Simple saving, minimalism, & life hacks to living your “less is more” BEST life!

Today’s theme for self/life improvement/optimization: UPLEVEL & UPCYCLE

⭐️Uplevel: Having greater capabilities. To transform & grow in an area previously stagnant. To make progress or improve in a specific skill or area of one’s life.

⭐️Upcycle: form of recycling where instead of turning waste into new materials, you can take a product that you would otherwise throw away & give it a new use in life.

Being frugal & living as a minimalist aren’t about restriction &/or living a life less than…it’s about freedom & living MORE with LESS.


Photo dump of my morning loves & the simple things!

Spending is massively influenced by advertising & marketing. Don’t fall to consumerism. I did in my 20s & 30s, resulting in $50,000 of debt which I payed off 3 years ago👉an achievement I’ve most proud of to have overcome & continually evolve to improve.

Learning about health & money haven’t been easy or natural for me either. I simply do the best I can every single day to live my best life as my best self, physically, mentally, spiritually, & financially.

It’s not about perfection or feeling guilty every time your spend money, it’s about investing in what is important to you & detoxing the clutter. That’s it. You determine your rules.

I sat down & wrote out how I wanted to feel in life. Where was my resistance? Fear? Frustrations?  Most orbited around having too much clutter. Having too many unnecessary decisions. Saying yes, when I should say no.

Freedom, ease, & joy. Bingo 🎯

Enjoy all these tips, tricks, & #lifehacks I’ve learned about #lifeoptimization & #minimalism . Lots of brain vomit here, but I promise they’re worth their weight in gold + time reading.

I’ll continue to add to & improve these✨ 

One of my favorite go to books! Lifts your vibe & improves your perspective about money! I listen to it on Audible!

Blueprint on how I optimize a simple, more peaceful, successful, & abundant af life!⁣

Lessons learned the hard way. Anyone else belong to this club? 💁🏼‍♀️work smarter, creating more flow.

** These are recorded for me & from pages of my story book. They’re things I’ve learned. These are from my perspective & my experiences. I am in no way telling you exactly what’s gonna work for you, but these have worked for me. Enjoy. Take what you need, leave what you don’t **

➡️ @instacart & @amazon prime delivery. Saves time, money, stress, & energy. Allows you to get other sh*t done during your day without having to run errands.⁣ prevents impulse shopping. 

**I noticed if I shopped in store i bought tons of crap I didn’t need. I’m an emotional buyer. I reduce this as much as possible. All comes down to self awareness. I ask myself before I make a purchase if it will make me feel amazing in my soul & is NOT AN EGO OR NUMBING BUY. (Like making me feel “better” like a dopamine hit. These are short term & usually don’t last & make you happy long term.) if I don’t love & use something consistently I have to take it back, another reason I like Amazon, easy returns. If I buy something I also have to get rid of something. Reduced clutter & attachment to things. 

➡️ Workout 1st thing in the morning & get sunlight. Get up early & have an easily adaptable success routine nailed down. Works wherever you go. Walk after meals, set an alarm every 20-30 minutes to get up & walk around at work, take stairs, park further in parking lots, take the stairs, walk hallways. Easy changes to get more movement.

➡️Bought a cheap treadmill off Amazon & simple set of dumbbells (15, 10, 5, 3 lbs weights) I workout at home with to save on excess gym memberships & keep fitness at the forefront. You can google & YouTube free workout ideas. Luckily, the treadmill fits in the back of my car, as well as the dumbbells, and I take these with me on travel assignments, which eases my mind not finding a convenient gym.

➡️ Get easy tasks & must do‘s done 1st. Work 1st, play later.⁣ Creates energy of achievement & peace vs anxiety & procrastination.

➡️ I have multiple income streams (both active & passive) & do travel healthcare (I understand this isn’t for everyone or does everyone have the lifestyle to allow it). Transparently, I make 3x as much working less as a travel healthcare worker vs a staff healthcare worker. I also get insurance & benefits through my company. 

**I view ME as a business. I know I am my product. I have coaching & Xray as active income sources, meaning I trade my time for money. My passive income comes from e-books, courses, & partnering with other aligned people/businesses for the greater good. Social media is also viewed as a business. I use it wisely + with intention. 

**I do my research on travel Xray contracts that I take, I’m smart about cost of living, location, & expenses. I don’t take time off much, I don’t go out excessively & I save as much love-earned money as I can to invest where I please& pay off any debt that I have. This gives me peace of mind, freedom, happiness, and everything I’ve ever wanted. I also feel free and easy vsdown the road I go. It’s help me live simple and actually with Wess. It’s made me a more well rounded person as well as healthcare, professional, and has allowed me to travel while making really good money! 

➡️ I use clear storage bins & containers to help organize closets, shelves, cabinets, pantry’s & drawers when I plant roots somewhere longer term & aren’t traveling. Creates peace of mind & order.

➡️I purge & clean every week unnecessary items & any items attached to old energy no longer serving me.⁣ I take old clothes to stores like Plato’s Closet or Clothes Mentor. They give you money for old clothes to resale. Learn to live unattached to things. They weigh you down. This also means social media & media on your phone. I clean my car completely out once a month.

➡️ Organize shelves, cabinets, drawers, pantry’s, & closets by color. It creates a beautiful aesthetic look & you know exactly where to find things.⁣ this make me so happy 😀 which helps user more abundance into my life because I feel good. Manifesting what you desire is all about feeling. Feel good juju, get good juju.

➡️ Clean 1 area of my home every day. No dirty dishes in the sink. Declutter. Simplicity & detachment are bliss.

