A reminder on being dogmatic about your diet

How bout we start our week off with a laugh? (& #MeatBars of course) Then somethin I wanna remind y’all, especially our newbie “carnivores” out there.

Saw a meme this mornin that said somethin like: 

How to be an adult:

  • pay your bills
  • Don’t do meth
  • Eat bacon (I’ll add beef 🥩😉)


Seriously tho…

I’d also like to add “- Go your own way” to this list.

Had some people flip their sh*t that I included rice cakes on my list of how to build a meat-based meal on last nights post. 

“Well won’t that spike your insulin???? We’re not supposed to eat those!!!” They said. 

Y’ALL…it all comes down to what you metabolize & absorb properly, what you digest efficiently, the quantity, your emotional relationship with that food, what food combos you pair that food with, the application of why you’re choosing to consume that food & when – I could go on & on. 

A lotttttta stuff right?!

Numerous factors come into play when it comes to what kind of food, diet, & workouts are right for you.

The same thing with trying to figure out your career path or love life or purpose, etc – we are all going to be different!

Also, if you’re not digesting fat properly you’re also going to have a hard time controlling & stabilizing your blood sugar most likely. Carbs are not the enemy here. It comes down to body function & your relationship with foods.

ANY food or substance you put into your mouth (let’s keep it clean here 😆) are going to stimulate some kind of body function reaction & response. Protein & fat both raise blood glucose to varying degrees.

If you can’t break down food to absorb & utilize the nutrients like fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc. you will experience sub optimal health & struggle with body goals. 

Food preferences will be different for all of us. Life is way too short to be dogmatic about anything in life especially love, food & fitness.

So let’s not over complicate things, be overly sensitive, & take everything so personally that we allow the silliest things to cut like a knife & make a wound that doesn’t need to be there.

Trust the journey of your life & you will gradually outgrow what you thought you should do. You’ll outgrow what you thought you couldn’t live without & fall in love with what you truly needed & what was meant to be❤️


Coach K