Of Kings & Queens…

We gettin deep today y’all. This is something I’ve never completely disclosed. I hope it helps you where you are right now twas a message I was nudged to share today.

So here goes…

Never did the world make a Queen of a girl who hides behind a facade of perfection in a house of guarded walls but an imperfect woman of wisdom in a house of mirrors & glass.

Are you just INTERESTED in being a Queen of high value building your empire or are you COMMITTED to being her?

I had a mentor ask me this.

Holy shit. 

Another gut check moment.

You see our beliefs build habits & our habits reinforce those beliefs.

For those of you who are new around here & don’t know my story let me set a quick framework of my past that may resonate close to yours. 

I too have been that human:

◽️going through a divorce feeling like failure & confused about identity 

◽️car repoed, $40,000 in debt, $5 to your name, basically living out of your office & your car, eating at hotels to save money on food

◽️sick, struggling with disordered eating & orthorexia feeling powerless & ugly 

◽️comparing wanting to be someone else, coveting their life or body thinking that would make me successful & happy

◽️thinking being single means there’s something wrong with me & I needed to settle & find a partner fast to actually be worthy instead of realizing I needed to work on myself & be the person I wanted to be with first 

◽️getting involved in relationships, jobs, social plans when I feel resistance & ignoring my intuition, excessive drinking, overspending, giving my body to people who didn’t deserve it

So what did I do?

I visualized & BELIEVED in the things I wanted to manifest. I made a list of the things I would need to do & the person I would need to embody to achieve these things. 

  • The BODY — healing, health, rest, eating ENOUGH, working out because I love my body, vibrancy, food & body freedom, self love
  • The CAREER — freedom, loving what I do, making an impact, following purpose not a paycheck
  • The RELATIONSHIP — doing the inner work, believing in my self worth, getting rid of pre-conditions I learned over time, self awareness of my shadows and triggers, being the person I would want to be with
  • The MINDSET — believing in myself, telling myself I’m a mf Hustler, a survivor, a thriver, I lead with my heart & I deserve everything I desire so I can serve others & myself to the highest degree

I stepped into my worth, I said NO to people, social media, habits, self sabotage more than I said yes to consuming toxicity. I created a routine that helped me be the person I wanted to be in the areas of my life: self, health, wealth, & relationships.

Doesn’t mean I was perfect, but it meant I fully believed in myself enough to grant GRACE & laughter for my humanness (aka when I fugged up 😂), & refuse to put myself on the clearance rack.


💫For decades I lived in debt, during this Quarantine I made my last payment & paid off $43,000. Debts paid. 

💫My health was shit, my digestion & adrenals a wreck — I finally got my health back & completed my most successful cut this past year. 

💫I was basically living out of my office with 5$ in my account, barely having enough money for eggs, to having the apartment I always wanted.

💫I wanted freedom of schedule doing all the things I loved. I now have 4 different jobs in radiology as well as my coaching practice making my own schedule.

💫I wanted travel & to live in 2 different places. I traveled bw IN & MO, making them both home.

💫I’ve had a failed marriage, numerous failed relationships which broke me. I wanted a best friend & partner to live life with, one that is a life story not just a love story, one worthy of growth & future & feels like freedom & home. The Universe gave me a Marine 🇺🇸❤️ @_rottier_

💫 I’ve had car trouble for some time, transmission finally went out on my bug 🚘 I was devastated but knew I deserved better. Recently manifested the car of my dreams.

Meet Ruby 🙂

This has been a huge source of anxiety for me because my car is freedom & my freedom means everything. Which is something I struggle with & I’ll admit to you all. These are tough shadows to talk about & reveal.

It goes back to me being a prisoner in the majority of my abusive relationships in the past. I refuse to rely on other people to take care of me, I’m an overachiever, I don’t like to ask for help, I’m afraid of commitment because of my past experiences & it’s something I’m working on. I am independent & self-sufficient to a fault, causing me to put up a hard shell around my very soft center when fearful or threatened. 

Thick skinned you could call it but I realize I come off as cold and heartless when this happens. When I reach a point of emotional exhaustion & frustration in a relationship, & I’ve said it before, I will cut a mf out of my life with no remorse & move on. (Friend, family, or romantic partner) Not proud of it. Again, with self-awareness comes the power of change. I’m working on it. 

It affects every facet of my life & is one of my biggest fears. 

My biggest fears: feeling insignificant, disrespected, unworthy, a failure, feeling like a prisoner whether it’s financially, relationally, or with my food & body image. 

