How to hit your protein & examples of meat based meals on carnivore, low carb, and keto

Meal prep cheat sheets to help give y’all visuals on examples of how to break down meals. 

Had tons of questions about how to hit 50g of protein. The biggest tip is TRACK YOUR FOOD! 

I like MyFitnessPal.

Educate yourself on what it is you’re consuming in meals. You don’t have to track forever, but self awareness is an investment that will serve you for a lifetime.

Here are cheat sheets of a variety of meats & animal based foods to make this as easy & basic af as possible!

You can eat 2-3 meals/d or even 4 of you need to. You guys can do things however you want, there is no right or wrong way.

Protein requirements will vary for different individuals, your goals, food & training preferences, health history, digestibility, etc…

I still recommend weighing out your meat raw, which is the information available on the label. Meat shrinks down 20-30% in weight after cooking. I find most people are either weighing & logging meat incorrectly &/or are inefficient at eyeballing. 

Also included the “meat your macros” with #MeatBars examples if you like 2 meals/d.

Hitting protein goals is a non-negotiable. Starting out hitting your maintenance macros is also highly recommended when adjusting to this way of eating (WOE). Use the to find yours.

Our need for protein becomes even more important if we’re avid exercisers, in a muscle-gaining phase, a fat loss phase, &/or as we age.

My typical range is .8-1.2g/lb of bodyweight for most active individuals. The leaner the individual, the higher protein most can tolerate or require. I’ve had some even prefer up to 1.5g/lb of bw especially if they’re carnivore & in a fat loss phase. Those with more body fat, I’d likely have aim closer towards that ~0.8 recommendation.

Some examples I’ve used with clients:

21-40 y/o, 105 lb, 5’0-5’2 lean individual = ~105-158g protein (~1.0-1.5)

30 y/o, 120 lb, 5’2-5’3 lean individual = ~120-135 grams protein (~1.0–1.1)

30 y/o, 160 lb, 5’3-5’5 individual = ~130 grams protein (~0.8)

45 y/o+, 130 lb, 5’3 individual = ~130-145 grams protein (~1.0-1.1)

Happy meal prepping!

The biggest question asked this week and your answer: what is your daily food & fitness routine?

  1. The fact I match my coffee cup is making my OCD so happy right now. 
  2. Most common question yesterday from y’all was about my daily routine & workouts so I’m gonna post the helpful infographics to give y’all ideas for the week!
Fyi! Special flash sale on the complete guide to meat & macros here!

There’s a LOTTA newbies round here, welcome! Bookmark these, save them as a reference as you wish.

If you’re lost on your path to success, go back to where it all began & start fresh.⁣

You asked me how I figured out my routine, & it came from decades of making all the mistakes. My routine also changes with my learning & seasons.⁣

When I began this Instagram years ago I used it as an outlet for myself & an inlet for others to join in my life journey. An honest & real depiction through the most incredible rollercoaster ride I will ever be on. ⁣

Success, whatever your definition, won’t come easy. Habits & routines constantly evolve through your life. But there will be life truths that always ring true to bring you back to the ground where your roots were planted. ⁣


1.) You will never become the person you want to be if you don’t take care of your body. ⁣

2.) You are the sum of your surroundings. ⁣

3.) A wish is not a goal. ⁣

4.) The most important relationship you have is with yourself. ⁣

5.) The beauty is in the mess. ⁣

6.) Rich is in the eye of the beholder. ⁣

7.) The most important food in the world is soul food. ⁣

Your life is a field of dreams. And like a farmer, you only reap an abundant harvest if you nurture the soil. Remember if you can’t love the reflection in the mirror with tummy rolls you’re not ready to love the reflection with a six pack. Appreciate your seasons. ⁣

I mapped out my new daily routine here + workout structures, swipe away. ⁣

I also created a PDF version with clickable links & clickable images to take you to the appropriate information. @swanwick @goultima @nuethix_formulations @emrtekinc @amazon 

