Lilbitoffit’s Live Your Best Life List!

@lil_bit_of_fit ‘s Live Your Best Life List

This mug is epic is it not?!

think & name off at least 3 things you’re grateful for & do at least one thing that brings you joy in the mornin. Smile more. Compliment more. Do at least one nice thing for someone every day.

get a walk or some kind of movement done 1st thing in the morning. Be intentional about getting your 10K steps in.

eat nourishing food that does not cause any negative physical or mental triggers. Eat slow & mindfully. Hit your protein grams daily. At least 30-50g/meal. Average 2-3 meals/d, no snacking. Let your carbs & fat grams fall where they will. Eat at your maintenance calories the majority of the year. Drink at least 1/2 your body weight in oz of water daily + get in adequate electrolytes. Walk after meals, even 10 minutes. Eat your largest meal & carbs after your workout & taper meal sizes off later in the day.

strength train 3-4 x/week. Use cardio wisely, get in your daily steps.

do sh*t you love everyday & fill your cup. Sleep 7-8 hrs/night. Take 2 rest days/wk. Sweat, get some sunshine & nature as much as you can.

make a vision board or list or “Alignment” board on Pinterest & fill it with visions, quotes, pictures, & expanders of the life, love, body, & person you desire to embody. Believe you are worthy & deserving. Listen to positive podcasts, read books, surround yourself with extraordinary people & a nurturing environment.


That’s it. Don’t make it harder than it is.
Remember motivation is fleeting, but you have the choice to be a person who keeps commitments to themselves.

Now that know better…

Do better.

You DO have it all together, you just periodically forgot where you put it!


Coach K



 Mug is from Kroger!!
How cute is this???

Tap for Google Drive PDF Link, also available in link in Instagram Bio

Pss. I posted downloadable link to this list on Instagram in “Mindset” highlights, also available in the link in my Instagram bio!

Love and hugs!

oxox Coach K

Tips to help you with sugar cravings & fat loss! Especially on the carnivore diet!

Q: I can’t seem to control my weight, portions, & sugar cravings no matter what diet, currently Carnivore.⁣ Some days I’m not hungry.

So I asked her, “What’s your 1st thought in the morning when you wake up? Is it how much you’re scared you weigh?”⁣

She said yes. I said that’s your problem.⁣

Also asked her, “Do you intentionally make sure you are simply moving & hitting your steps every day?”

She said no. I also said there’s your problem.

One thing you can easily control which will also boost your mood, metabolism, digestion, & appetite👉🏻Build a success routine which includes movement. I suggest 1st thing in the morning. That leaves less time for excuses for you not to get your workouts in. I got mine this mornin before work.

When you’re constantly stuck in a negative mindset around dictating your entire day on a number or what you look like in the mirror, that’s the weight actually weighing you down.⁣

You dictate your reaction. Your thoughts & emotions (your REACTION to things) – dictates your behaviors. Your behaviors become your habits. Your habits become you.⁣

Tips we talked about to help navigate sweets cravings, addiction, & mindset around body image:⁣

– Stop body checking in the mirror. Take away the scale. Wear comfy clothes that complement your body. You wear your clothes, your clothes don’t wear you.⁣

– Sweets cravings are addiction: determine if you’re an abstainer or moderator. If you’re an abstainer you need to avoid carbs & sugar, period. Get the food out of your house. Watch artificial sweeteners, keto treats, cheat days, gum, drinks with sweetener, make sure you’re eating enough food especially enough fat.⁣ Track if you don’t know!

– Cheese, dairy, nuts, & nut butters can be addictions/triggers, they’re hard to portion control.⁣

– Choose meats easier to portion control like ground meat vs ribeyes, ribs, pork belly, bacon. They are highly palatable (& high fat) which means you’re more likely to eat past satiety.⁣

– You may need a multivitamin to fill in gaps for your specific needs. Always consult with your physician before making any changes. Most common imbalances/deficiencies I see with Carnivore if not eating a well rounded variety: vitamin D, electrolytes, magnesium & sodium, B vitamins, zinc, vit A, calcium & vitamin C⁣

– Check yo stress: Relationship & life stress? Sh*tty sleep? Over training? Under eating? Too much protein? Not enough Fat? Still eating trigger foods?⁣ Over caffeinating? ALL STRESS which increases your blood sugar, & increases inflammation even if you’re eating low-carb.