I’ve come to realize I have a problem with authority & I’m not always in the “right” for always doing what I want to do.  I have constant discussions with my ego, Kathleen, as I like to call her. 😂

I get stuck in my own head & place so much pressure on myself to achieve & GSD to a degree it affects others & makes them feel inferior &/or insignificant. I apologize to anyone whom I’ve made feel this way through my ignorance.

In support, I told you before about a story where I had a performance review at work & my manager told me I needed to have more patience & empathy for other people‘s weaknesses. That was the first time I became self-aware of this shadow.

Kathleen is my masculine survivor. She is wolf.

Katie is my feminine caretaker. She is woman. 

I know I need both of them. Finding the blend is the challenging part of being a human.

So a reminder to my fellow Type A’s, Ima get shit done 4x as fast as you, get out of my fuggin way I can do it better — props to being efficient but please be kind to those who are different than you. Utilize it as a strength to help others become better. Lesson learned.

#manifestinggenerator problems. 

If you don’t know what your Human Design is, I highly suggest you look into it. It’ll help you understand how you’re wired & how you’re supposed to live this life & manifest more effortlessly. 

I also suggest @tobemagnetic Her courses on doing the inner work we all talk about changed my life.

So some Sunday pondering, reflection, life lessons learned the hard way for y’all.

Remember the KING or QUEEN you wanna be.

I’d rather be a woman of imperfections & wisdom living in a transparent glass house than an imposter living within guarded walls. 👑 

I’d love to hear your thoughts & comments or if you’ve struggled with similar struggles like me🤗

And if you need someone to talk to & coach you through your own situation, I’d love to listen, link here❤️

5 Year Plans, Emotional Eating, & the Buzz of Busy

“What’s your 5 year plan?” She asked.

I laughed. 

Sister, 2 months ago I wouldn’t have thought one of the most important decisions of my week would be what sweatpants I’m wearing to the living room today?

I stumbled across a to do list as I flipped back through my daily planner…

…I welled with emotion.

It was so BUSY.

Photo credit: @doot_doodler

Busy with apts, shopping lists, workouts, work schedules, errands to run, consults, projects ideas, meetings, down to what color scrubs I needed to wear to make sure I went to the right hospitals.

Stress — on my body, mind, & spirit. 

I felt ashamed to discover it. Time & life have changed so much. Forced to slow down. To long for that old life, the “normalcy.”

It was also a great reminder. 

A reminder of how we’ve transformed busyness into beingness.

I’m different now. I long for pieces of that old “normalcy” but not the busy.

I loathe the word busy. I used it as a bullshit excuse & conversation filler for years. I catch myself doing it now.

I used it for not doing things I wanted to. 

Travel. Vacation.

Spend time with friends & loved ones.

Invest in a new project, job, or venture.


Just fucking BE & do what I want to in a day.

Mostly out of fear of not having enough money  or being seen as lazy. BUSY made me feel safe & worthy.

Same with control. If I control my body, my food, my workouts, my schedule — everything will be ok. Which in the past I’ve realized leads to disordered eating & body image & a poor relationship with food, myself, & exercise.

You place your worth on what you look like & how much you’re achieving.

Photo credit: @what.is.mental.illness

So when you’re not “busy” what initially happens?

You emotionally eat.

You doubt yourself.

You compare.

You get anxiety.

You lose your labels & sense of self.

Your relationships suffer.

Basically you step on the hot mess express full speed ahead.

Emotional eating is a biggie. 

So here are some things to help you:

🌞 Stay occupied, halfway organize your day and do a brain dump the night before. That way you kind of know what to expect & can set a semischedule. 

🌞 Jot down tentative eating times so you have something to stick to — expectations & commitments to yourself. And this way you can plan around your activities for the day. 

🌞 Good activities that help pass the time positively:

-Cleaning house

-Purging old things from closets and spaces it makes way for new positive energy

-Take a nap, most of us don’t get enough sleep anyways

-Read — Knowledge + action is power

-Invest in a new learning course or workshop — be a forever student

-Color or pick up a creative hobby that keeps your mind and hands busy

-Go for a walk or do a mini workout for 20 minutes

-Call a friend 

-Brain dump and schedule your week

-Listen to a podcast or write in your journal

-Go shopping, run errands, get out of the house

-Keep trigger foods out of the house if you know you can’t control yourself well around certain foods

– Eat a big breakfast with plenty of proteins and fats they will keep you fuller the majority of the day: things like eggs and sausage, eggs and bacon, burgers, roasts, it doesn’t have to be breakfast food

It’s ok to plan, but leave room for grace, flexibility & adventure.

