How to Build Muscle & Lose Fat + 10 Tiny Sacrifices To 20 lbs Shed

How to Build Muscle & Lose Fat + 10 Tiny Sacrifices To 20 lbs shed

One mindshift allowed me to finally lose weight after 3 decades of trying & failing…

In the last 30+ years, I quit binging on carbs & sugar so many times, but I always went back to it. Sometimes it took 1 week. Sometimes I resisted for as long as 3 months. But I always broke my promise. I ended up getting bigger & bigger & sicker & sicker every year. Veggies & fruit & even foods I thought were “healthy” killed my gut & caused my Crohn’s to flare.

Losing weight can be a daunting task, especially when we think about the sacrifices we have to make to reach our goal weight. However, making tiny changes in our daily routine can result in significant weight loss without having to make drastic changes to our lifestyle.

The mindshift that helped me: “You need to be okay with failure to succeed”

I’ve heard this many times but it didn’t click with me until my healing & fat loss journey “plan” finally worked.

This is not just about weight loss. When you expect results right away & get dependent on them, failure to reach them in a certain time frame frustrates you & throws you off your goal.

The solution to this problem is to be okay with the possibility of not reaching the goal. It is to be invested in the process & the other benefits of doing the work.

When you stop obsessing about the result, it magically appears!

How I’ve been able to build muscle & maintain my weight loss working 40+ hours a week at 40+

  • I maintain the same habits & commitments to myself as when I was losing weight because I want to be the healthiest, happiest, & strongest version I can be. I’ve made fitness my lifestyle.
  • I don’t let the scale determine my success or worth. I know it will fluctuate naturally with sleep, stress, food intake, hydration, workouts, etc. I do not cut food & punish myself when it goes up. I stay consistent with my plan & take it simply as data to help me.
  • I prioritize health & how I feel with food, workouts, & movement. My mindset determines my reality. I know I cannot hate myself thin, happy, strong, successful, & fulfilled. You have to diet & live from the inside out. Being active & strength training are always priorities no matter what age or season I’m in.
  • I am patient & consistent af. I know body change & healing take time. I leave room for flexibility. I do not cheat, earn, or burn my food. It is fuel, not a treat. I don’t do rules, I do what feels right.
What I eat about every day!

Your Super Simple 5 Step Blueprint

1. Prioritize Walking: you can make a lot of progress by simply walking more. Aim to take at least 10,000 steps each day.

2. Prioritize Protein: eating is where most people struggle when trying to lose weight. You can simplify your nutrition strategy. In every meal, prioritize protein. I shoot for at least 40-60g per meal.

3. Prioritize Whole Foods: building on the last point, eat nourishing, whole foods 80-90% of the time. These are foods that aren’t processed & don’t come in a package. READ YOUR LABELS! The less ingredients the better.

4. Lift Weights at least 3 x Per Week: lifting weights is crucial whether your goal is muscle gain or fat loss. Lifting weights increases metabolic efficiency and muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn on a daily basis. Lifting weights also increases excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which means you keep burning calories even after you’re done exercising.

5. Prioritize Sleep: there’s no shortage of research showing a lack of sleep can lead to fat gain and hinder our ability to increase our muscle mass. Ways to improve your sleep quality: morning light exposure, keep caffeine in the am, avoid eating late, keep a consistent sleep schedule, create a calm, dark, cool environment, limit electronics

Strength Training as a Newbie Tips

As a beginner, you’re obviously not going to be pushing as much weight as someone more advanced. When I started CrossFit, my coaches started me of with less reps & lighter weights, focusing on the basics & proper form first.

I had to drop down to much lower weights than when I was at the peak of my more competitive CrossFit days & times when I took a break from heavier/more frequent training due to work & life stuff.

Devoting 20 minutes 3 x per week — or 10-15 minutes a couple times a day works too. Start somewhere & build from there in terms of weights, frequency & intensity.