Your reflection in the mirror does not dictate your worth. Neither does what diet you choose to follow. Choose the things that make you a better human!

oxox Coach K

The only 2 things you need to do to get the body, life, and love you desire

Going to take a different spin to answering y’alls questions today and I feel no matter what you are wanting to change or bring into your life this is how you’ll get it.

This really has nothing to do with a specific diet, macros, or workouts, BUT everything in your life stems from healing & cultivating a better relationship with just 2 things: knowing your worth & you’re enough & putting action behind it.

Full Youtube video here, click image

You see you can go to the best doctors or hire all the best practitioners & coaches in the world but if you don’t believe in yourself, that you are worthy of whatever you’re seeking or wanting to heal, you’ll never get it.

We go to coaches & doctors for the “answers,” often seeking more numbing mechanisms to cover up the underlying issue which is us not believing in ourselves. We numb with excess food, shopping, alcohol, giving our bodies to people who don’t deserve them, etc. 
So I can sit here & give you all the specific diets, macros, & workouts, but they don’t fxcking matter if you don’t believe in yourself & that you’re worthy of these things. That means being able to apply the information as well, & if you’re paralyzed by your beliefs, the application won’t happen either.

For example, chasing beauty, love & success, even if you attain these things, they won’t bring you happiness & love unless you love yourself. Look at Marilyn Monroe, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Robin Williams, Heath ledger… just had this conversation with one of my best friends the other day while watching A Knight’s Tale with Heath Ledger. These people were so immensely talented & yet they took their own lives because they didn’t love themselves.

Ladies, some of the most beautiful models in the world, the most successful people in the world get left in relationships, are lonely, & are not happy because they don’t love themselves. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is you.

When traumatic experiences happen to you, like maybe you were left as a child, or someone left you in a relationship, if you start to believe you’re not enough, & these things pile up on top of you, & you don’t learn to unpack your bag — they will suffocate you & take over your life.

“Bad” shxt happens, but if you seek changing your personality, or chasing a body aesthetic to attain “happiness” you will forever be unfulfilled, you’re not really treating & healing the underlying issue which is you believe you’re not enough. 
I did this, I did this for decades & chased a smaller body thinking it would make me happier — it did not. It may temporarily give you that “high” but you won’t stay there. You won’t stay there until you become the person you want to be & cultivate those success habits & commitments to stay the person you desire to be.

So take all these talented amazing people like the actors, actresses, models – all these successful people we think have everything, but do they? It’s easy to hide behind & be fooled by filters, editors, & facades.

Take us as young girls or boys, we often times chase after boys & girls, we try to change ourselves, we try to please our parents, please teachers, please other people & where does it get us?

Love & worth are not to be chased, earned, or worked for – just like food, they are essential for life.

Watch your world change when you start to love yourself. It’s like the “Beauty is not the rent we pay to exist in this world.” We matter just because we exist. I have this on a post it on my mirror.

As children what happens is we have unmet needs. We want to be loved, we want to be safe, we want to be viewed as successful & significant & we encounter disappointment in these areas. We begin to believe that our needs will never be met & we are not enough which transcends into our adult lives.

There is no one thing in this world that can meet your unmet needs other than yourself.

To feel beautiful & loved you don’t need to change your shape or get surgery or whatever you seek to change your appearance, the one thing you need to do is believe you are loved & lovable because that is what you will attract in your life. 
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself or change something as long as it comes from a place of self loving & not self loathing. Your foundation has to be set on true self love.

People love you & see your significance & appreciate you to the degree that you love & see your significance for yourself.