➡️ Get movement & steps in while your food cooks. Sometimes I do a mini workout with bodyweight or dumbbells while my meat Airfry‘s⁣ or meal is cooking.

➡️ If you’re 1 that travels often, have pre-packed bags with essentials ready to grab & go. I have an overnight bag with me at all times, I keep it in my car & closet.⁣ I also invested in an Anytime fitness membership because wherever I travel, I always have a gym for low cost. 

➡️ I lay clothes out for the next day, brush my teeth in the shower, set my coffee on auto brew. It speeds up the process. ⁣I bring my own coffee & maker when I travel. Saves money & energy. I also utilize hotels free breakfasts/coffee/& amenities to save money. Research hotel beforehand. Book this with the amenities you need like free breakfast & fitness center.

➡️ I delegate things I don’t like to do or hire it done.⁣ saves energy & frustration in the long run which again, make me happy & user more good energy & wealth into my life. 

**I have people drop me off when i don’t wanna drive or get an Uber or Lyft. I get to meet new people & have a more peaceful life not living in stress when I don’t wanna do something. I also feel good paying someone for their services & allowing them to have abundance in their life too. I call it gifting the universe. I find if I drive or do something I don’t wanna do, negative shiz like getting a ticket or having to pay for parking or car trouble is more likely to happen therefore costing me more in terms of money, time & energy.

➡️ Have ready to go or go to meals or snacks. I keep a freezer full of sale & budget buy meat (like steak or rib sales & ground meat. They’re cheaper). Go to snacks are deli meat, @applegate brand sausages, string cheese, & packets of tuna just in case I don’t have time to go to the store.⁣ I grab rotisserie chickens at the store & keep pork rinds in my car to carnivore on the go. Most hotels also have free breakfast with eggs/sausage/bacon. Also travel with an air fryer & grab my meats when I get to a destination.

**Cheapest low carb, carnivore foods I love: eggs, chicken drumsticks, stew meat, & fattier ground meats. Chicken/Turkey/pork is cheaper than beef/bison/lamb/seafood

➡️ I save & fill up my water bottles in natural springs or filtered water fountains at the gym. Reduces trash, helps with detox, & saves a TON on money on a budget.

➡️ I do my own nails. I order press on nails + glue from Amazon. I also do my own toenails. Have days I wear no make up & only wash my hair once a week. Saves time & money.

➡️ I don’t use much makeup. Again, simple is best & less is more. Reduces toxic products, your hormones and body will thank you. I use tallow lotion on my face & natural lotions, beauty products, deodorant, shampoo etc. as much as I can. Shop sales, places I have coupons or discounts for cleaning, beauty products & groceries. Love Aldi, amazon, TJ Maxx, thrift stores, goodwill, garage sales. Just do the best you can.

➡️ Pay your bills on time! I have credit cards that are cash back, I use these for purchases, shop sales, & then pay them directly off vs use my debit card. I also keep cash on hand, this will help reduce charging things. Set a loving  boundary to only buy what your cash will purchase.

➡️ Shop at second hand stores like thrift stores, goodwill, & the Salvation Army. Most of my favorite clothes have come from thrift stores! I also love to buy kids clothes & shoes, one benefit of being a petite person 😂 saves a ton of money! Some of my favorite budget buy stores are Walmart, Marshall’s, tj maxx, old navy, kohl’s, meijer, & shoe carnival.

➡️ I don’t go out excessively. A benefit of being an introvert, I save a ton of money not going out. I also don’t drink alcohol or fancy coffee drinks much. I go out like once every couple weeks & set a 1- no more than 2 drink limit.

➡️ If you get a large sum of money, like a promotion or inheritance, or a happy surprise, put that towards your debt or something you really really want/need like a vacation or hair extensions or whatever the hell you want here. 

➡️Set YOUR nonnegotiables & services/products you LOVE. Mine are my hair extensions & lash extensions. They help me feel incredible and save me money on make up, time, and energy. That is worth it to me. Don’t spend it all frivolously. Remember, love and respect your money. Give it a good/quality purpose.

➡️ Close any “leaky faucets” like services/subscriptions/memberships/products I don’t need or use. Motto: saving & investing are sexy. Travel & experiences are wealth, don’t be afraid to invest on self care & things that bring you expansion, joy, freedom, fulfillment, & help you vibrate at your highest. This helps me attract fulfillment in the ways I need. 

➡️ Be open to accept income from endless opportunities available. Create opportunities to welcome income for your unique abilities & gifts. Do shit you love & get paid for it. Mindset is everything. I Repeat, “Whatever I spend comes back to me x10!” And I treat $1 like 1 million. Money has ears, loves love, & loves purpose👉give it purpose. 

✨Remember, your energy allows you to attract what you want, but your aligned action allows you to claim what you want. You still have to act. Simply wishing & creating a vision board won’t magically make it happen. 

✨Outer order, inner calm. An organized clean environment welcomes & attracts more abundance. ⁣Think less & simple, not more & complicated.

✨The most successful people are organized, honest, frugal, invest wisely, service driven, prioritize health & education, & communicate effectively.⁣ Above all they KNOW THEMSELVES & are KIND TO EVERYONE no matter who they are. They know people remember how you made them feel. And how you make them feel ultimately determines how you’re remembered & treated. Remember that thing called the Golden Rule? It’s like the Universal Laws & Karma. They aren’t bullsh*t. 

✨I vow to spend my time working on improving my health, environment, attracting wealth, educating myself & others, & embracing different ways to utilize my gifts to better other peoples lives. I live by a personal creed & set of values I’ve written down. You should do this too.

