Confessions of another bathroom selfie….
( @thehctavern one of my favorite places for food & drink @theyardfishers btw)
I clearly remember the moment I told myself, “You are the main mf*ing character in your story. You are not a cameo in someone else’s movie, they are not more important than you. Get yours.”
That was a pivotal day & new chapter in my storybook.
“If you want to live on your own terms you have to be willing to crash & burn “ – Nikki Sixx
Even going thru therapy, there were instances I realized I was still people pleasing & love bombing in different shades, placing other people on a pedestal above myself.
They may have been in different forms & people, but they were still showing up as cycles & outcomes I didn’t fancy in my reality anymore.
Writing is a part of my therapy. I appreciate y’all allowing me to add value to your lives in anyway that you need.
If you’re stuck in that phase called “f*ck everything!”

It’s ok. Been there too.
To anyone who struggles with FOMO, regret, feeling disappointed in their place in life, maybe unattractive…somethin my therapist taught me…
In order to shed old skin & open yourself up to to a better life, better health, & abundance, we must interrupt our anxious thoughts with:
“What if this works out for the better?”
“What if all my hard work pays off?”
“I am open to receive what I need & trust things happen for me exactly when they’re meant to.”
So I’m passing that on to you today – wherever you are, whatever you’re shedding, whatever you’re leaving, whomever you’re becoming.
Select your thoughts the same way you select your clothes every day.
If you want to control things in your life SO bad — control your mind, your inner narrative, & your response.
Live & learn. That’s why we’re here 🙂
Swipe, Save & Share on IG with your fellow humans, just tryna to be better!
What do you do to make yourself feel more beautiful?
For me, a lil lipstick & lashes go a long way !

Coach K
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