Link to guides in IG bio as well!⁣

As always, hope this helps you create a routine of your own!!⁣

⁣PS you can purchase your copy of the workout guide here: This Workout Guide + Free access to the Lilbitoffit’s 100 page Guide to Optimizing Food & Fitness 

**If you guys need to use other methods of payment, feel free to email me or reach out via Instagram and I will get you fixed up ! Email:

IG @lil_bit_of_fit


Coach K⁣

Why your body never changes and what to do instead

Listen, I belonged to the “I’m working my azz off (literally) club why am I not seeing results?” for decades.⁣ 

Weekends were always excuses, social time was always an excuse, i’ve been good all week so I deserve this…it’s easy to make excuses. 

Happy swiping. Do any of these sound familiar to you?⁣

Triggered much?⁣

Good. Our triggers tell us where we need to heal & change.⁣

The majority of the questions asked this week were centered around not seeing body change or fat loss despite cutting food.

Most of the time they come down to these things that you don’t want to hear. 

If you keep doing what you’ve always done you will always get the same result. Remember that. ⁣

I tell you guys these things with love.⁣

You’re worth the change.⁣

Oxox Coach K⁣

How much protein should you eat and how to get in 30+ grams

Wonder how much meat you need to consume to hit 30+ grams of protein? Don’t want to track your food?

Here’s a cheat sheet of a variety of meats & animal based foods to make this as easy & basic af as possible! Protein requirements will vary for different individuals, your goals, food & training preferences, health history, digestibility, etc…

I would still recommend weighing out your meat raw, which is the information available on the label. Meat shrinks down 20-30% in weight after cooking. I find most people are either weighing & logging meat incorrectly &/or are inefficient at eyeballing. I was too! I also made the mistake of not adding the fat back on my meat after cooking which accounted for hundreds of calories less than I thought I was consuming. This can make or break your progress.

Hitting protein goals is a non-negotiable just like getting quality sleep. Protein helps us build muscle, recover, & keeps us more satiated in contrast to eating carbs. Most find you’re hungry an hour or so eating a carb based meal or snack.

Our need for protein becomes even more important if we’re avid exercisers, in a muscle-gaining phase, a fat loss phase, &/or as we age.

To quote + current research: “if you’re of healthy weight, active, & wish to build muscle, to aim for 1.6–2.4 g/kg (0.73–1.10 g/lb) in grams of protein.”

My typical range is .8-1.2g/lb of bodyweight for most active individuals. The leaner the individual, the higher protein most can tolerate or require. I’ve had some even prefer up to 1.5g/lb of bw especially if they’re carnivore & in a fat loss phase. Those with more body fat, I’d likely have aim closer towards that ~0.8 recommendation.

Some examples I’ve used with clients:
21-40 y/o, 105 lb, 5’0-5’2 lean individual = ~105-158g protein (~1.0-1.5)
30 y/o, 120 lb, 5’2-5’3 lean individual = ~120-135 grams protein (~1.0–1.1)
30 y/o, 160 lb, 5’3-5’5 individual = ~130 grams protein (~0.8)
45 y/o+, 130 lb, 5’3 individual = ~130-145 grams protein (~1.0-1.1)

Now go smash some meat!


Coach K

Body recomposition & losing body fat on higher protein carnivore

Body recomposition goes hand-in-hand with making sure your body feels safe enough to lose body fat which means you’re eating adequate calories for optimal body function, aka: you’re in good hormonal & metabolic health.

When I started my fitness journey my goal was to lose as much weight as possible on the scale. I had no idea what body recomposition meant. 

I got down to 105 lbs, by basically starving myself & doing cardio all the time. My current body looks completely different now, same weight. 

Know that the body you desire may take years to build & develop, mine has taken nearly a decade.