Think about it, when people say good things about you like, “You’re beautiful, my goodness you are so talented, I just love to hear your voice, etc” — all these good things are warm like a fabulous cup of coffee or that cocktail you love you that warms you from the insides. Exude that energy & other people will see it & you’ll notice better things will come into your life when you vibrate at this high energy. You can choose this feeling right now. Don’t give other people or things that power with which you hold within yourself.

Because when these things leave you, we tend to feel poorly about ourselves. Remember we attract everything that is aligned to our energy. What is meant for you will never miss you & if it’s meant to leave let it go. Release it with a loving heart.

When you learn the art of unattachment, that’s when you start a lifelong romance with your life. One that is fulfilling. One that will give you the body that you want, the feelings that you want, the experiences that you want, & the people that you want, and it all starts with you.- Not a diet, not another person, not the right workouts, or meal plan, or macros.

So how do we do it? You have to learn to nourish your soul like you nourish your body. You have to nourish your mind. Tell yourself what you want to feel & what you want to hear & paint a different picture. Tell yourself you are beautiful & you have a fabulous life & ove being in the sunshine & you have people who love you simply because you are you. Paint that picture & believe it.

Create vision boards. I love Pinterest & save quotes that make me feel alive, loved, understood. I save pictures of the healthy body I want & how I feel. I save pictures of relationships goals & the person I want to be & I want my partner to be. Embody the habits of that person you want to embody & put them in place to get what you want. You have to put action behind the desires, too.

Set your clothes out in the morning to make it easy for yourself to go work out. TImeblock walks in your schedule. Meal prep your food ahead of time so you have good things to eat. Book self care & time to yourself. Unapologetically own your fxcking life & quit letting other people influence your life & live it for you. Don’t let them influence you by putting down a specific diet or things that you love, or telling you you’re weird & you need to change. That’s giving other people power.

The longest relationship you’ll have in your entire life is with you. Kids grow up. Partners leave or they die. Your parents pass. Friends will come and go. But you always will be with yourself until your very last breath.

Believe you are worth it.Because you are. Remember if beauty made you happy every beautiful person would be happy. A bodybuilder knows you have to break down muscle & build it back up & let it recover over & over again to get the body they want — a wounded, broken heart is just the same.

oxox Coach K

8 things you should do everyday to change your life

I’ve said it before, your daily habits, everything you consume, & who you surround yourself dictate how your life turns out. I posted this quote on my instagram stories this mornin:

The first few hours of your day are the most important. The first thing I do after waking is give gratitude to the Universe for allowing me to live another day.

I give gratitude to every slice of heaven & cup of joy no matter how small or trivial they may seem. Things like a warm summer morning, my cat Pete happy to see that I’m up, my beloved cup of coffee, the opportunity to workout, health & simply moving my body, a safe place to live, etc. These are privileges not everyone has & we have people fighting for us & giving up their lives so that we may have these privileges & freedom. #America

You can either start your day with junk (negative social media, distracting apps, processed food, negative self talk) or you can start your day with nourishment (reading, gratitude, movement, journaling, brain dumping, positive connection).

Throwback baby! Ahhhhh the lessons we learn. With age comes wisdom.

Which one do you think will set your day up for success?

Today’s world is weird & challenging. It’s not like it was even 2 years ago.

Mark Manson nailed it too, “Cell phones are the new cigarettes.” We are a world of people seeking instant gratification, temporary fulfillment, & always lookin for the next fix.

None of us are immune, but some of us are more self aware.

If you don’t purposely carve time out every day to progress & improve, you will get lost in the black hole of our increasingly “busy” lives.

I love this quote by Professor Harold Hill, “You pile up enough tomorrow’s, & you’ll find you’re left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterday’s.”

My secret, it’s really quite simple: success habits👇🏻

1.) Wake Up

2.) Get in your Game Zone 

3.) Move

4.) Eat Right

5.) Get Ready

6.) Find your Inspiration

7.) Visualize your Perfect Day

8.) Do One Thing to Move You Forward


Guys you have to make sleep a nonnegotiable. (7+ hrs) Sleep is as important as food, water, & exercise. You can google all the benefits. This post & the rest of this blog is absolutely worthless if you don’t make sleep, self care, & recovery a priority.