Now go get sh*t done ✅ ⁣

Oxox ⁣

Coach K

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Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development.

You can find her personal weight loss & healing story here.

She’s been involved in travel nursing & radiography for 20 years! She’s a writer, connection maker, nutritionist, branding consultant & entrepreneur who loves helping others & squeezing every drop out of life!

Katie grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves.

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation with weight loss & Crohn’s disease.

She competed as a competitive CrossFit athlete in her early 30’s. After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, & hormonal imbalances, she is passionate about helping others find self-love, achieve their health & business goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit :

The Autumn Sweetness of Solitude

Solitude. Freedom. Home. October love.

Photo dump: Meals. Muscles. Words. Resonance. Fall feels.

Thoughts of the morning…

🎃Home is where YOU are.

🎃Home is where your soul is at peace.

🎃You can make any place home when you make it in yourself first & leave life open to possibilities everywhere 🌠❤️🏠

I need a lot of solitude. So much so, that at times I am potentially perceived as detached.

In reality tho, solitude is how I process to love myself & others more fully. I go to my sanctuaries (nature, my family farm, the gym) or take off on a random trip!

Solitude is how I come home to my center, gather data from the day & tune into my feelings (my internal GPS)

I require solitude for clarity on direction in life. Alone, I block out the noise & allow my lenses to clear to see the path, the intuitive direction I’m meant to embrace.

I realize I am one of those humans that come with an extra potent dose of empathy👉the capacity to sense & feel others.

This can be extraordinarily overwhelming.

In the past I’d attempt to numb it out thru excessive drinking (I love savoring beverages, but don’t drink to excess or to get drunk anymore) or turning to food by binge eating.

Now, I have a deeper understanding.

Empathy & intuition are huge gifts. It can also be a curse if you don’t know how to manage.

There is a monumental difference between solitude & loneliness, alone & lonely.

I am the LEAST lonely when I am processing in solitude despite what other people think.

I am the MOST lonely when surrounded by misaligned people who have turned themselves off to their sensitivity & vulnerability & controlled by ego.

I invite you all to take a small moment of solitude today & every day, in your special places, alone or with your special people to tap into your own internal roadmap for clarity🧡 


Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit :


All links:

You can simply book a call via email:

Breaking cycles, color therapy, current obsessions, & life realizations

I was always drawn to mood rings…

Today’s Message & Ponderings: Breaking cycles, color therapy, attracting health/abundance/love by the way you dress (present yourself), current obsessions, what I’m most proud of & life realizations

🗣️On breaking a cycles👉channeled message… 

Themes for October: clearing out the cobwebs & RE LAUNCH!

A “LFG”. A wake up to what has been dormant inside of you. A reboot, a transformation, an innovation. A time to go for what is right in front of you. It’s not out of reach anymore, It’s here. This eclipse portal is going to provide you with so much insight, wisdom & understanding (even if you feel like you don’t have the whole direction. Join the club. I feel you.)

  • What areas have you not been developing or harnessing at full potential? 
  • What weakness do you need to work on?

Take fitness for example. Are you not working out intentionally at the gym? Are you there but not fully committed & doing what you need to be doing with your workouts?

Are you wanting to make changes in your diet, but not fully committed to that? Are you “shoulding” all over yourself? 

Don’t be angry if you’re not getting the results you want because you’re not putting in the work or resting when you should be resting.

Are you struggling in your relationships but not taking the time to efficiently communicate with your partner or friends or family? 

It’s ok. It takes time to develop & bloom. The valleys allow you to feel where you don’t wanna be to give you the energy to ascend up the mountain to a better destination, your “peak.” 🏔️🌋🌄

There are no finish lines only the journey & the experiences along the way. 

The eclipses in October will give you the energy to uncover what needs to change.

Love yourself along the way. Self observation/critiquing doesn’t have to be mean or hard or harsh. It just is.

In the current world today we’re so disconnected from our bodies & our minds. We let distractions of the outer world muddy the waters. 

Spend time in nature, spend time alone, spend time in quiet, disconnect from social media. Unfollow accounts. Read a book. Connect with strangers, actually talk to people & get your nose out of your phone.

Something my mom told me a long time ago, stop, living your life through your phone. And that changed everything for me.

You’re back, but you’re different.

You’re always a different version of yourself. So it’s OK if you repeat cycles, just observe the energy around the cycles & why they’re happening.

Maybe you’re meant to go through those cycles again as a different version of yourself. It’s time to step out of your chrysalis.

This is the time around the holidays that people start putting themselves & health (as well as finances) second.

They start feeding the fiend instead of the friend, especially when it comes to overindulgence with the food & spending.

Thinking of food with this perspective helped me heal my bulimia & binge eating, addiction to exercise, & orthorexia.

You want to feed the friend not feed the fiend. Your body is a machine. It loves you. It keeps you alive. Food is your friend that loves you & keeps you alive. Keep the nourishing things close to you & get rid of the rest.

Feeding the friend = self loving exercise, nourishing food, portion control & mindful eating, fueling your body & eating for FUEL, positive self talk & inner chatter, surrounding yourself with a positive growth invoking environment, sleep, self care, nature, deeper community connections, personal development, avoiding trigger foods/people/places/habits, saying NO when you don’t want/need something without feeling you have to explain, resting.

👆Get the idea? 🫶🥰


color therapy podcast walaa

Follow @walaa.colorways & her work

Color therapy is a huge tool in my life to increase my frequency, give me energy, more happiness, attract more abundance, more love, better health, and enable myself to be the person that I want to be. I don’t consider myself materialistic, but an aficionado of creative expression. My wardrobe is a HUGE part of who I am, how I feel, & express myself. I dress accordingly. It is true what they say, how you present yourself not only dictates the way you present yourself, how you feel about yourself, AND the way that others treat you as well. 