Next time when I’m sitting in traffic, running late, I’ll reflect on the time of not having anywhere to run to. I’ll remember in the midst of confusion & suffocating stillness I grew strong, calm, & found a new appreciation of life & control.

Xoxo Coach K

Exercise & Food Anxiety – The Obsession with Control

I didn’t know whether to laugh or throw up. 

Can I just wrap up in a warm blanket & eat Texas Roadhouse rolls all day???

Quarantine hit. My workout routine was ripped from my life. Anxiety hit. The thoughts of past self sabotaging behavior started to creep up. 

Should I restrict? 

How many more steps do I need? 

Fugggg I can’t sweat.😩 I’m gonna pack on 20lbs, better cut food. 

What if my “safe” foods are taken away?

When I began specializing in gut issues & primarly women’s relationship with food & body image, I saw a pattern. I LIVED the pattern — basically an obsession about control over food & exercise.

We deny we have an eating or behavioral disorder — we DO, sister. But you don’t have to stay there.❤️

Signs include: 

  • Feeling panicked when sick, injured, or vacation jacks up our workout routine
  • Feeling like walking “isn’t enough”
  • Restricting or allowing food based on exercise that day.
  • Feeling we have to “earn” food.
  • Fear about gaining weight
  • Feeling worthless if any weight gain occurs, obsession with the scale & letting it dictate our attitude for the day

One client said, “I feel like I MUST control & workout everyday. If I don’t, I feel worthless & obsess about it until I do workout.”

We talked about how that disordered need for control is taking over our ability to intuitively listen to our body’s cues to rest. It also affects our energy, hunger, sleep, digestion, hormones, & bluntly— our ability to give a shit. 

This relationship with food & exercise tends to make us miserable. Paralyzing us from enjoying the important things in life.

Here’s how I help clients (& myself) establish a better relationship with our food & exercise:

  1. Disconnect the connection of “perfection” with food & exercise to our worth & obsession with having to earn food.

I used to count every calorie I consumed, down to the gum I excessively chewed. I only ate the calories I burned that day. I only ate diet food, hoping to save calories & carbs. I was chained to numbers. My macros were shackles. My mindset & perception of my methods & myself were the enemy. It wasn’t the food or exercise. 

When we were young, we knew when we were hungry & we stopped when we were full. Because of environmental & emotional factors,  getting stuck in cycles, many of us lose touch with our true hunger cues. 

This is where I find intermittent fasting & or setting a meal schedule or eating window is helpful, teaching us when we’re actually hungry & preventing mindless/emotional eating.

Also viewing food as fuel for our day & workouts instead of a reward is a helpful way to rewire our brains from earning to nourishing.

2. Focus on simply moving your body.

Workouts should be enjoyed. Walking IS ENOUGH. Shoot for 10k steps per day or simply increasing your steps by 1k each week till you reach your goal. If you have a good relationship with food, there is no need to kill yourself in the gym 7 days per week. Spend adequate time eating at your true maintenance calories. You should not be dieting more than 1-2 times per year. 

Before quarantine, I would walk, CrossFit &/or bodybuilding 5 times per week with one rest day and one active recovery day. I love the community & push of a group Wod. 

Intra quarantine, I don’t have access to the equipment or facilities for specific workouts. I’ve worked out at home 3 days per week with minimal equipment and walked.

Haven’t gained, inflammation is actually down, & I’ve become more in tune with my body, hunger cues, & how to adjust my food & eating schedule based upon what my body is craving. 

3.  Surrender to the seasons. We aren’t meant to look the same.

Binges, disordered eating & body image, cravings, & anxiety for control flare up when we’re living in a chronic deficit &/or chasing a size we’re not meant to naturally be. 

Your hunger &/or lack of are signs your body is simply trying to survive. Lack of resources trigger our bodies to down regulate systems, cycles, & hormones. Wonder why you lost your period or you’re cold all the time, you plateau on 1200 calories & gain when you eat anything above 1600? BINGO. Don’t be afraid to Reverse Diet. Invest in a coach!

We’re really chasing a feeling, not a number. We want to feel worthy, loved, significant, safe, heard, seen, & happy. 

These are all a state of being my loves. 

It didn’t matter if I was 100lbs or 160lbs, happy was a state I FELT about my life at whatever season. If you don’t do the inner work & address the root cause, it’s like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.

You’re afraid to surrender because you don’t want to give up control. Especially for my fellow Type A’s. 

Guess what?

You never had control, you became you’re own prisoner.

One of my favorite IG accounts, @maryscupofteaa wrote a new blog post for you: 7 books about self-love every woman needs to read.