Pro Tip: invest in a quality trainer or group fitness program. They will show you how to use equipment & movement with proper form as well as workout routines. Utilize YouTube for workout videos & education at home. Tons of home workouts programs are available nowadays with minimal equipment & cost.

Best Time To Workout?

Choose a time you’ll actually get yo ass to the gym. There’s no magic time. Some days you may need to be flexible, it’s called life. Being a creature of habit & routine will help with consistency.

Once afternoon strikes, my motivation to get to the gym is next to nothing. I prefer 5am or 10am depending on work.

This obviously varies from person to person as all of our lifestyles are different. But as I tell clients, “workout time is sacred time”. If you’re committed to it, you need to find a way to get it done.

Pro Tip: Start every morning with movement. Go for a walk, do mobility — something. Set out your workout clothes or sleep in them. You literally just have to roll out of bed & go. Split up your workouts into 2-3 mini sessions if you dread long sessions. Instead of doing 1 long workout, do 3, 10 minute workouts. It’s easier to make small simple commitments to yourself.

Realize Lack of Fitness Is An Emotional Issue

My job as a coach & mentor is to get my clients to “feel” like improving. To “feel” like doing the things they need to do to be their best. That might be working out in the morning, eating more protein, eating MORE, staying off the scales, working out less, nixing the negative self talk, etc. Binge eating especially comes from restriction with food & self worth – body, mind, & spirit.

It’s why people continue smoking when they know the risks. Why people overeat when they know it’s taking years off their life, why people would rather binge Netflix all day than go walk.

Humans seek short-term pleasures over long-term rewards. Most things worth doing take time to pay off. Most things that get you into trouble feel comfortable in the short-term. But until you “feel” like changing, long-term progress won’t happen.

Goals are great. They’re like the north star on a map. But the whole point of goal setting is to develop the habits & routines along the way to create a lifestyle.

Adherence & Consistency Are More Important Than The Details of the Training or Nutrition Plan.

I remember my first few years of work as a nutrition & CrossFit coach vividly. We could have the most “perfect” program, I could give the best advice I could. Then…the clients didn’t show up. They didn’t do the work. And they continually fell off the wagon. It doesn’t matter how good the plan is, if you don’t do it, you’re not going to improve.

Or as Joe Defranco says “a poor program done perfectly, is better than a perfect program done poorly.”

Dan John, a favorite of mine in the strength & conditioning world, has a catchphrase “Little & often over the long haul.” It’s not about how hard you can train today, how many times you train for the week, or even the month. It’s about showing up today & again tomorrow & the next day & repeat this lifestyle for years on end.

Movement, The Power of Words, & Accountability Are Important

Very few people wouldn’t benefit by taking more steps. Get up to 10,000 as a goal. I prefer to break this up into 2–3 smaller walks during the day. You might prefer one long one. It doesn’t matter, just get those steps in.

Take the word “might” out of your vocab & switch “have to” to “get to.” My pet peeve is when clients say “I might get to the gym tomorrow.” Or “I’ll try & eat good today.” They’re giving themselves an out, not committing. Don’t give yourself the option. Do you have to train at the gym or do you get to?

Group training & accountability make exercise more enjoyable, more efficient & produce greater results for most. Gyms like CrossFit, Spin, Orange Theory, & F45 have nailed what makes fitness more enjoyable.

Go through hell together & laugh about it afterwards. Or more simply: train, laugh & repeat.

Aesthetics are the By-Product of Quality Training, Nutrition, & Health.

The physical follows the physiological, target health first. Aesthetics shouldn’t be your focus. Yes, looking better naked makes us feel good. But that shouldn’t be the focus of your training/diet unless you’re an elite bodybuilder. Longevity & a sustainable lifestyle lean should be placed at the pentacle.

I’ve also seen far more “aesthetically-minded” clients get burned out, fall to binge eating, & stop training altogether than I do with “performance & longevity-minded” clients.