I was shocked at a check up for insurance at work 10+ years ago when they told me my body fat was 25% at 105lbs. Huge wake up call! I was #skinnyfat

I went carnivore 2 years ago, took a higher fat approach at first, gained weight (15lbs) my body fat was higher at almost ~26%. I switched to a higher protein/moderate fat approach & that is truly when my body changed to the lean physique you see today.

I’m not saying this is right for everyone but I just wanna explain you don’t have to fear food &/or higher protein even when you go low carb. 

You can make your diet cyclical too. You don’t have to follow a higher protein approach forever just make sure however you’re eating it aligns with whatever your body goal is.

People freak out & they think just because they’re not in high levels of ketosis they’re not gonna be able to lose body fat. 

I was never in a high level of ketosis & I still managed to lose 20lbs. Finally took an inbody scan & my body fat is now around 14-16% which I realize is pretty low for a female. I’m being transparent about my journey & experiences. This is the lowest my body fat has ever been & the best I’ve felt.

No matter what diet camp you belong to, if you’re gonna crush 2 habits a day please make them be SLEEP & eating enough protein 😴 🥩 🦾⁣! 

Swipe for tips that helped me!

Simply sharing my personal experiences & years working with clients as a nutrition coach. I hope these help you however you need!

I also have a 354 page guide I brained dumped everything learned throughout my years as a nutrition coach & on a carnivore diet.

Tap for Link!

Link in IG bio to get yours! I created a special discount price for you guys today! 😉 

Tips that helped me

You don’t have to cram all your protein down your pie hole in 1 meal/d or fast. Split up up your meals for optimal digestion, satiety, energy, & adherence.

It’s not only hard on your digestive system to break down protein but large meals make it even that harder. ⁣

If you’re experiencing that crash post meal, take a look at your meal size. You may do better with more frequent/smaller sizes. ⁣

Protein helps us build muscle, aka we look better naked. It also keeps us satiated & full. Trust me, if you’re eating enough protein in your meal you’re not gonna want all that other bullshxt.⁣⁣

I’ve 2 ends of the spectrum, those eating barely enough to keep a bird alive, & the opposite with my meat based peeps, smashing 200-300g of protein because they fear fat. We gotta balance them out y’all. ⁣

Protein is even more important when we are in fat loss deficits & as we age. We want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible so often we need to increase our protein needs.⁣

My general recommendation is 1g/lb of body weight if you’re in a normal healthy range, or goal weight if you have more weight to lose. ⁣

Super lean, active individuals typically require higher protein levels. Some up to 1.2-1.7g/lb. (I fit that profile, active + lift, 5’1, 105lbs, ~16%bf. I consume ~160-180ish g/d. Doesn’t mean you need to eat like this but an illustration that everyone’s needs are different.)⁣

General Client Examples:⁣

🤍 105-110lbs, 5’0-5’2 females ~110-130g⁣

🤍 115-130lbs, 5’1-5’3 females ~120-140g⁣

🤍 135-150lbs, 5’4-5’6 females ~140-160g⁣

🤍 155-175lbs, 5’5-5’8 females ~155-180g⁣

🤍 175-200lbs, 5’8-6’0 females ~175-200g⁣

Save, tag, share w/yo frans🎉 

Signs you’re eating at your maintenance calories & what you need to do if you are not

Y’all wanna know what most people get wrong when it comes to dieting in general?

Not dieting. 

We weren’t meant to live in a constant state of restriction. Feeling like sh*t, no energy no matter how many coffee or Bangs I shoved down my pie hole, chronic constipation, no body comp changes, cold all the freakin time – THAT was my normal back in the day.

I committed every sin I’ve talked about here on the interwebs. I used to CrossFit my a$$ off hours a day 7 d/wk on 1500 calories, eating all the carbs & plants, wrecking me mentally & physically. I wondered why I could never recover & I never looked “jacked” like other female athletes that weren’t working “half as hard” & eating twice as much as me.