Gratitude is everything. You must manage your mindset to facilitate clarity & abundance. It’s like your “Luck 🍀Fuel.” I don’t think I need to say it again but I will 😆 👉🏻thoughts become things! Gratitude has been called the mother of all virtues.


The most successful people in this world exercise in the morning. It also has been found to generate inspiration & clarity, not to mention the physical benefits. You know we all out here wantin to look good naked. We are vain, holistic creatures. Look good, feel good, do good. If you don’t take care of your body, every other aspect of your life will suffer.

I make sure to sleep 6-8 solid hours, yes that requires going to bed super freaking early but my life depends on it. I workout at 5am before my 12hr shifts at work. No excuses. You are either a DOer or a DONTer.


Focus on protein & healthy fats as the center of your meals. Whole, natural, nourishing foods over processed. You eat like a trashcan you become the trashcan. Eat ENOUGH food. Food is also a privilege, don’t make chasing a smaller version of yourself you hobby. Your body is a machine, you have to fuel a machine with the right fuel. Food is not a treat, a reward, or something you need to earn – it is literally what you are made of. I don’t know about you but I don’t wanna be full of shxt 🤷‍♀️😆


Embody the person you want to be. If you want to be a successful, impactful person — present yourself as one. What you wear, what you consume, how you carry yourself — all matter. 

“Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”


We’re all different, what inspires one may not inspire you. 

I read, “Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning.”

Listen to podcasts, read, invest in events, masterminds, & coaches, watch YouTube‘s that make you want to be a better person. Seek people & portals that put you in the zone to perform at your highest.


You should be writing down your goals & intentions, no matter how small. To do lists & brain dumping are wonderful tools. You should also have a list of your core values which serve as a roadmap for all of your actions & decisions. Mine below.

Achieving your goals are inevitable if you follow a simple system & implement the right habits. Also goes back to thoughts become things. If you visualize and tell yourself everything is going wrong, you’re right.


I’ve had people say, “Well I’m just not as good as you so I can’t do x.” No, no one is better than the other some are more self-aware & more disciplined. I used to feel shame when people would tell me I was like a machine. I felt like a freak. Then I realized my will power & discipline are unwavering — that’s my superpower. They can be yours too. Will power is like a muscle. If you want it to grow, you have to execute. Do one thing that moves the needle forward every single day, whatever context you choose. It could be a body goal, a career goal, or a relationship goal. 

In closing, let me remind you, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS! 👏🏼 

Like Nike, “Just Do It.”

Oxox Coach K

Things you may need to hear today.

Things you may need to hear today…

👉🏻You don’t have to have life figured out.

Age (like weight) is JUST a number. Whether you’re 18, 21, 35 or 60. At school, we’re kinda forced to study certain things, pushed into a seemingly “normal” routine/timeline. (College, marriage, kids, jobs, diets, etc) Don’t worry if you’ve done things differently or, if you’ve followed that path & don’t really know what to do with your life yet. 

I have friends (& myself) who were married at 22 & divorced (some divorced twice). I have others who have been together since high school & are happily married with kids. 

I have friends who are 35 & beyond still single & traveling, or friends who are 25 & have the “white picket fence.” Others are married to their careers.

It’s cliche but you don’t have to ‘find yourself’ & figure out what works for you like it’s a finish line. It’s about enjoying the NOW & the journey of your evolvement. 

Trust me, you’ll be a helluva lot happier when you stop giving a shxt so much about tryna figure it out & fit into a box or camp.

Aging is a privilege. Just like all those wrinkles, stretch marks, sunspots, & “flaws” you have. That means you’ve lived!!!!

Can’t fuggin WAIT for my 40’s, every year it gets better! My birthday is next Friday BTW, I’m knockin 40’s door, I’ll be 39! Almost to cougar status.🐆 😂 

👉🏻Don’t compare yourself.