Personal ponderings

Fuchsia, Gold, & magenta are my favorite colors the majority of the time. (Fyi: Fuchsia is usually a more pinkish-purplish color, whereas magenta is more reddish. Nerd alert 🤓🚨🙋‍♀️)

I find I am typically drawn to bold, bright colors & neutrals.

I don’t typically like dark colors or black. I used to wear a lot of black when I was younger. I’m aware now this was because I wanted to hide, I didn’t feel good about myself, & I thought I looked skinnier in black, which came from a scarcity self loathing mindset.

I am currently drawn to:

  • Anything sparkly ( 😂 ALWAYS)✨💖🪩
  • pinks 💓 & purples 💜
  • orange 🧡
  • golds 💛(Boiler up) 🚂
  • Colts blue 💙😉🐴🏈

+ Decadent neutrals like:

  • camel 🐫 
  • white 🤍
  • cream🍦
  • rich browns🤎


  • Western/rustic/ranchy (again, always 😆 🌵🏜️🐮🤠👢Yellowstone af)
  • Regal (think queen, victorian era)
  • Lacey, pearly (think feminine, denim & diamonds)

I find I get the most compliments when I dress in: Sparkles, Blue, Red, & Pinks

Our aura colors change based upon how we feel. I’ve always been in tune to this about myself. Even with other people, I can feel their vibrations & energy. I wear m headphones a lot when I go to the store & when I’m at the gym because I’m so sensitive & it helps me simply focus on myself more.

It’s “weird” but I can sense what’s going on in someone’s life, their emotional state, even see & hear their thoughts sometimes. I thought I was making the shit up when I was younger but now I realize this is one of my biggest gifts (and also a bit of a curse.) 

I have to wear my headphones OFTEN & make sure I stay consciously present in my own body & mind & spend a LOT of time alone (which people interpret as me being antisocial, stuck up, etc. which isn’t the case at all.) I do it so that I can love others & serve others at my fullest. I have to serve myself first because of this. 

I have to ground often (time in nature & solitude) I have practices in place to energetically & physically cleanse what is not mine everyday. (Infrared sauna therapy, red light therapy, colonic enemas, nature, workouts, meditations)

🧿🧠Personal observations at this snap shot in storybook time

Proud of myself for being unattached to things, people & places. (For you👉Research stoicism. That’s your homework if you’re not familiar 😉) Unattachment has taken a long time to develop & embrace. I finally released fear + labels & truly embodied & embraced my authentic story + everything that makes me (not what I think I need to be for other people).

Truly enjoy conversation & deeper connections with people. Anyone from coworkers to strangers, to patients, to my family & friends. Quality over quantity. These give me energy with the right people.

Such Gratitude for the special friends in my life. They mean much to me. The ones that don’t make me feel guilty for not keeping in constant contact, but always making me feel loved & supported no matter how much or little we talk or physically see each other.

Super proud of myself for loving my body & health, food & workouts & everything that I am enough to not feel the need to chase body goals or change myself anymore. No more self judgment from a criticism standpoint, but an appreciation & observation standpoint.

Super proud of myself for being able to stay present and savor the things I truly enjoy and consider decadent. Especially with carbs, spending, & alcohol. They no longer control me. I no longer use them as numbing mechanisms but something I use for enjoyment. I no longer drink to get drunk, but to savor what I desire in the moment in self loving moderation. Same with safe carbs & spending (I now say investing &/or gifting the Universe).

I no longer feel guilty for spending money like I used to. I tell myself now when I spend I’m gifting the Universe & the people I invest in.

If I know I made an ego or impulse buy, I return it & say thank you for however it served me. Amazon is my best friend, easy returns! If I buy something, I also make myself release/give away something. I don’t like clutter, I like a clear, organized fresh space.

I purge my space weekly. Anything that feels heavy or hordes old energy I now am unattached to & get rid of.

As far as career & fulfillment, I realized it doesn’t matter what job I’m doing or task I’m doing, I simply like doing things, learning, being productive, connecting with people, taking care of people & as long as I’m satisfied in what I’m doing, everything will be amazing. I love being physical & mobile & moving energy. 

 I don’t have to have a particular job to be worthy or successful or important, I just have to do what lights me up, be kind, & mostly importantly, leave myself & other peoples’ lives better than before they met me. 

I realize no matter what I do & put out into this world. My purpose is to make people feel something.🥰

I realize I have the absolute perfect professions for me as a radiologist technologist (which I used to doubt in the past). I literally see people’s’ inner beauty & this matches up perfectly with my medium gifts + being a nutritionist. I finally feel I am on my divine path without the need to question everything.

Current Obsessions:

  • Fanny packs
  • Soft, Comfy, loose clothes, Joggers
  • Gold jewelry
  • Cute/girly/sparkly hair ties, bows
  • Chill vibes, positive affirmation music
  • Music: Warren Zeiders, Zack Bryan, Bailey, Zimmerman, Morgan Wallen, Post Malone
  • 90s music, 90s/2000s shows
  • Travel healthcare (love working with Aureus Medical & adore my recruiter Lesa Modde. I’m currently finishing up my assignment in Quincy, Illinois at Blessing Hospital & embarking on a new 20 week assignment in Omaha Nebraska with Williams Family Medicine on November 6th. I have been with Aureus since 2015)
  • Being at home in Indiana with my family on the farm
  • Ribs, higher fat, lower volume carnivore diet
  • Omad & fasting for better energy management, and digestion
  • My mom’s home Cookin
  • Aura of a Women perfume (random find at TJ Maxx. I was actually blessed with another bottle yesterday in Quincy. I happened to look up and saw a bottle on the shelf. You can’t find it anywhere! Thank you Universe!)