Educate yourself. Self love is a skill we sharpen. Surround yourself with people & environment full of positivity. Everything you consume, down to social media makes an impact on your perspective.

Cut the toxicity & self sabotage. 

Food & body freedom are just one decision away. 

The decision to choose YOU. ❤️

Whether you’re struggling with gut issues, trying to learn macros, fuel for your workouts, or fighting for your food & body freedom, I’m here for you.

Xoxo Coach K

For the LOVE of NACHOS

Happy #cincodemayo 🎉 

I’ve said it before, I wouldn’t do anything for a Klondike bar but I might do some shady shit for nachos & tequila. 👌🏻 🌮 🍹 ⁣

Here are tips to cash in some fun tickets without breaking the macro bank. SWIPE for recipes. 

@zevia Cocktail recipes also posted as a swipe up in my IG stories & below to their site! There are TONS!


My favs for a healthier, gut friendly margarita day: 


@sietefoods tortillas & tortilla chips⁣

Jasmine Rice⁣⁣⁣

Rice Cakes


96-99% ground turkey/beef⁣

Tilapia, Cod⁣, Shrimp⁣

Grilled Chicken⁣


85-93% ground turkey/beef⁣

Steak⁣ & Salmon⁣

Pork Rinds & Bacon



💊Take digestive enzymes & GDA-Max beforehand to help digest food/carbs & minimize bloating. @nuethix_formulations is what I use, CODE: lilbitoffit 

❌Be mindful of trigger foods, high fodmap foods, sensitivities to certain spices, EAT SLOWLY & until 80% full

🍹All pair well with grapefruit citrus @zevia & @patron Jus sayin. Tastes like a margarita without all the carbs & sugar. Other Zevia Recipes HERE.

🍗Eat primarily low fat proteins & veggies during the day to save the majority of your calories for flexibility (especially carbs & fats) for your special treat⁣

💦 Get in a good workout or increase your activity for the day to equalize calorie balance ⁣


SET MACRO RANGES. Give yourself flexibility, if you’re not cutting for a fitness competition there’s no need to be that strict. Create a larger deficit during the week to allow more flexibility. Determine what is nonnegotiable. If you want cocktails, drink them but have a lighter dinner, get in more steps. ⁣⁣⁣




Take 1.5 oz of Patron


▪️Ex. 1.5 would be around 103 calories (Or measure the calories in your alcohol of choice)⁣⁣


✅Logged as CARB grams ⁣⁣

103/4= or 25.8g of carbs you’ll add to your daily amount on @myfitnesspal ⁣⁣

✅Logged as FAT grams ⁣⁣

103/9=11.4g or 11.4g of fat you’ll add to your daily amount on @myfitnesspal ⁣⁣

✅Logged as FAT & CARBS ⁣⁣


Carbs: 51.5/4=12.8g added to carbs

Fat: 51.5/9=5.7g added to fat


▪️There are 4 calories/g for carbs⁣⁣

▪️There are 9 calories/g for fats ⁣⁣

▪️Alcohol is 7 calories/g

Cheers to taco & nacho day (or any day that ends in Y 😉), drink smart! ⁣

Advice From a Dying 24 Year Old

Literally teared up this morning reading this…

I start my mornings with gratitude, a walk, & something inspiring to get my mind in the most abundant state possible. 

Todays read, “Advice from a dying 24 yr old.” 

Do you ever think about how most of us go through days on autopilot, merely existing. Those moments you get home & don’t remember the drive? 

We chase material things & achievements yet feel empty & lost inside. We worry about dumb shit & things that don’t really matter in the end & fulfillment like bills, titles, money, what others think of us, etc.


None of us truly know the answers & what happens to us after this life. How we navigate this life, however, & the choices we make along the way, define our character & existence. Our experiences & choices shape us, but many of us spend our lives locked into commitments chasing money, power, & stability instead of digging deep within us.

We count down the hours on the clock until we can go home for the day, rest, and do it all again the next day. We run around all chasing something, and wake up one day wondering why we even chased it. It may not matter to you now what you do with each day of your life, but maybe this advice from a dying 24-year-old will give you a wake up call.

I hope you will take some wisdom away from this, & realize we only have a short time on this planet. We may as well make the most of it, & love & live as authentically as we possibly can before our time is up.


“I am only 24 years old, yet I have actually already chosen my last tie. It’s the one that I will wear on my funeral a few months from now. It may not match my suit, but I think it’s perfect for the occasion.

The cancer diagnosis came too late to give me at least a tenuous hope for a long life, but I realized that the most important thing about death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions . The way I’ve lived my life so far, my existence or more precisely the loss of it, will not matter because I have lived without doing anything impactful.