When your sole focus is on how you look in the mirror or the reading on the bathroom scales. You lose hope when it doesn’t change & often develop an unhealthy relationship with food and fitness.

Pick some performance goals. Let’s say a 2-mile run, max pull-ups & increasing your back squat. If you improve your performance on these 3, your body will look better, I promise you that.

Final Thoughts

Create your own framework & system for success! With all habits, developing them often comes down to mental hurdles.

Your body is the reflection of inputs & outputs. If you fuel your body with healthy, balanced nutrition & stress it with strength training, it will adapt appropriately.

10 Tiny Sacrifices To 20 lbs Shed

  • Cut out sugar
  • Drink water
  • Increase your protein intake
  • Cut out processed foods
  • Walk more
  • Cut out alcohol
  • Get enough quality sleep
  • Cook your meals at home
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Reduce your portion sizes & try fasting

Biohacking Guide Here

I understand what it feels like to be a prisoner in your own body with no idea what to eat or where to start. Wish you all the best of luck!

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1:1 Fat loss solution coaching available! Resources & guides in link here

Thrifting, lifting, Country Style Ribs + how to build your strength workout program

Who do you think you are?” she asked me (my supervisor).

In a performance review when I was 27 I was told that I had a “strong silence” & was “different” which others took as me being arrogant & cold & that I “needed to be more understanding of other people‘s weaknesses.”

💁🏼‍♀️In Beth Dutton fashion, let me interpret this: “Your resting bitch face, your sparkle, & the fact you can do other people’s jobs better make them uncomfortable.” 🤷‍♀️😆

It was eye-opening & ego shattering at the same time. I had no idea that was how I was being perceived. It did encourage me to sit down & observe past behaviors & presentation & how I was “different.”

At that time I was going thru a divorce, in radiology school full-time & working part time on top of it. As I put it, stressed to the titties.🫣

I was like come on sister, my life feels like getting stuck halfway putting on a sports bra when you’re sweaty & ya need Jesus to come down & cut you out of it 😂 

When you’re “different” & a “high performer” in life, you might notice that some other people, well — aren’t.

If you want a great life, tattoo these words on your brain: LIFE IS NOT HARD ON YOU; YOU MAKE LIFE HARD FOR YOURSELF.

Life can be hard & people won’t understand you sometimes, yes, but the majority of the “hard” sh*t in life people think is really “hard” in my opinion is really the EASY SH*T. 

Just be you & stop over complicating things. People don’t need to understand you you just have to love yourself.

Took myself thrift shopping & a rainy date to the gym yesterday. Had a beautiful day of treasure hunting!

The thing I’ve learned over the years is that many live life haphazardly complacent in a mediocre, lost state…

I hope this can meet you with inspiration today ❤️

Oxox Coach K


1. Go in with the right mindset—it’s about finding a treasure.

2. Look through everything, ALL sections. Try them on, they look different on 🙂 If it looks even remotely interesting, throw it in the cart. Have fun!

4. Go often & when the store opens to get the best buys.

5. Feel good supporting the community! My FAVorite part is giving back! My thrift store order of ops: Mom & pop stores → Church stores —> Salvation Army —> Goodwill.

6.Wear outfits that are easy to layer over so you don’t need a fitting room.

7. Buy it if you LOVE it!



bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer/speaker, nutritionist — doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Lilbitoffit Crispy Airfryer Chicken Nugget Recipe

AirFryer Chicken Nuggs! 🍗 

The kids love these! ✅ 

Tap to save post on Instagram!