OK I need to stop mind vomiting now. 🤭🤣🫣

Thank you to all who read the randomness of the daily K🫶 

I hope these messages, ponderings, & pages  of my storybook help you discover the depths of yourself & bloom into the most brightest, boldest, beautiful YOU! 💐 

Oxoxo Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit


All links:

You can simply book a call via email:

Cord cutting, new beginnings, vibrational living, food, fitness, & flying your “freak” flag…

One the best things my therapist told me, 

“If you’re angry or regretful you’re living in the past, if you’re worrying you’re living in the future, if you’re content you’ll know you’re living in the present. And that’s when life all starts to make sense.”

And THAT my friends is what I hold onto…Every. Single. Day, now. 

Walked in the moonlight this morning. 🌙 There’s something about early mornings that charge the soul & allow you to discover & reveal yourself. 

I find I wake up now by 3 AM every morning no matter what day it is. I stopped, forcing myself to go back to sleep. 🙄

🚗🤭👉side note, I have made a bed in the back of my red Ford Ecosport. Her name is Ruby btw. She’s my bestie & I’m so grateful to have her as my sidekick during this season of life. She’s keeps me safe & gives me freedom.  Bed kinda like this one 🙂 👇

I have made naps my new favorite thing during the day at lunch. I have also stopped forcing myself to stay up when I’m tired. My nap whenever it feels right. I sleep so peaceful in my car. Good thing I’m fun sized. 😂 (5’1 & 105 on a good day 😆 I can still hear my dad telling me I need to put some more lead in my ass Haha) Random thought & confession 🤷‍♀️ 

Where are all my nappers at?! 👋

I open up my fridge. 🥩🍖

We eating good up in this bish. Beef chuck roast & pork country ribs today from Sam’s Club. I’ll cut these up and air fry them. (Surprise surprise 😂) 

Some thoughts about my current food & body. I really love my softer, yet still “athletic” physique. The former more “serious CrossFit athlete” Katie glimmers thru. 

(you can scroll through my Instagram to see previous versions of myself. My personal healing & weight loss story is in the link in my Instagram bio) link:

It’s much easier to maintain muscle & shape once you’ve done the due diligence to build it. That means you have to eat & train with intention Y’all. Not stepping on that soapbox, but somebody needed to hear it. In fact, probably a lot of you who are under eating. 

I no longer judge or compare her to the former athlete, or any other former version of myself. I am really proud of every single version I have been. I want my energy to be good now, my digestion to be effortless, & to feel robust & healthy. I call it vibrational, living & eating. 

That’s all I care about now. I don’t care about setting body goals anymore, but I am truly grateful for everything I’ve learned throughout all of my seasons…as someone struggling with bulimia, being underweight, being overweight, being a former competitive CrossFit athlete, runner, & everything in between.

Here lately I crave variety in my diet. Higher fat, carnivore than what I was used to. Less ground meat, more steaks, ribs & pork. I’ve been able to consume pork now without any issues in moderation. It’s amazing how the body transforms.

The air fryer is still BAE. His name is Abe by the way. He travels with me. I cook just about everything in him. He’s an instant Vortex 6 quart.

I laugh cuz I feel I’m at a “weird inbetweener” age at 41. I’m an old soul but have such a young spirit.

Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.


Anyone else?😆 

Many times I’ve had to remind myself & ask what I’m living for & who I’m living for, & if none of those answers are ME, well then, I’m living the wrong life.

I’m weird as hell according to society standards. I own it with acceptance, love, & PRIDE, now.

I name all my plants, animals, favorite appliances, & things I use because I feel everything in life is alive, has energy, & deserves to be respected & loved. 

Denim & Diamonds… image below taken of me by the talented Dave McKenna of Brownsburg, Indiana.

I love all things sparkly, lacey, & pearly. Recently bought these super EXTRA little girls pants size 14 from target yesterday. Totally don’t need them but they fucking make me feel so happy when I put them on. I literally sit in my living room with these pants on & feel like Jasmine in Aladdin. Another semi embarrassing confession, but again, idgaf.💖 

I see & treat the janitor the same as I see a physician or someone highly affluent & “successful.” I see souls & energy first, not race, color, sex, sexual preference, or status.

Q from a follower: How do you make decisions & know what’s right for you?

A: you’ll have to feel your way but as far as for me, I’m a human design, manifesting generator profile 2/4 (google or YouTube it if you don’t know yours) I’m driven by my gut feelings/intuition. Warm/light/happy feelings=a YES, heavy/icky/forced/or cold feelings=a NO.

Feel into your feelings & body. There are your answers. I find now as far as food I’m less of a volume eater & more of a nourishment + energy management + experience eater. I no longer have bulimia or binge eat.

Some days I crave different foods or colors or textures. Some days i crave savory food, different textures, crispy food, creamy food, nourishing food, savory foods, cold food, hot food, denser foods, lighter food, sweet food, etc. Some days I want more carbs, most days I don’t & simply want meat. 

Daily energetics. Some days I feel certain colors. Like brights or neons Or neutrals or specific colors and I dress & accessorize in those colors because they make me feel amazing, vibrant & share the emotions I’m feeling. 