We choose to share certain things on social media & people don’t know the half of it. You cannot judge 1 chapter of your life to someone elses. There’s always someone in a better & worse situation than you. Just do you.

👉🏻Rainy days make flowers & rainbows.

The world is both bad & good, its called contrast. It’s important to spread kindness & love where you can. Sprinkle it everywhere. Smiles are free. You have the power to make someones day, use your power! Don’t. Be. A. Dick. (🤔Unless it’s the kind of D you want. Lol. I had to. 😂)

👉🏻You’re doing FABULOUS. 

In case noone told you today. Every day you have the opportunity to begin again & write another page.

“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”

Kathryn Stockett, The Help

One of my favorite movies of all time. WATCH IT.

So there we have it.

If you needed this today, I hope it helped. As always, I love hearing y’all’s feedback and advice for others on Instagram!


Coach K

What To Do When You Feel Like You’re About To Lose Your Shit – Simple Exercises to Help You

Me – eat meat bars. 😂 🥩 ♨️

But really…

I know I’m not the only one out there that has let themselves get to the point where your mood is basically, “Fxck EVERYTHING.” That deserves an LOL fo sho!

There’s no way to sugarcoat this – I’m just telling ya like it is. Coach “Keepin it Real” K 🙋‍♀️ 

We can’t BS ourselves & say we don’t know how we got here, because in retrospect – WE DO. This is a big topic my clients & I talk about & how we can prevent these roadblocks from stopping us in our tracks.

To offer a lil bit of help, so this “mood” doesn’t swallow & paralyze you to the point that overwhelm, poor health, weight gain, hopelessness, depression, & normal functioning stops (as you see it impacts you both emotionally & physically) — here are some exercises that have helped me & my clients avoid major catastrophes!

Create a “Control & Release” List

One of the first things I do with clients who are dealing with burnout or hopelessness is have them write a list of everything that’s stressing them out, or making them angry & upset. 

Then, we go through the list & divide it into things that are within their control, & things that are beyond their control. Like a pros & cons list.

You can’t avoid work hours or certain bills or social/family commitments but you can control how are you react to them, things like your sleep, over training or lack of movement, choosing foods that make you feel nourished & fantastic vs guilty & bloated, self-care time. 

The point is to get familiar with what’s demanding the bulk of your time & energy, assessing how you’re reacting to it, & controlling only what you can control.

Create “You Time”

We need time to ground. Setting aside time each day that are completely your own will only serve you positively in every facet of your life. Doesn’t matter what it is. It could be getting a pedicure, taking a walk, coloring, journaling, meditating, catching a workout, taking yourself out on a date.  I would even suggest putting it in your scheduler as an appointment to keep “work” from bleeding into your time.

Invest In A Coach or Mentor

We live in a society & culture that is all hustle. Seek out those people who seem to balance it well and embody the life and the person you desire to be. I call them expanders.  

“Success leaves clues.” – Tony Robbins 

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” – quoted by so many top leaders

You’ve probably heard it more times than you can count…

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn. 

There’s also the “show me your friends & I’ll show you your future” derivative.

Whichever you’ve heard, the intent is the same. Audit the people around you!

Create “Personal Success Boundaries” to help you navigate socializing.

While I agree one of the preventative tactics for burnout is to have a robust & fulfilling social & home life, constantly getting texts/calls/DMs/Snapchats, whatever, can be taxing, & energetically draining too. Especially for us introverts & empaths.

To avoid getting into the “I have no people juice left or fxcks to give” zone, you gotta set boundaries, sis.

This can look however you want it to. Maybe it’s letting people know that you’ll be slow to text back or “off the grid” till Monday. Or it could be as simple as saying NO to certain people & things, because you’ve decided they’re energy draining vs energy giving. Or maybe it interferes with your workout time or Netflix & chill time, whatevs.

Whatever your success boundaries, stick to them as best as you can AND communicate your “rules” to folks in your inner circle as they come up. 

