you guys. Choose a woman that makes you want to be a better man, that lets you be yourself, lets you be the provider, lets you be the more masculine, enjoys taking care of you & most importantly, is your best friend.

Ladies, vice versa.

A healed, confident person is honest, blunt af, & tells you exactly who they are & what they want. If you’re confused, there’s your answer.

How bout we all simply love people for the humans we are & what we bring to the table?!

Oxox Coach K

Would love to hear yawls experiences and thoughts on IG !