Like a fine wine bitches. 😉

Fast forward today, my 39 year old self finally fit the puzzle pieces together & learned not to fear food, not to see it as something I had to earn or burn off. I’m 5’1, 105lbs. I workout 5 d/wk, I lift & CrossFit, I walk a lot, and I eat ALOT. I avg 1850-2000 calories a day most days, primarily ground beef, eggs, lamb, & Perdue ground chicken.

Reminder, maintenance calories are how many calories we can eat in a day & maintain optimal body function without seeing any changes to muscle & fat composition. In other words, chillin like a villain. 

If you’re eating below where you need to be calorically & basically feeling the exact opposite of the signs we’re talkin about in the slides of this post, you most likely need to do what’s called a reverse diet. Don’t know how? I have a whole 354 page EGuide with a section dedicated to this very subject.

Included are some things you may not want to hear:

A healthy body loses body fat & any weight you gain in the process of gaining health is weight you needed to gain.

It may take years to get the body you want going through numerous periodization cycles.

There is a cost to being a certain level of lean. 

That athletic body you covet just may weigh more than you think.

Unless you’re a newbie & never worked out before or dieted, fat loss takes a calorie deficit, muscle gain takes at least maintenance & more likely surplus. Pick one. You cannot do both at the same time.

Also, our bodies are all different. What weight & body fat % one person is might work great for them as far as hormonal & metabolic health, others it may not be optimal & you may need to eat more to remedy any issues.

And if you refuse to eat more when you need to restore your health, you have far pressing more important issues than looking good in a bikini.

Keepin it real,

Coach K

Meeting your Carnivore Macros with Lilbitoffit’s Crispy Airfryer #MeatBars & cheat sheets for different body goals

Q: If I eat 2 lbs of meat what would my macros be? Also don’t know what my macros should be for different goals?

Basic AF “Meat Your Macros” with Crispy Airfryer #MeatBars + Carnivore Macros Examples 

Please read the visuals & captions. I answer many redundant questions if you guys would read the posts in it’s entirety. I say this with love❤️

Tap photo for all the Cheat Sheets on IG


There are 100 different ways to “Meat” your macros. All of our bodies/goals/histories/needs are different, which means all of our macro nutrient ratios are going to be different.⁣

I’m not saying you guys have to eat this way but I’m breaking it down so y’all have a visual!Using 2 meals/d as a generic simple “meal plan” AGAIN, go your own way most of us carnivores eat 1-3 meals/day, avg 2. 

⁣ QUICK REMINDER ON HOW TO WEIGH, LOG, & TRACK MEAT CORRECTLY! ⬇️ and check out this article if you are not consuming all of the fat that’s in the bottom of your air fryer, or you blot or drain your meat:

Please check out this article!

In a Fat Loss Cut? Most of you will choose 1-2 meals/day. Maybe you’re fat cycling too

In a Muscle Building Phase? I suggest 3 meals/day to get your calories in 

Many of you are choosing super lean meats like chicken breasts because you’re still stuck in that bro diet mindset.⁣ Talked about this in a YouTube video yesterday – YouTube link in IG bio!

Our fuel sources are carbs & fats. When you take away carbs, the fuel source you have left are fats. 

If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances & low energy, check your fat to protein ratios. Your protein may be too high.  You have to eat ample fat for healthy hormone balance & to get your calories up to function like a normal human being.⁣

Swipe for all the meal prep & macros examples to help you!


Coach K

Common Link Notes:

Purchase 354 page Ultimate Meat & Macros Guide PDF Link 🤗

Complete Supplement & Product PDF Guide link

#MeatBars Recipe Guide


Coaching FAQ’s

All links:

The 5 top habits that helped me lose & keep off 55lbs + Carnivore Tips for Body Transformation!

The 5 top habits that helped me lose & keep off 55lbs + Carnivore Tips for Body Transformation!