If somebody doesn’t understand them or can’t evolve WITH YOU — they’re NOT your people. I don’t care how hot they are, this especially matters in romantic relationships. The people meant to be in your life align with you at this very moment. Learn to be unattached to outcomes & lovingly release what is not meant for you. Anything meant for you you should not have to chase and it shouldn’t be hard.

Balance shxtty tasks with things that bring you JOY

Know what brings you joy, unapologetically.

I say this all the time, “Self-awareness is your superpower.” 

If lifting weights doesn’t bring you joy, and running does – run. And vice versa. 

If you love staying at home but your friends &/or other half likes to be social, find a balance! Stay home this weekend and go out the next.

If you hate your job or relationship or financial situation or the fact you don’t feel well & don’t like your body – you have the power to choose again & choose a thought or something that brings you JOY

There is so much abundance out there if you keep an open mind & heart, just focus on doing what makes you happy & give up expectations, control, & worry. 

I keep this reminder in my scheduler. Anytime I feel overwhelm, I pull it out and read it aloud to myself.

I hope these exercises help you feel a lil better on a day to day basis, which is a sunnier place to launch & will give you the ability to advocate for the bigger inner, & subsequently, outer changes we desperately seek ❤️🌈

And if you need to book a consultation and talk, about whatever is hindering you – nutrition, health, life, relationship related – fill out an inquiry HERE and we’ll schedule time.

Oxox Coach K

Every uplevel of life requires a different you: a guide to get there

You’re not going to get THERE, by doing what you did to get HERE. Every uplevel in life requires a different you. Stop shrinking yourself to fit places you’ve outgrown. 

These photos – just a couple of my seasons. I love them both & they both required a completely different woman.

If you’re gonna change – positive, upleveling change looks like:

  • Asking for what you want & being assertive in situations where you would’ve been silent
  • Not feeling bad or apologetic for asking for what you want, your needs, your dreams, your voice, your opinion, your authenticity, your space, your introvert, or your extrovert
  • Setting boundaries, having those conversations you don’t want to have
  • Acknowledging your deservingness & worth, opening yourself up to receive abundance, unapologetically requesting & accepting being paid for your time
  • Accepting help when offered, it’s not a sign of weakness
  • Allowing yourself to feel & be whatever feels intuitively right for you without worrying about labels or judgment. We matter simply because we exist
  • Celebrating every win, every joyous moment, receiving & giving acts of kindness & love
  • Cultivating self helping habits, routines, grace

Some of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes:

“Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will.’”

“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

“Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”

“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.”

“Life and business is like the changing seasons. You cannot change the seasons, but you can change yourself. Therein lies the opportunity to live an extraordinary life–the opportunity to change yourself.”

I don’t know about you, but these lit me up today! Enjoy Loves oxox

Lack of honesty in relationships — the actual “weight” you need to lose to gain

I was never prepared for half of the shxt I’ve gone through, but I got thru it.

During a client consult call yesterday, the conversation turned into more about her habits & relationships than macros or diet — which often is the “weight” we are carrying around.

Our relationships with other people, food, ourselves, exercise — weigh enormously on our overall health (mental &physical).

Laughter, sleep, nature, nourishing food, sun, friends, alone time — all the best medicines.

My client said she didn’t think she was meant to be in a relationship because they never seem to work out.

I asked her if she was being honest with herself, honest with her partners & really clear on what she wants (or lack of). 

She said she thought so. 

And I said, “That’s your answer, you don’t just think so — you gotta know.”

I explained people come into your life as mirrors & teachers & if you’re lucky enough, you find a human you align positively with & fancy incredibly well. But that was up to her & the energy she was putting out there.

She said she feels timing is always off.

Sometimes honest feelings & bad timing make the most painful combination.

Thinking you met the right person but at the wrong time. You want so badly for things to work out but there’s that nagging “ I don’t think this is right” ache that won’t go away. Usually ends in dragging things out or hiding feelings which lead to resentment.

A quote that hit me hard in the past: “Some people keep changing partners to avoid changing themselves.”


You can insert food & exercise there as well.