They make me more abundant, help attract more love, higher vibe people and places, feel happier, lighter, more joyful . Eating the foods I’m desiring also does this just like colors. A reason I don’t force things anymore like diets or workouts or jobs or wardrobes or people or my style. 

(A reason I hate uniforms & HARD RULES for anything because this is society trying to control us & our creative, vibrational expression.)

If I can offer you anything today with this diary entry, one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s MY JOB to create a joyful reality.

RECAP of last nights big life announcement if you missed it…

“Old keys don’t open new doors. BIG Life update!!!⁣

⁣Monthly vibe check for October: clearing out the cobwebs⁣

⁣I slowly started paying attention to the glimmers. ✨ The things that lit me up & made me feel sparkly & light & happy & joyful.⁣

⁣Taking note of the areas that felt stagnant & heavy.⁣

⁣I think it’s important to address how & why cobwebs & dust accumulate. It’s because we are avoiding or not seeing a process/place/people/etc we need to clear out. ⁣

⁣Today (9/29/23) is also a full moon, which is a period of clearing & releasing.⁣

⁣Allow the change of seasons to clear out the gunk/corners/hard to reach areas. Open your windows, seasonally clean. Literally & figuratively.⁣

⁣I had to do this, too.⁣

⁣My BIG announcement as my time here in Quincy comes to an end…⁣

⁣I struggled with the comfort in extending my contract, or staying in Fishers, IN, or choosing the excitement/fear of another unknown adventure. (These still make me scared sh*tless.)⁣

⁣As you learn to lean in & trust, the Universe always shows you your path. Doesn’t mean it ain’t frustrating…trust me…I’ve been heavy & grumbly. ⁣

⁣🥳But today, I officially accepted my next chapter & adventure, I’ll be moving to Omaha, Nebraska very soon for my next assignment with @aureusmedical at a family medicine practice starting November 6th. I’ll be there for 20 weeks into March!⁣

⁣Cannot be more PUMPED & grateful.⁣

⁣LFG🫶 Watch out Cornhuskers, this Boilermaker is comin in HOT!⁣

💛🖤🤍🚂 🤍🖤💛⁣”

Affirmation for you if it hits you in the feels at this moment in life. I know it does for me.

Cord Cutting for New Beginnings 

“I release any & all negative past, present, & future energetic cords that are attached to me. I release any and all cords that no longer serve me. I call my energy back to me. I go forth new, recharged, healthy, happy, abundant, & full of love.”

Let everyday be YOURS, OWN IT, & NEVER APOLOGIZE for who you are.


Coach K 

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Some things I’ve learned in 41 years

I turned 41 this year.
𝘚𝘰𝘶𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 & 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘱.

I don’t remember what I thought life would be like when I turned 21 & thought about turning 40. But right now I can say I feel better now then I did back then.

Days off, simply being present, enjoying nature, wearing clothes I love, doing my nails, doing anything that lights my soul on fire is me creating my heaven & I’m proud of myself.

Along this journey I’ve figured a few things out 🙂 & I want to share with you my biggest takeaway for the last 41 years…


It’s easier being EXTRAordinary & exceptional than it is being mediocre & average.

🤷‍♀️Here’s the hard truths & proof…

Most people are unhealthy & overweight. I choose not to be.

Most people are in debt & broke. I choose not to be.

Most people are complacent & lazy & have zero success routine. I am not.

Most people gossip & complain. I do not.

Most people stop learning. I have not.

Most people accept 0 responsibility. I take full accountability for myself, past, present, & future.

Most people are not a good example for their kids or society in general. I try to be the human I’d want my kids (if I could have any) to look up to.

Most people cower from hard conversations & tough situations. I embrace them & choose brutal honesty.

I am not saying I am perfect but a human that simply learns & strives to be better.

If you do the exact opposite of what “most people” do, you will live a pretty exceptional life.

I should warn you tho…

Doing what most people don’t do is not easy. But it’s also what makes it exceptional.

I hope me sharing life & getting older has inspired you 🙂

Go be EXTRAordinary & exceptional!

Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer/speaker, nutritionist — doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About This One Thing

fit blonde woman over 40

I tried every program possible to get in shape in my 20’s & 30’s & I still felt like sh*t. I didn’t “look like I worked out” & had low energy. My gut was a dumpster fire.

I constantly had ‘projects’.

Keto for 30 days. CrossFit competitions. Fat loss cuts on a never ending cycle. Cold showers for… well… I didn’t last long with that one, to be honest. Brrrr. Not my thing.

It seemed this kind of dopamine hit, short-termism was “fine” for me in my 20’s. (I turn 41 this year.)

After 40 your body starts arguing with you a little, you wise up (hopefully), & learn a few things by, frankly, doing a lot of dumb sh*t. Things that don’t work as well as they once did.

So to avoid wasting time on dumb stuff, if you want to:
get in shape
lose weight
look & feel younger than your age
You gotta change & flow in alignment with your season.

Look around you. You won’t see many folks over 40 in great shape & full of energy for the majority. I’ve worked in healthcare in radiology & as a nutrition coach for 18 years. I see it everyday. People younger than me, in worse shape & health because they don’t take care of themselves. Because 99% of people struggle to do something that can’t be found in their social media feeds and Google searches…

…consistently show up & master the big rocks to true transformation, health, & fitness.

Here’s how I do the damn thang. Enjoy!

  • fit blonde woman over 40
  • Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About One Thing

oxox Coach K

Minimally Optimal Effective Dose

What is M.O.E.D. ?

I noticed after turning 40 my physique & health were actually getting BETTER by doing LESS & simply focusing on enjoying my workouts while staying consistent af. The Minimally Optimal Effective Dose meant doing just enough to move the needle & improve your health, fitness, & body shape as I got older.