Before, there were so many things that occupied my mind. When I learned how much time I had left, however, it became clear which things are really important. So, I am writing to you for a selfish reason. 

I want to give meaning to my life by sharing with you what I have realized:

– Don’t waste your time on work that you don’t enjoy. It is obvious that you cannot succeed in something that you don’t like. Patience, passion, and dedication come easily only when you love what you do.

– It’s stupid to be afraid of others’ opinions. Fear weakens and paralyzes you. If you let it, it can grow worse and worse every day until there is nothing left of you, but a shell of yourself. Listen to your inner voice and go with it. Some people may call you crazy, but some may even think you‘re a legend.

– Take control of your life Take full responsibility for the things that happen to you. Limit bad habits and try to lead a healthier life. Find a sport that makes you happy. Most of all, don’t procrastinate. Let your life be shaped by decisions you made, not by the ones you didn’t.

– Appreciate the people around you. Your friends and relatives will always be an infinite source of strength and love. That is why you shouldn’t take them for granted.

It is difficult for me to fully express my feelings about the importance of these simple realizations, but I hope that you will listen to someone who has experienced how valuable time is.

I’m not upset because I understand that the last days of my life have become meaningful.

We care so much about the health and integrity of our body that until death, we don’t notice that the body is nothing more than a box – a parcel for delivering our personality, thoughts, beliefs and intentions to this world. If there is nothing in this box that can change the world, then it doesn’t matter if it disappears. I believe that we all have potential, but it also takes a lot of courage to realize it.

You can float through a life created by circumstances, missing day after day, hour after hour. Or, you can fight for what you believe in and write the great story of your life. I hope you will make the right choice.

Leave a mark in this world. Have a meaningful life, whatever definition it has for you. Go towards it. The place we are leaving is a beautiful playground, where everything is possible. Yet, we are not here forever. 

Our life is a short spark in this beautiful little planet that flies with incredible speed to the endless darkness of the unknown universe. So, enjoy your time here with passion. Make it interesting. Make it count!

Thank you!”

Drop. The. Mic. 🎤 

Now, what are you going to do today? 

Sobremesa & Sweet Presence

S O B R E M E S A 

[noun] • Spanish

(n.) the time after a meal spent around the table with loved ones; a time to digest food, love, & friendship.

I was reading about the Spanish tradition where people sit at the table after a meal, talk, & connect with friends & loved ones.

Sweet presence — that’s what it is.

And I thought to myself, how did we lose this in our lives?

The savor of the truly important things in life?

—> the feel of sunlight on your skin

—> long, lingering hugs & the smell of fresh flowers 

—>  the taste of a home cooked meal with family

—>  laughing with friends & meaningful conversations

—> the ability to simply move your body, health

—> peaceful sleep, clean sheets, the taste of fresh coffee

—> the feeling of the first time someone looked at you & told you they loved you

—> knowing you have the entire day to sit in your pjs & the freedom to do absolutely nothing

As basically the entire world has been forced to stay home due to the recent pandemic, I feel we’ve discovered we’ve lost our gift of presence through constant numbing & hustle. 

I thought this was fitting to serve as a reminder both to ourselves whether we’re working or home or everything in between — the people you come home to…



friends that become family

those you can’t wait to get on the phone with

those you connect with via social media 

the simple feelings & emotions we experience in our everyday “mundane”…

These are the things that truly matter & we mustn’t forget when we’re feeling lost. 

For me, I’d be more interested to learn from 80 people in their 80’s who were totally lost in their 20’s & 30’s that figured out what was truly more meaningful in life than 80 people in their 20’s & 30’s that figured it out early & never got lost. 

It’s in the lost where we discover truth & ourselves again. 💟

Xoxo Coach K 

Low Carb Reset, Life Hacks & Longevity

I went into this low carb, insulin reset diet as another learning experience. What I found was a wake up call.

A lot of knowledge and life bombs here 💣

With the dramatic life changes for us all over the course of the past 2 weeks, cliché as it sounds, everything happens for a reason at precisely the right time.

I also listened & shared an incredible podcast on my stories & facebook group on protocols about insulin control & longevity with @jasonphillipsisnutrition & @drmolly.com this morning on my walk.

Why the reset? I had been overly stressed, trying to cut, eating a high amt of carbs (via jasmine rice/rice Chex/occasional alcohol) while intermittent fasting & focusing on 2 (occasionally 3) larger meals a day.

Backstory, for my new followers: 

👉🏻I have Crohn’s, struggled with a missed diagnosis of IBS basically my entire early life & was overweight.