I was like, fxck me. I have done this for years🤦🏼‍♀️

I broke relationships & friendships because speaking up & healing myself didn’t feel “safe.”

I’d cut people out with no remorse without explaining how I was feeling. Because navigating conflict felt like I either had to be the villain or the victim, & that made me weak.

Fears, attachment styles, self sabotaging habits, etc — don’t be afraid to dig your own dirt. This could be the very thing keeping you from losing weight, attracting success, finding love or keeping the one you have or had right in front of your eyes.

Lots of love y’all ❤️❤️❤️

The stories you tell yourself can create blocks or boundaries. How to create healthy boundaries for extraordinary stories!

What if instead of trying to fix your entire story, just focus on writing one extraordinary story at a time. Then commit to planting those extraordinary seeds every day and watch your story grow.⁣

I write everyday.⁣

Stories are important. For they create your identity. The book, Atomic Habits talks about stories.⁣

What stories are you telling yourself? ⁣
What identity do you want to embody? ⁣
What systems do you have in place to help you achieve your goals?⁣

I feel there are 3 big areas of emotion affected by the stories we tell ourselves.⁣

Money stories. ⁣
Relationship stories. ⁣
Health (Food & Body) stories.⁣

What I did wrong: all 3 of these in some way I discounted my worth & desires.

I set blocks instead of boundaries — there’s a difference. ⁣

For example, relationships: If I was asked out & I really liked a guy, I’d lose myself & completely change my plans to do what they wanted to do. This was me not valuing my needs. A block. ⁣

Now, instead of completely denying myself of my plans/needs I would simply say, “Let me get my workout in (or insert whatever plan I had for myself). I will connect & confirm plans later because I would like to spend time with you.”⁣

This is me setting a boundary not a block. This application can be used across the board.⁣

Example, Health: instead of saying, “I’m not a morning person, I don’t have time to meal prep.” Set a system & a boundary. “I don’t like to get up early but I will commit to 3 mornings this week & meal prep lunches because I want to be healthy.” ⁣

Choose extraordinary actions because you deserve to write extraordinary stories.⁣

Write the identity you want to embody around money, relationships, & health.⁣

MONEY: I am safe, able, deserving, successful & abundant.⁣
RELATIONSHIP: I am loved, seen, heard, safe, & significant. My relationships feel like freedom & home. I want my future partner to feel the same in the way they need.⁣
HEALTH: I am healthy, energetic, thriving, strong, intelligent, & beautiful in every season.⁣

Inner calm, outer order😉⁣

Share yours!⁣

Don’t be upset about the results you aren’t getting from the work you didn’t do

A client got pissed at me yesterday. I said, “Good, then I’m doin my job.”

I had several conversations yesterday via dm with people letting their mindsets & emotional heaviness get the best of them.

On repeat: You attract what you put out. You cannot become what you want by remaining where you are.

You gotta shift your mindset. Mindset is part of the work.

This particular client, flat refuses to eat more food yet wants to gain muscle & heal. And I get it, it’s a mindfxck. 

And I don’t care what goal y’all are chasin in whatever facet of life — DON’T BE UPSET ABOUT THE RESULTS YOU AREN’T GETTING FROM THE WORK YOU DIDN’T DO.

4 things I live by…& letting my weight or my Crohn’s or excuses control me — NOT any of those 3 things…

1.) Be mentally attractive, kind, & be worth knowing. You attract what you put out.

2.) Thou shall not judge because thou has fxcked up too.

3.) You either DO or you DON’T.

4.) 2 things I don’t like to share, toothbrushes & wieners. 

💁🏼‍♀️Slap that last one on a T-shirt.⁣

January 2021 I picked my word. Actually I picked 2: JOY & SURRENDER.

⁣Book Recommendation: One Word

How I choose mine:⁣

Step 1: Determine the person you want to be & embody. ⁣

Step 2: Identify the characteristics & things you need to do to be that person. ⁣

Step 3: Choose the word that resonates with your person & the life you want to create. ⁣

I want to know what y’all chose for 2021! What’s your word?👇🏻⁣