Tap for YouTube

We cover your questions:

  • Top 5 Foundational Habits to body transformation
  • What can I eat on Carnivore?
  • Caution Foods
  • How do I curb cravings?
  • Diarrhea and constipation?
  • Meal timing, how much do I eat?
  • Macros, building muscle, losing fat?
  • Slow digestion tips?
  • Easiest way is to prep food?
  • Easiest food to track & digest?
  • How do I save money on Carnivore?
  • Ordering out? What do I tell others?
  • Do I have to track glucose & ketones to lose body fat?
  • Do I need to eat plants in fiber?
  • I’ve had bariatric surgery/a gastric sleeve can I still do Carnivore? Tips?
  • Is carnivore good for IBS & IBD?
  • Do I count carbs or net carbs? Can I eat honey & sweet potatoes?

Show notes⬇️

Purchase 354 page Ultimate Meat & Macros Guide PDF Link 🤗

Complete Supplement & Product PDF Guide link:

#MeatBars Recipe Guide:

Emr-Tek Red Light Device:

Code: lilbitoffit30 for 30% off

Amazon Portable Infrared Sauna:


Coaching FAQ’s:

All links:

Q&A: What should my macros be for a high protein carnivore diet, maintenance calories, and fat loss tips?

First, disclaimers:⁣

There are 50 shades of a meat based diet. Some people include small amounts of carbs, some do fat or carb re-feeds, some do not. Don’t be that Ahole that shames other people for including other things & different approaches into their diets because you don’t. We all have different needs/preferences. I see it too much. No need for dogma of any kind, we are here to learn & support one another. Choose what work best for you.⁣

Seems most “higher” protein carnivores are around 40P/60F, 50P/50F, 60P/40F as far a protein/fat macro ratios. Always go your own way, again, we’re all different!

⁣I’m showing you what I’d do for myself as far as macros, not saying you have to follow these, but a visual & calculation breakdown were requested. If you need coaching, fill out an inquiry here & I’ll send details via email.

Your 1st steps in choosing any kind of diet need to be:





As far as Carnivore, get adapted & heal FIRST. I wrote a blog from an interview on my experiences the 1st year of my carnivore journey. Please read that interview here (link also in IG bio to blog post) — it will answer the majority of your questions as far as my story, living with Crohn’s as an athlete, adapting, transitions I went through, & my special digestive needs & trigger foods.⁣

⁣I don’t recommend any kind of manipulations with the carnivore diet for fat loss until you are adapted, eating at maintenance, & thriving confidently with this lifestyle.

Fat Loss Tips:⁣

  • Create a calorie deficit from pulling from your fat macros. Protein should stay consistent (around 1g/lb of body weight or goal weight for most) Tracking will help. It creates awareness & more educated decision making when making adjustments. Protein for most/meal should be around 30g minimum, most do fine around 40-60g/meal if you’re eating 2-3 meals/d.
  • Choose meats that are easier to track & control like ground meats & eggs.⁣ Leaner meat will naturally be lower in calories.
  • When in a calorie deficit, & this will depend on your degree of calorie deficit, it can be helpful to increase your protein macros to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible especially if you’re strength training. (YOU SHOULD BE)
  • If you’re fat cycling for fat loss, try 4-5 lean days/wk, 2-3 higher fat days/wk. Its helpful to have higher calorie (high fat days) on days of higher activity or harder workouts. You can also reserve these for days of social events for easier adherence.
  • Diet breaks & structured refeeds can be wonderful tools to create adherence, consistency, & decreased hormonal & metabolic stress. ⁣I included a graphic on different kinds of periodization.
  • Intermittent fasting can also be a wonderful tool to allow larger meals for satiety while staying within your allotted calories. Choose eating windows that work for you & your schedule.⁣ Do not abuse fasting. Extended fasting is not necessary, most do fine fasting 14-16 hrs overnight. It will bite you in the a$$ by increasing stress on the body if you abuse them. Same for overdoing protein sparing modified fasting (PSMF). PSMF are more applicable to people with significant weight to lose, of higher body fat, & kept only 2-3 days/week. If you cannot control yourself with portions after fasting because you’re SO ravenous, decreases your fasting windows.
  • If in doubt, WALK. Simply increasing steps & choosing lower intensity activities will be easier on your body yet still help create a calorie deficit by increased activity.⁣
  • If you’re including carbs in your training & fat loss diet, keep them around workouts. Your largest meal I prefer post workout for recovery & optimization & earlier in the day. Taper meal sizes as the day goes on.
  • If you’re waking up starving, having sh*tty sleep, peeing all the time, low energy – these are signs you may need higher fat, higher calories, &/or a period of a diet break or refeed. YES, hunger will be part of a fat loss diet, but you also want to optimize hormone & metabolic efficiency as much as you can. That’s what diet breaks & refeeds are for. If you’re body & mind are stressed to the titties as I say, it will not drop body fat easily or optimally.
  • Sleep is a nonnegotiable, 7-8 hrs/night. If you eat carbs, a little before bed can help decrease your cortisol level. Do not eat late, heavy meals. You won’t sleep well & your digestion will be a dumpster fire. If having loose stool after meals &/or wonky digestion, include some digestive enzymes before or mid meal to help, decrease meal sizes & decrease fat. You will adjust. I use Nuethix Formulations Utilyze, Discount Code: lilbitoffit

