Tips to help you with sugar cravings & fat loss! Especially on the carnivore diet!

Q: I can’t seem to control my weight, portions, & sugar cravings no matter what diet, currently Carnivore.⁣ Some days I’m not hungry.

So I asked her, “What’s your 1st thought in the morning when you wake up? Is it how much you’re scared you weigh?”⁣

She said yes. I said that’s your problem.⁣

Also asked her, “Do you intentionally make sure you are simply moving & hitting your steps every day?”

She said no. I also said there’s your problem.

One thing you can easily control which will also boost your mood, metabolism, digestion, & appetite👉🏻Build a success routine which includes movement. I suggest 1st thing in the morning. That leaves less time for excuses for you not to get your workouts in. I got mine this mornin before work.

When you’re constantly stuck in a negative mindset around dictating your entire day on a number or what you look like in the mirror, that’s the weight actually weighing you down.⁣

You dictate your reaction. Your thoughts & emotions (your REACTION to things) – dictates your behaviors. Your behaviors become your habits. Your habits become you.⁣

Tips we talked about to help navigate sweets cravings, addiction, & mindset around body image:⁣

– Stop body checking in the mirror. Take away the scale. Wear comfy clothes that complement your body. You wear your clothes, your clothes don’t wear you.⁣

– Sweets cravings are addiction: determine if you’re an abstainer or moderator. If you’re an abstainer you need to avoid carbs & sugar, period. Get the food out of your house. Watch artificial sweeteners, keto treats, cheat days, gum, drinks with sweetener, make sure you’re eating enough food especially enough fat.⁣ Track if you don’t know!

– Cheese, dairy, nuts, & nut butters can be addictions/triggers, they’re hard to portion control.⁣

– Choose meats easier to portion control like ground meat vs ribeyes, ribs, pork belly, bacon. They are highly palatable (& high fat) which means you’re more likely to eat past satiety.⁣

– You may need a multivitamin to fill in gaps for your specific needs. Always consult with your physician before making any changes. Most common imbalances/deficiencies I see with Carnivore if not eating a well rounded variety: vitamin D, electrolytes, magnesium & sodium, B vitamins, zinc, vit A, calcium & vitamin C⁣

– Check yo stress: Relationship & life stress? Sh*tty sleep? Over training? Under eating? Too much protein? Not enough Fat? Still eating trigger foods?⁣ Over caffeinating? ALL STRESS which increases your blood sugar, & increases inflammation even if you’re eating low-carb.

Your reflection in the mirror does not dictate your worth. Neither does what diet you choose to follow. Choose the things that make you a better human!

oxox Coach K