  • 1lb ground @perduechicken (yes the brand matters 👋 chicken snob. It tastes best)
  • 2oz cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Dash of salt (I rarely measure 👀)
  • Pork Rinds for the coating (I prefer Epic brand baked pork rinds but use what you want. I find it takes about 2-3 bags of the small Epic packages & about 3/4-1 bag of the regular sized pork rind bags)


  • Mix ground chicken, egg, cream cheese, & salt in a large bowl
  • Crush pork rinds up
  • Roll chicken into a “meatball” or use a spoon or scooper to scoop & coat the meatball with the crushed pork rinds (warning, it’s sticky af. That’s chicken for ya)
  • Place meatball or nugget (however you wanna shape your chicken) in the air fryer. Space evenly. Spray your basket if you need to.
  • Airfry for 10 mins at 400°
  • Flip your nuggs & cook for another 5-10 minutes at 400°, depending on your desired crispiness or texture. I like mine CRISPYYYY so I do 10.
  • ENJOY!!

Lilbitoffit Airfryer Bacon Wrapped Scallops

We fancy. Scallops wrapped in bacon?! Um, YES!⁣

I got mine from @target frozen. Let them thaw, drained, pat dry, wrap in @Hormelfoods All Natural pork bacon, secure with a toothpick & cook for 10 minutes. ⁣

Depending on your air fryer the time will vary. If you like crispier bacon you can also pre-cook the bacon for about 3-4 minutes then wrap around your scallops.⁣

Great as an appetizer or entree, great with butter 🧈! Scallops are also one of the healthiest food you can eat. ⁣

3oz (84 grams) of steamed scallops are power packed:⁣

  • Calories: 94⁣
  • Carbs: 0 g⁣
  • Fat: 1.2 g⁣
  • Protein: 19.5 g⁣
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 333 mg⁣
  • Vitamin B12: 18% rec daily value (DV)⁣
  • Calcium: 9% of the DV⁣
  • Iron: 15% of the DV⁣
  • Magnesium: 12% of the DV⁣
  • Phosphorous: 27% of the DV⁣
  • Potassium: 12% of the DV⁣
  • Zinc: 18% of the DV⁣
  • Copper: 12% of the DV⁣
  • Selenium: 33% of the DV⁣

    They are an excellent source of several trace minerals too, including selenium, zinc & copper. Most people don’t get enough of them.⁣

  • 16 large sea scallops, cleaned and pat dry with paper towels⁣
  • 8 slices bacon⁣
  • 16 toothpicks⁣

  1. Pat the scallops dry with paper towels.⁣
  2. Wrap each scallop in ~1/2 slice of bacon and secure with a toothpick.⁣
  3. Place scallops in air fryer.⁣
  4. Cook at 400 for 5 minutes. Turn scallops & cook for another 5 minutes at 400 until scallop is tender & bacon cooked thoroughly to preference.⁣

    Bacon wrapped dates are awesome too if the dates don’t cause any digestive issues👌🏻

Lilbitoffit Airfryer Cheesy Beef Meatballs

Y’all know how much I love beef & my airfryer.⁣

I mean now, I have 2 airfryers (Instant 6qt)⁣

Named them Al & Abe. Abe travels with me 😂 

⁣After experimenting with all different kinds of ground meats, 80% ground beef chuck is my fav. I also rotate 85% ground beef & 93% ground chicken occasionally. 

I used to bake meatballs all the time, but fell in love with the crispy edges on meat when cooking in the airfryer. I thought, why the heck not, let’s airfry’em. ⁣

Simple Cheesy Carnivore Meatballs⁣


* 2 lbs ground beef (I like 80-85%, idc if it’s grass fed or grain fed. I feel people over complicate things. As long as it agrees with your health, eat it.)⁣

* 2 large eggs⁣

* 2 oz pork rinds⁣

* 3 oz shredded Italian cheese blend (or whatever you’d like as long as you tolerate dairy ok)

* 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt ⁣


* Mix all ingredients in a bowl. ⁣

* Roll into balls (~1-2 inches in diameter) Should make 24 meatballs.⁣

* Cook at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. Turn meat balls & cook for another 4 minutes.⁣

Ballpark Macros per 4 meatballs

(These’ll vary depending on your meatball size & what ingredients you include)⁣

Carbs: trace maybe from your cheese⁣

Protein: ~40g⁣

Fat: ~32g⁣

Enjoy y’all!