👉🏻Don’t digest fruits or vegetables or fiber or seeds or skins well

👉🏻Thrive off animal meals & animal-based nutrition

👉🏻Struggled with disordered eating & bingeing

👉🏻 Spent 4-5 years healing my gut & getting myself out of metabolic adaptation because I ate poverty macros for fuggin forever

👉🏻Tried to competitively CrossFit on Paleo, Quito, low carb & did all the dumb shit for years 

👉🏻I eat lowfodmap, gluten-free, dairy free, bullshit free 😆, and basic af, not cute meals are my jam. Why? Because that’s how I like to eat, Karen. 

Save this for later 😉

My cut started out well, but as we progressed I noticed my energy was all over the place I was starting to feel more out of control eating larger meals (I was fuller throughout the day). My fasting blood sugar was consistently higher (for me) around the 95 to 100 range, staying elevated even 2 hours after eating. 

Mine typically sits around 80 to 85 in a controlled environment, fasting.

My digestion was decent, but I still felt inflamed, puffy, & like I was carrying a lot of “fluff” around my middle which I did not have in my 20s. (I was more low carb as far as my diet approach in my 20s, & my workouts were lower intensity). I didn’t CrossFit until my 30s.

My lifestyle now is very different from even December 2019. My stress is higher & I’m traveling more. 

My last cut was amazing (I had not dieted in 2 years & was coming off of a surplus) My schedule & stress were more controlled. 

Last 12 week cut for a photo shoot.

💭🤔 HELLO!!!! Katie, you’ll be 38 in July, you don’t have the same body you had in your 20s. Dude, you’re almost a legit Cougar 😻😂 

💁🏼‍♀️It’s time to get real, refocus, & realign. 

To those of you in your 30s, let me tell you, things change quickly. You don’t recover as quickly, nights of bad decisions haunt you for weeks, and you’d rather go to bed by 9:30 than stay up & go clubbing. PS you still don’t have your shit together in your 30s. 👍🏼🤘🏻

I’ve learned this is the time to accept, adjust, & think about longevity more so than a ripped set of abs. 

I love being lean & feeling light & strong, but just because you look the part doesn’t mean you’re healthy on the inside. Abs, striations, & single digit body fat — don’t help you live to a ripe old age. 

These require different levels of commitment and flexibility with your diet and training. Be realistic.


👉🏻Focus on a low carb approach, primarily animal-based nutrition. Why? Because I thrive off animal meats & already don’t digest fibers and plants well. I will harp at you till I’m blue in the face, go your own way! Don’t send me fucking hate messages because I eat animals. I’m not telling anyone to eat this way, I’m simply sharing my experiences and reasoning why. 

👉🏻I also am not “CrossFitting” because all the gyms are closed, therefore, my activity is more lower intensity. This would warrant lower carbohydrates for my needs are not as high.

👉🏻I am also sleeping more, reducing caffeine intake, & fasting at least 14-16hrs overnight to recover, give my digestion a break & allow my body to balance itself out. 

👉🏻I need an approach that is going to keep me fuller, longer, with less energy crashes to sustain long days working at the clinics & hospitals. I don’t like worrying about food & a bunch of meal preps, just my personality.  I prefer two large meals a day. Naturally, protein and fats will do this. they take longer to digest and are harder to digest by the body — keeping blood sugar more stable, energy levels more stable with you feeling fuller, longer like a cherry on top. Which is why I’m taking a higher protein, higher fat approach.

👉🏻Macro wise, I am loosely tracking just to make sure my calories are in check. Keeping my carbs 50 g & under. Not really paying attention to where my protein & fats fall, obviously I’m getting plenty of both with animal-based nutrition with the inclusion of nut butters. 

👉🏻I Am tracking weight, progress photos, & blood sugar with a simple glucometer (am fasting, 2 hrs post meal, bedtime) just to see how my body tolerates specific ratios, salt intake, stress, & food choices. Not because I’m focusing on the weight on the scale. Obviously when reducing carbohydrates, you’ll naturally lose water, so a lot of this is water weight loss, initially.

Me this morning 3/24/20 113.7lbs


✅CrossFit is not in aesthetic sport. Stop choosing CrossFit to look like a bodybuilder. Align your training, lifestyle, & align your food. Manage you mofo stress!

✅I personally feel much better on a carnivore-ish diet which aligns better with my lifestyle right now. 

🌀My digestion is exceptional, my bloating is gone, bowel movements routine & normal, my puffiness is gone, I feel lighter. 