Full Post on IG with Cheat Sheets Here

oxox Coach K

Tips to help you with sugar cravings & fat loss! Especially on the carnivore diet!

Q: I can’t seem to control my weight, portions, & sugar cravings no matter what diet, currently Carnivore.⁣ Some days I’m not hungry.

So I asked her, “What’s your 1st thought in the morning when you wake up? Is it how much you’re scared you weigh?”⁣

She said yes. I said that’s your problem.⁣

Also asked her, “Do you intentionally make sure you are simply moving & hitting your steps every day?”

She said no. I also said there’s your problem.

One thing you can easily control which will also boost your mood, metabolism, digestion, & appetite👉🏻Build a success routine which includes movement. I suggest 1st thing in the morning. That leaves less time for excuses for you not to get your workouts in. I got mine this mornin before work.

When you’re constantly stuck in a negative mindset around dictating your entire day on a number or what you look like in the mirror, that’s the weight actually weighing you down.⁣

You dictate your reaction. Your thoughts & emotions (your REACTION to things) – dictates your behaviors. Your behaviors become your habits. Your habits become you.⁣

Tips we talked about to help navigate sweets cravings, addiction, & mindset around body image:⁣

– Stop body checking in the mirror. Take away the scale. Wear comfy clothes that complement your body. You wear your clothes, your clothes don’t wear you.⁣

– Sweets cravings are addiction: determine if you’re an abstainer or moderator. If you’re an abstainer you need to avoid carbs & sugar, period. Get the food out of your house. Watch artificial sweeteners, keto treats, cheat days, gum, drinks with sweetener, make sure you’re eating enough food especially enough fat.⁣ Track if you don’t know!

– Cheese, dairy, nuts, & nut butters can be addictions/triggers, they’re hard to portion control.⁣

– Choose meats easier to portion control like ground meat vs ribeyes, ribs, pork belly, bacon. They are highly palatable (& high fat) which means you’re more likely to eat past satiety.⁣

– You may need a multivitamin to fill in gaps for your specific needs. Always consult with your physician before making any changes. Most common imbalances/deficiencies I see with Carnivore if not eating a well rounded variety: vitamin D, electrolytes, magnesium & sodium, B vitamins, zinc, vit A, calcium & vitamin C⁣

– Check yo stress: Relationship & life stress? Sh*tty sleep? Over training? Under eating? Too much protein? Not enough Fat? Still eating trigger foods?⁣ Over caffeinating? ALL STRESS which increases your blood sugar, & increases inflammation even if you’re eating low-carb.

Your reflection in the mirror does not dictate your worth. Neither does what diet you choose to follow. Choose the things that make you a better human!

oxox Coach K