Lilbitoffit Crispy Airfryer Chicken Thigh Recipe

I mean seriously, the AirFryer is basically a one-pot wonder & magical basket for so many dishes! And for us carnivores who love a good crisp, it’s a life changer!

If I’m lookin to change up my red meat options,  chicken thighs are my fav! The airfryer makes chicken thighs come out tender & juicy with a deliciously crispy skin (best part 🤤)!

Great protein option for any diet!

**Common question: Can I use frozen chicken in the air fryer?

Answer: YES! Note cooking times will differ. Rule fo thumb, airfry frozen chicken thighs an extra 50% of time from the original recipe you’re using.


  • Choose pieces of chicken that are of equal size so they cook evenly in the air fryer. Don’t over crowd.
  • The internal temp for chicken should be 165°F
  • For ultimate juiciness, meat should set before serving to seal in the juices. 
  • Mix sauces & seasonings to add variety if you use different sauces and seasonings. Smoked paprika and sea salt are my two faves!
  • Chicken thighs keep about 5 days in the refrigerator & can be frozen up to 1 month.

Crispy Air Fryer Chicken Thigh Recipe


  • 4 chicken thighs (bone and skin optional, pick what you like) 6 oz each
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)
  • Season to taste (I like smoked paprika and pink Himalayan sea salt)


  • Rub chicken thighs with olive oil & sprinkle with seasoning.
  • Preheat air fryer to 340°F.
  • Place chicken thighs in the basket, cook 22-25 minutes or until chicken reaches 165°F & crispy exterior 
  • Rest 5 minutes before serving or if you’re impatient like me, dig in!

**Homemade Seasoning: Combine 

1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/4 teaspoon seasoned salt, garlic powder, black pepper, oregano

Lilbitoffit Airfryer Steak Tips Recipe

Airfryer Beef Steak Tips 🥩 🤤 ⁣

Making beef steak tips in the air fryer as opposed to any other method (oven, broiler, grill, cast iron skillet) has several benefits. My favorite one is the minimal cleanup because I’m lazy af. 🤚⁣

You also get a nice browning on the outside while retaining all the juiciness of your favorite steak on the inside.⁣

Steak Choice: I prefer ribeye steak, but new york strip or any other cut is OK to use as well.⁣

Tips for success for steak bites:⁣

* Do not overcrowd the air fryer basket when cooking. The more space you have between each steak bite, the more hot air is able to circulate, which creates a nice crust all around.⁣

* You can – pre-marinade the meat. If you do, do not add salt until right before cooking it.⁣


* 1.5 lb steak (Ribeye, New York) or beef chuck for a cheaper version cut to 3/4 inch cubes. I prefer ribeye. ⁣


1. Preheat the air fryer at 400F for about 5 minutes. ⁣

2. I do not trim my fat. Cut meat choice  into cubes. You can marinade your steak if you choose.⁣

3. Spread the prepared meat along the bottom & cook the tips for about 4-6 minutes & check for doneness.⁣

4. Once the steak bites are browned to your liking, flip them over and cook for another 3 minutes.⁣

Lilbitoffit Airfryer Ribeye Steak Recipe

Ribeye, never needs an introduction! 

My airfryer faves are my crispy meat bars, ribeye steak, and ribs! 

Classic pan-seared steak is undeniably delicious, but I’ve found it takes practice & patience to get it right every time. Which let’s be honest, I don’t have. 😂 ⁣

Cooking steak in the oven is easier, but it doesn’t always achieve the crisp exterior we love. I’m a texture girl, I love my meats with a crispy exterior. I tend to always overcook my steaks especially in the oven.⁣

That’s where the air fryer comes in. Seriously wish I would’ve bought one years ago!⁣

2 Tips for Making Steak In an Air Fryer:⁣

1. Let your air fryer heat up for at least 10 minutes before adding the steaks. This ensures that crispy brown exterior similar to searing. I used to skip this step & found my steaks ended up grey & overcooked by the time the outside brown.⁣