🌀After nine days I’m noticing aesthetic changes finally. Stomach is starting to lose that patchy fat in my stubborn areas above and below my belly button. 

🌀Yes with the training differences I’m getting smaller, and softer but I’m fitting more naturally back into my happy setpoint. My weight is staying around 113 pounds. 

🌀I don’t hurt as much (minus my broken toe I have right now). 

🌀No energy crashes, I have absolutely no cravings for sugar and I’m offen satisfied with one large meal during the day after my fasted walk. 

🌀I love walking, it is my savior mind and body. I don’t need to work out six days a week and I need to sleep more. Duh.

✅The more data we have the more we can make educated informed decisions about our lifestyle & food choices. Do we need to worry about tracking & measuring all of the time —  NO! But there’s a time & a place for it so you can learn & make educated decisions about how to live your life for YOU. 

Quit whining, complaining, yo-yo dieting, yo-yo training, yo-yo living your life aimlessly because you’re not educating yourself. Get tested, invest in mentors, coaches, doctors to help you. There are free podcasts, wonderful people & resources on social media, books you can purchase & things out there at minimal cost. 

✅Your goals should be centered around 4 different areas: healing, performance, aesthetics, & longevity. Your seasons will change, adjust accordingly.

✅People just think glucose is just a measure of carbs, it’s not, it’s a measurement of your lifestyle. Stress, food choices, sleep, your workouts, air pollution, under eating, over eating, toxins, artificial shit you put in your body or on your body — it all matters.  It all affects your physiology, hormones, gut health, & processes that go on internally. 

✅You have to ask yourself what level of stress you are OK with in your life. Adjust accordingly. If you choose this stress level, don’t bitch when you don’t get what you want.

✅The biggest thing people ignore are their mindset & their thoughts. So why are people having such a hard time right now being at home with their thoughts? 


I hope this helps you wherever you are in your journey. Remember only you know your body best. I am not endorsing anyone to follow any particular diet I want you to learn, I want you to follow your heart, and I want you to ALWAYS listen to your gut. ❤️

Let me know if this was helpful in comments👇🏻

Hugs 🤗 

Xoxo Coach K

Trigger Foods: Why They Cause GI Issues

Many times when asking your doctor, “What can I eat and what should I avoid?” when dealing with digestive disorders they tell you, “Just eat what you want unless it bothers you.” 🤔😳🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️

Maybe they’ll add a few restrictions like a low fiber, low-fat, gluten &/or dairy free diet but beyond that you’re on your own. 

I repeat, WE ARE WHAT WE DIGEST & ABSORB.  When dealing with certain digestive issues like IBS or IBD disorders, gut dysbiosis like Candida & bacterial overgrowths, the inflammation & symptoms can trigger further problems other than discomfort like malabsorption. Subsequently nutrient deficiencies are a prevalent issue. 



We need fat to live. It’s needed for absorption of vitamins A, D, E, & K, but in people with certain issues, it causes symptoms. Fat is a powerful stimulant to the G.I. tract which can exacerbate diarrhea & is hard to digest in individuals without a gallbladder or those who have undergone a bowel resection. 


Another stimulant. Bad for those with diarrhea, can be an aid for those with constipation. Keep <200mg/day. 


It’s a toxin y’all. Delicious yes, but does nothing positive but give you the confidence to dance & eat like an a$$hole. It inhibits folic acid absorption, is an irritant to the G.I. tract, filled with empty calories, no nutrient value, dehydrates, raises estrogen levels, & interacts with numerous medications. 


Gluten means “glue” & that’s exactly what it is: two proteins, gliadin & glutenin, stuck together. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, & rye. An intolerance or sensitivity is the body’s inability to digest or break down the gluten protein found in wheat, grains, & certain products. Causes inflammation & abdominal discomfort & symptoms ranging from skin rashes to more severe problems in those with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder. 


Many people with problems are also lactose intolerant. Dairy is an inflammatory food, one of the top allergens. Due to lactose, which is milk sugar, it causes problems in those who are lacking the enzyme lactase which breaks down the lactose. Bacteria in the colon feed on the undigested sugar, producing hydrogen, which leads to diarrhea &/or build up of gas. 


Common culprits are high fodmap foods, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, beans, garlic, onions, leeks, cabbage, beer, high sugar drinks and fruits. Many sulfur producing vegetables produce more gas & fermentation which causes bloating. 


Minimizing red meat greatly lowers hydrogen sulfide levels which can have a negative affect on the health of the colonic mucosa. It’s harder to break down & digest which causes stress, requires more energy, which also causes that energy slump. 