For any age, it is better to nail consistency week-in week-out than to only manage to do something much higher maintenance for weeks, while hating life, being desperate to stop, & eventually giving up & falling into bad habits.

I’ve noticed as I’ve aged, if I push it too much in the gym I get puffy, inflamed, gain weight & experience fatigue as a negative stress response vs if I take it “easier” on my body with lifting, simple movement & keeping my heart rate at a more moderate pace.

My workout M.O.E.D. methodology: 45 min-1 hr of resistance training 4-5d/wk paired with short bursts of cardio + daily walking (I get 15k steps/d).

Slice & dice it any way you want, do what works for you. You can do two 20 minute workouts a day, 1 long workout, etc.

This will:

  • build strength & muscle
  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • help you burn body fat & transform your body shape in no time

You can fit this in every single week because you haven’t had to turn your busy work & family life upside down.

Zone Training Basics

zone basics training

Training zones allow us to understand which energy systems & muscle fibers we use at a given exercise intensity level.

There are 6 zones. Zone 1 is the lowest intensity (for example, sitting on the sofa to watch Netflix), while Zone 6 is the highest (for instance, all-out sprinting).

  • Zone 1: Energy source mainly used: fat (and oxygen)
  • Zone 2: (easy jog; relaxed biking). Energy source mainly used: fat (and oxygen)
  • Zone 3: Energy source mainly used: fat trending into carbohydrates
  • Zone 4: Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates
  • Zone 5: Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates
  • Zone 6: (all-out sprinting). Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates trending into creatine phosphate.

**The fuel type you burn to create ATP changes with exercise intensity. In zones 1 & 2, you are primarily burning fat. In Zone 2, you also exercise at a level that optimally stimulates your cells’ mitochondria.

The Benefits of Zone 2 Cardio

Why do I spend much of my physical activity time in Zone 2 cardio?

First, I want to increase the number & efficiency of my mitochondria. In Zone 2, I maximally stimulate my mitochondria to produce ATP (energy). Your body will create more mitochondria in response. With more mitochondria, I can create more ATP through fat oxidation.

As you work in Zone 2, your body will get better at burning fat for energy. You may lower your risk of health problems such as insulin resistance, cancer, & dementia.

I do Zone 2 training to improve my health & longevity. I also have more energy throughout the day, I’m not as sore, my mental clarity if better, & my heart rate has lowered.

I get my heart rate up higher 2-3 times a week but no longer redline my CrossFit workouts daily like I used to.

staying fit and healthy made simple

Healthy Eating & Fat Loss M.O.E.D.

80-90% for Health. 20-10% for Flexibility

You can still lose weight after 40. Yes, I do feel the levels of indulgence we could get away with in the past bite us in the ass pretty quickly. <weeps quietly>.

Instead of quick fix, masochistic approaches to dieting, we can lose body fat & stay lean using the minimally optimal effective dose of dietary effort — intentionally managing calories & eating healthy foods the majority of the time, say Monday to Friday, or 80-90% of the time, meaning things like:

  • High protein breakfasts (eggs, bacon, sausage, etc)
  • High protein lunches/dinner (meat, seafood, eggs, etc)
  • No-minimal sugar & snacks between meals (2-3 meals/day)
  • Intermittent fasting overnight (12-16+ hours) Do what works for you as far as eating windows.
  • Use carbs (fruit, veggies, oats, rice, etc) intentionally. Typically the more active, the more you tolerate. If they cause issues mentally & physically, you may do better abstaining.
  • If you like weekend/social flexibility, use wisely.
carnivore diet food list

Energy Boosting, Stress Reducing, Biohacking

Sleep & Walk more while balancing hormones.

The people I meet over 40 who have boundless energy & seem younger than their years all have a few things in common:

  • they are conscious of managing stress
  • they prioritize their sleep & get outside in the sun
  • they understand the importance of hormonal balance

Ultimately all those things are interconnected.

  • Sleep helps you manage stress & regulate hormones
  • Reducing stress helps you sleep & keep Cortisol low which again regulates hormones
  • Keeping hormones balanced improves mood, energy levels, libido, & metabolism

So what are the tiniest, simplest yet most effective steps for us to achieve all that? 2 simple habits:

  • Fit in as much walking as you can each week. This reduces stress, helps you sleep, builds stamina, burns calories, & lifts your mood.
  • Prioritize sleep by getting 7-8 hrs/night. Avoid screens, alcohol, & heavy meals before bedtime.
Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About One Thing
Link here
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

A letter to my fellow late bloomers

girl at sunrise

A woman aged 37 who thought her life was a failure because she wasn’t where she wanted to be in life at her age sent a DM.

She felt miserable, trapped. Thought she couldn’t start over because she was too old & a mother of 4. Her message was moving. I felt for her not only because of the great sadness she was expressing, but also because I am a #latebloomer

I sent her some journaled thoughts I wrote a while back on aging & things we should “normalize” in hopes of giving her some inspiration. I wrote these in a “magic dark” period where I was, frankly, pissed off at life, lost & confused.

How bout some things to normalize…

Instead of bragging about your drinking skills like it’s something impressive, how bout we normalize impressing others by savoring the experience, not getting wasted, being present with your feelings & improving your life?

Not settling, high vibes, & good energy as our norm.

Falling in love with yourself.

Telling people you love them. Hugging, letting them linger. Whatever, make it weird 


Not bashing exes, other people, or ideals different than yours. How bout the Golden Rule?

Not doing rules, but doing what feels right. Leading with your heart & your gut. Anything done from a place of love & positive energy isn’t wrong.