2. Flip the steaks halfway through cooking. Helps them cook evenly. After five minutes of cooking, flip.⁣


* Set an air fryer to 400°F and let heat for 10 minutes⁣

* Season to taste 1-2 ribeye steaks (depends on how large your air fryer basket is) I use salt and occasional cracked pepper. You can also use herb butter. A little bit of butter adds just the right touch of flavor. ⁣

* Air fry, flipping halfway through, 11 to 13 minutes total for medium-rare.⁣

⁣⁣I use an Instant 6qt airfryer.

I have a bunch of air fryer recipes & things I’ve experimented with in highlights under “Air fryer food” on Instagram!

Check’em out y’all! 

Lilbitoffit Crispy Airfryer Meat Bar Recipe


Videos are saved in my highlights labeled “My Meat Bars” on Instagram!


🥩 2 – 1 lb packages ground meat of choice

🧂 Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

  • I prefer 85% ground beef. Don’t care if it’s grass fed or grain fed. I prefer grain fed as far as taste)
  • I typically choose 1 package of 85% ground beef & 1 package of Perdue ground chicken to add variety. Or I will eat 2 packages of 85% ground beef. I’m a beef girl 🥩 🤷‍♀️ #cattlefarmersdaughter
  • I just season with pink Himalayan sea salt due to my sensitivities & Crohns. Season to taste however you’d like. I sprinkle the salt AFTER it’s cooked.


  1. LOOSELY break up meat into 4-5 sections or “bars” & place in airfryer basket 
  2. Airfry, 12 minutes, 380,⁣ no preheat
  3. Sprinkle sea salt to taste


  • You MUST use an airfryer for the crispy texture. Baking will not give you the same product. It will be dryer and not crispy. 
  • Do not pack into patties, again the crispy texture is created from NOT packing the meat tightly
  • You can melt 1 tbsp of bacon grease & drizzle on top of cooked meat or put slices of bacon on top of meat pieces in air fryer before you air fry for extra flavor & fat
  • You can use the fat in the bottom of the basket as a “dip” or “sauce” &/or for added flavor & fat
  • You can season with your favorite seasonings & use your favorite sauces. Go your own way, you don’t have to do it the way that I do.

Be creative, tag & show me your MEAT 🥩😄🙌

Simple Cheesy Carnivore Meatballs

Y’all know how much I love beef & my airfryer.

I named my airfryer 💁🏼‍♀️His name is Albert. If you’ve been following me for a bit you know I name all my plants too🪴💕

After experimenting with all different kinds of ground meats, 85% ground beef is my fav. Just the right amount of fat for my macros, flavor, & texture.

I used to bake meatballs all the time, but fell in love with the crispy edges on meat when cooking in the airfryer. I thought, why the heck not, let’s airfry’em. 

You can add cheese with this recipe or omit if sensitive to dairy. You can also use different kinds of ground meats, have fun with these!! Ground Pork is another fav, if you’re trying to reduce fat use a leaner ground chicken or ground turkey like a 93%

Simple Cheesy Carnivore Meatballs


  • 2 lbs ground beef (I like 85%, idc if it’s grass fed or grain fed. I feel people over complicate things. As long as it agrees with your health, eat it. I prefer grain fed for taste.)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 oz pork rinds ( @epicbar brand baked pork rinds are my fav)
  • 3 oz shredded Italian cheese blend (or whatever you’d like)
  • 1 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt 


  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl. 
  • Roll into balls (~1-2 inches in diameter) Should make 24 meatballs.
  • Cook at 350 degrees for 8 minutes. Turn meat balls & cook for another 4 minutes.

Ballpark Macros per 4 meatballs

(These’ll vary depending on your meatball size & what ingredients you include)

Carbs: trace maybe from your cheese

Protein: ~40g

Fat: ~32g

Enjoy y’all!