The ols like sugar alcohols which are found in many sugarless chewing gum’s, cookies, sweets, processed foods are a big trigger of bloating & diarrhea via fermentation because our bodies can’t break them down.   


Consuming fruits with high sugar can cause bloating,cramping, diarrhea because certain individuals lack the enzyme to break down the sugar thus allowing the colon bacteria to consume triggering symptoms. 


There are two kinds of fiber insoluble & soluble. 

INSOLUBLE Fiber is found in raw fruits, vegetables, certain grains, leafy greens, brands, skins, nuts & seeds. This fiber does not take on water in the gut but provides undigested bulk to the stool. For those of us that cannot break down the fiber it does not easily pass through structures, can contribute to irritation in those with an inflamed gut. 

SOLUBLE fiber takes on water providing bulk to the stool but is easier on the G.I. tract. It’s found in quick oats, white bread, cereals, white rice, pasta & potatoes. 

Again, we all have different triggers so keep a food journal, notice patterns when eating certain things, have patience & know that by making simple food & lifestyle adjustments, you can help minimize your own symptoms. 

Be an advocate of your own health❤️

Do you know your triggers? Share your experience with someone else👇🏻

Sources: Healthy Gut, Healthy You, Dr. Michael  Ruscio | Crohn’s Dsease and Ulcerative Colitis,  Jill Sklar | Crohnscolitisfoundation.org | The Rain Barrel Effect, Dr. Stephen Cabral 

Times are Changing – “The Purge”

Sometimes people, places, things, our comfortably controlled routines — the old you — must be lifted from the VIP seats of your life to allow the aligned ones in. 

Hello #covid19 

This removal usually hurts like hell. 

It usually is a big kick in the azzzz frankly. 

It creates scars. 

Scars we don’t other people to see so we hide them. We mold into people & titles we think other people will like to approve of. 

What happens when they’re stripped away? What do you cling to?

What do you discover?

What do you let go?

This time has been challenging for me too. I’ve had to basically relearn how to live & sit uncomfortably in my feelings. I don’t sit & rest well. #gsdqueen 

I am beyond grateful, however. For some downtime & slowdown to refocus on what makes me unique, refocus, gratitude for simple things, & realizing I am fuggin awesome no matter if I’m being productive or not. 

Don’t put yourself on the clearance rack — I tell my clients this all the time. With anything in life — dating, fitness, food, career, personal development. 

People doubt their ability, they’re ashamed of their scars when there are people out there in awe of their potential. ⁣

I remind myself to savor relationships & connections made, no matter what the outcome, to not doubt my abilities & worth, to not settle, & to share my scars freely, & choose gratitude ALWAYS.

Here’s to service, presence, & new beginnings. 

Xray on 🤘🏻💀😷

Gimme a ❤️ & one thing you’re grateful for today!🙏🏻👇🏻

Emotional times & Emotional Eating

“It’s always a beautiful day to save lives.”

Insert cheesy #greysanatomy quote here⬆️💙😷

But for real…I’ve received an influx of messages about emotional eating during this time of heightened emotions.

As one who suffered from disordered eating, body dysmorphia, bulimia, orthorexia…all the deep 💩 — I HEAR YOU❤️🙏🏻

Cred: Mymindmybody


They go hand-in-hand. 

We use them for celebration, socializing, fitness, etc. They’re a necessity. We need food to LIVE. BUT if you feel like food is your go-to coping strategy, it may mean that you’re not actually meeting your needs — emotional &/or physical.

Cred: BlessingManifesting

How to approach emotional eating:⁣

❤️Like not having your period ladies, categorize emotional eating as a red flag 🚩 Something is off balance. Physically &/or emotionally your needs aren’t being met.

❤️Journal. Let’s get to the root issue. Ask yourself “What am I feeling ?” “What do I need?”⁣⁣

❤️Braindump. How can you meet your needs?

✅journal, read, walk outside, sauna, read, listen to a podcast, workout, talk to someone, what puts you in a better mood? 

EAT ENOUGH FOOD in the first place, we binge most often because we’re restricting in some way, positive self talk. 

❤️Know thy self. If you know you can’t control yourself from trigger foods, get them out of your home. Find an approach to redirect those thoughts from ones that are hurting you to one a that are helping you.

The point is to become a mf boss at identifying & meeting your needs before they own you.

Emotional eating, like any gut &/or hormonal dis-ease, is a complex topic that affects many differently.

Please seek help from a qualified individual🥰

Leave advice & your thoughts for others in comments🙏🏻👇🏻

Rose 🌹 are red, my scrubs are blue💙……& I ❤️you🤗 

-Hugs xoxo Coach K