You see, I used to be made fun of because I was the smart girl & was shy.
I read — A LOT…because it helped me escape.
I used to hide it.
As I aged, I realized the importance of being a forever student & figuring out the best ways for me to learn, comprehend, & APPLY the knowledge to daily life.
You can read all the books & listen to all the podcasts in the world but if you can’t comprehend AND apply the knowledge you learn, you’re wasting your time.
Knowledge + ACTION = Power.
If you don’t like to read, listen to audiobooks & podcasts & take notes! You’re more likely to remember & comprehend the material.
Ex: I’m a busy body, so I listen to many audiobooks & podcasts while cleaning, cooking, walking, driving, & in between patients at work.
It’s a part of my daily morning routine, called #habitstacking
I take notes on my notes page on my phone & on paper for review.
We don’t know everything, but everyday we have opportunity to learn! Utilize your time wisely.
I know when it’s time to rest, however, the majority of my days are spent investing in myself whether via exercise, learning, self care, service, reading, podcasts, optimizing my day, tackling my to do list, creating, helping others, & aligning to opportunities for extra income so I have more time & freedom to love & live life joyfully.
I align to as much abundance as possible so that I can give back to others less fortunate.
From my brain & bookshelves to you, some of my favorite books/podcasts/YouTube’s.
A multitude I want to put here! And like me (& you), this list is ever-changing & evolving!
Swipe & make sure you save tag & share this with a friend on IG!

BOOKS – All on Amazon Favorites List Here
Millionaire Morning @lewishowes
The Power Of Now, Eckhart Tolle
The Perfect Day Formula @realcraigballantyne
The Four Agreements @donmiguelruiz
One Word, Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, Jimmy Page
12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson
The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday
48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, @robertgreeneofficial
The One Thing, Gary Keller
Start With Why, Simon Sinek
Subtle Art or Not Giving a F*ck @markmansonnet
School of Greatness @lewishowes
The Power Of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey
The Alchemist @paulocoelho
How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie
The Go-Giver, Bob Burg, John David Mann
5 Love Languages, Gary Chapman
The Secret, The Power @rhonda_byrne
Limitless, @jimkwik
As A Man Thinketh, James Allen
Healthy Gut Healthy You @drruscio
The Purpose Driven Life @pastorrickwarren
The Carnivore Cure @nutritionwithjudy
The Hormone Cure @saragottfriedmd
The Period Repair Manual @larabriden
Beyond the Pill @drjolenebrighten
Atomic Habits @james_clear
Super Attractor, @gabbybernstein
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay
How to Do the Work @the.holistic.psychologist
End Emotional Eating @drjennytaitz
I Am Enough @marisapeertherapy
Single on Purpose @theangrytherapist
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B Cialdini
Radically Content, Jamie Varon
The Game of Life & How to Play It, Florence Scovel Shinn
Creating Money Attracting Abundance, Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer
Think Like a Monk, Jay Shetty
The Power of One More, Ed Mylett
Lucky Bitch, Denise Duffield-Thomas
Get Rich Lucky Bitch, Denise Duffield-Thomas
Chillpreneuer, Denise Duffield-Thomas
Rich Bitch, Nicole Lapin
The Power of When, Michael Breus
On Purpose, @JayShetty
Mind Pump @mindpumpmedia
Better with Dr. Stephanie
Elite Physique University & Excellence Cartel @jeffunbreakableblack @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro
School of Greatness @lewishowes
Tailored Life @codymcbroom
The Cabral Concept @stephencabral
Expanded @tobemagic
The Keto Savage @ketosavage
Angry Therapist @theangrytherapist
Carnivore Yogi @carnivore.yogI
MyZeroCarbLife @kelly_hogan91
Dr. Ken Berry,
Optimal Protein, @ketogenicgirl
Mark Groves @createthelove
Marisa Peer @marisapeertherapy
The Goal Digger Podcast, @jennakutcher
The Rachel Hollis Podcast, @rachelhollis
Enjoy y’all!
oxox Coach K