Living by the Four Agreements: Be Impeccable With Your Word. Don’t Take Anything Personally. Don’t Make Assumptions. Always Do Your Best.

But seriously.
Normalize finding love in your 40’s & beyond. Normalize transformation & change, chasing new dreams at any age. Normalize finding yourself only to get lost again & find yourself again & being ok with it. Normalize not having a timeline yet scripting & having faith in the life & body you desire. Knowing the Universe will take care of the How.

Life doesn’t end at 25. 40 isn’t old. Aging is a privilege & life can start whenever we say it does.

Cheers to all my fellow late bloomers!

Happy Easter from one of my sanctuaries to yours

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love.

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Hard Truths Why You Struggle With Food & Fitness

hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness

Let’s start at the beginning.
Because we know the statistics.

We know that obesity has quadrupled since the 1950s.

We know that diabetes has increased from around 1.5 million people in the 1950s to over 34 million today, 90% or more of whom have type 2 diabetes, which is preventable.

We know that roughly 50% of American adults have cardiovascular disease and 70% of American adults are on some kind of prescription medication.

We know that we get 1.5 to 2 hours less sleep per night than a hundred years ago.

We know all of this stuff, because we are constantly bombarded with these statistics, hammered over the head with them until they lose their meaning.

But what we don’t talk much about (& we should), is the inner root cause of WHY these statistics exist.

“Losing weight” or “getting in shape” repeatedly score the top ten of people’s New Year’s resolutions. If you, too, have declared that you “finally want to get fit in 2023,” then it’s time to look at where you’re at.

Have you changed? Or have you given up on your fitness goals again — like so many years before?

If you have been trying to become a fitter, healthier version of yourself & repeatedly failed, you might need to come to grips with a few uncomfortable fitness truths.

If you take them to heart & act accordingly, you are well on your way to becoming the fittest & healthiest you can be. Let’s dive in!

Save & share! What’s mine is yours!
As Deepak Chopra says, “No one owns anything.”

oxox Coach K

All antiaging, biohacking products and discount codes here!

Coaching, Guides, Codes, & Resources Here!

  • hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness
  • hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & Gained Real Strength At 40

I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & gained real strength at 40

5 years ago, I wrote a journal entry about my ongoing struggle with binge eating & unhealthy addiction to exercise.

I detailed longstanding struggle with my seemingly endless appetite & f*cked up addiction to stuffing huge amounts of food in my face, struggling with gut flares & drowning in a black cloud of self loathing & frustration.

I had no “cures” as of yet, but I was now out of the closet getting REAL with living in a haunted house.

Since writing that entry, I created a community here simply sharing my life in hopes of helping others living a similar nightmare. I’ve received dozens of messages asking about my journey of recovery from disordered eating, poor body image, food addiction, orthorexia, & Crohn’s disease.

Living 3 decades with these devils on my shoulders, I’ve learned much about these demons that used to haunt me.

After going “carnivore” with my diet & changing my perspective on health & fitness, I never binge & am healthier than ever at 40 years old. I want the same for you.

How did I crack the code?

Well, first, I stopped looking outside myself for solutions, online & advice from friends, doctors, & latest fads. Instead, I decided to compassionately look inward & get curious on what life & fitness meant to me.

I started observing myself to understand why I behaved. I found without exception, I binged in response to 3 different situations that left me hungry physically & mentally:

When “restricting” & trying to eat like everyone else instead of ME
When avoiding an emotion or lacking purpose
When neglecting my own pleasure & needs

My priorities now are: Great food in the form of animal based nutrition — quality sleep & exercise — simple joy & peace.

I don’t categorize dieting & working out as a daily must-do activity anymore. I’ve learned to consider lifestyle a choice I love, not a chore.

A CHAMPION means to be someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.

Strong gave me the life I thought skinny would.


Be the woman who wakes up with purpose, shows up, & takes up space with intent.

Even when you reach the age where your heated seats are more about easing muscle pain than heating you up 😝😂📛

Hope these tips help you! SWIPE, save, & share freely!

  • I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & gained real strength at 40

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

How I reversed aging & feel better in my 40s

How I reversed aging & feel better in my 40s

The great thing about the fact you’re reading this is that it means you were probably born in the 70s or 80s. So you have a thick skin.

You can be told you’re at fault without taking it personally. It’s like your parents saying, “Quit yer cryin or I’ll give ya somethin to cry about!” I can still hear it.

This is important, because I have to tell you, if you are like me, you were or still are doing all sorts of dumb sh*t that needs to change if you’re feelin bad — overweight, stressed to the titties, tired-looking, demotivated, physically weak & grumpy.

Still reading?

I knew you would be. You’re my people!

I’m 40, born in 1982, & freely admit to having developed all sorts of dumb, counter-productive habits in my teens, 20s & 30s that affected my health, body shape & wellbeing as I approached 40.

The fact I looked puffy & felt like sh*t had less to do with:
Not having time
Other people
The weight on the scale or jean size
And really had everything to do with me just not taking care of myself, following what I thought I should be doing as far as diets & workouts, & building healthier lifestyle habits.

I consistently chose to let others & outside factors control my life, which ironically made life harder as I approached 40.

I won’t sugar coat it (literally), if your health & body shape aren’t great, it’s mostly your fault to a larger degree.

So I’m here to help you learn from my dumb sht to not do dumb sht so you don’t look & feel like sh*t. Here is how I reversed aging & feel better in my 40s!

  • How I reversed aging & feel better in my 40s

Link in IG bio to tons of resources to get you feeling amazing!

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,