This Is Why You’re Not Getting What You Want

woman sunrise coffee

Be who you wish you had grown up seeing in the mirror, the one you’ll proudly & affectionately look back on being, & the one savoring the process becoming them


It’s 5:55am this is likely & algorithmically the worst time to post 

girl sitting on couch with coffee in the morning

 Alas, sometimes we just need to create when we have the mental real estate to do so.

We get so stuck in what’s next we don’t take enough pause to see how far we’ve come.

I cringed at my first stretch mark & belly roll.
I bought the lotions & creams, I cursed the genetics that gave them to me. I hated food – it was the enemy. The thing that made me fat & “undesirable.”

That’s where we started.

I feel nothing except gratitude for “flaws.”
They did everything they were supposed to.

I was the girl who wore a T-shirt over her bathing suit for years both because I was ashamed of my body & overweight, & I was always in pain, bloated, struggling with gut issues — which made me a miserable person because that’s how I chose to react.

I empathize with anyone struggling with a dis-ease that makes them feel like a prisoner in their own body, that makes them feel lost & weird & less than & hopeless.

I have scars from surgery on my abdomen. I have a scar from a navel ring, which I got when I turned 18 because my parents told me I couldn’t 


I have creases & cellulite & stretch marks on my tummy & thighs because my body is miraculous & adaptable.

I have belly rolls when I sit down just like you. I have tons of sunspots & freckles & wrinkles from days making memories in the sun.

I’ve survived cervical cancer, infertility, renal stones, eating disorders, obesity, chronic pain from #crohnsdisease , scoliosis & old injuries, broken bones, depression, childhood & relationship trauma, debt in so many more ways than money…

…it’s called life. And we have the power to control how we respond to things


Take your power back.

Oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Coach K’s Hopeful Gut Healing and Body Transformation Guide: From Disordered Eating, Fat Loss, Recipes, Crohn’s Disease, Food Addiction, Biohacking, Habits, Mindset & More

IBS vs IBD lilbitoffit hopeful gut healing guide

5 years ago, I wrote a journal entry about my ongoing struggle with Crohn’s disease, binge eating, unhealthy addiction to exercise, & poor body image.

I detailed longstanding struggle with my seemingly endless appetite & f*cked up addiction to stuffing huge amounts of food in my face, struggling with gut flares & drowning in a black cloud of self loathing & frustration.

I had no “cures” as of yet, but I was now out of the closet getting REAL with living in a “haunted house.”

Since writing that entry, I chose to turn that pain into something constructive. I created a community here simply sharing my life in hopes of helping others living a similar nightmare.

I wrote a super informative blog on my healing & carnivore story here that will answer the majority of your questions what I went through transitioning & how I healed via a meat based, “carnivore” lifestyle.

I’ve received hundreds of messages asking about the journey of recovery from disordered eating, poor body image, food addiction, orthorexia, & Crohn’s disease.

Living decades with these devils on my shoulders since the age of 8, I’ve learned a lot.

After going “carnivore” with diet & changing my perspective on health & fitness, I never binge & am healthier than ever at 40 years old & med free in remission.
I want the same for you.

How did I crack the code? Brain dumped as many resources as I could in this blog for you.

First, I stopped looking outside myself for solutions, online & advice from friends, doctors, & latest fads. Instead, I decided to compassionately look inward & get curious on what life & fitness meant to me.

I started observing myself to understand my thoughts & actions.

I found without exception, I binged in response to 3 different situations that left me hungry physically & mentally:

  • When “restricting” & trying to eat like everyone else instead of ME
  • When avoiding an emotion or lacking purpose
  • When neglecting my own pleasure & needs

My priorities now are: Great food in the form of animal based nutrition — quality sleep & exercise — simple joy & inner peace.

I’ve learned to consider fitness a lifestyle I love, not a chore.

A CHAMPION means to be someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.

Hope these tips help you! Feel free to swipe, tag, save, & share any post of mine on IG freely! That’s all that I ask of you is to share anything that has helped you or will help someone else! What’s mine is yours!

***Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape, or form medical advice, I am simply sharing what has helped me***

  • IBS vs IBD lilbitoffit hopeful gut healing guide
  • hopeful gut healing guide lilbitoffit




  • Ultimate Meat and Macros Guide lilbitoffit


  • cook with coach K carnivore recipe book


  • lilbitoffit's product and supplement guide

You could have picked a bunch of other people to follow & allow influence into your lives, but you chose me. Thank you for giving me a platform & portals to share with you my thoughts, experiences, & life through my lens. Thank you for being my most incredible supporters & being part of my digital family. Cheers to many more years of health, happiness, abundance, community, & choosing to live life on our own terms!

OXOX Coach K


The Simple Guide I Used To Heal My Gut And Find The Right Diet

the simple guide i used to heal my gut and find the right diet

In the 40 years of my life, I’ve attempted to get into “better shape” & heal my gut more times than I wanna admit. I’ve been a plethora of different shapes & sizes depending on what season of life I was in.

But FINALLY something stuck. My motivation & drive were at an all-time high. Things started working & I stuck to my plan more than 2 weeks 😆 Most importantly, the carnivore WOE (way of eating) turned into my new lifestyle.

I’ve had tons of questions on how I want about figuring out what worked. So I mapped out my thought processes & phases just for you!

I share symptoms & trigger foods I encountered. I hope this helps you figure out what’s best for you!

Swipe, share & save on IG here!

***I also have a complete Meat & Macros Guide where I documented everything I have learned throughout this journey. Click the link in my Instagram bio to snag yours! Link:

****I understand this is a LOT of info. My story & journey is also posted on my blog for easier reading here, in IG bio, & in highlights:

*****Biohacking Guide to all my favorite recovery and anti-aging products here with links:

Was this journey easy? No.
Did I feel great all the time? No.
But what did happen within a couple weeks, my carb cravings were gone, I was satiated after meals, I was no longer binging & purging, my inflammation & gut issues had all but disappeared & I embraced stepping into my new chapter of life!

oxox Coach K

  • the simple guide i used to heal my gut and find the right diet
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

How did you deal with weight gain through the years & transitioning on the carnivore diet?

weight gain self love lilbitoffit

It all starts with learning to love yourself & disassociating your worth with what you look like. I still have stretch marks, rolls, loose skin, & wrinkles.

My body has been all shapes and sizes! Transformation takes time!

I gained 10lbs when I started CrossFit at 31. I gained 15 when I started carnivore almost 3 yrs ago. Your body is meant to transform


For me, my body acceptance/neutrality started with mourning my own thinner self & my more “athletic” physique when I was training harder. You have to acknowledge & sit with these feelings 1st. Rest is absolutely necessary especially when it comes to healing.

This was the toughest part of finally reaching my own body acceptance & realizing I was now in a different season of life.

I understand. It’s easy to find yourself romanticizing the times you’re physically at your lowest. Realize that physical low may also mean you’re at a mental low as well.

My disordered body image, eating, & relationship with self exacerbated with the glorification of my weight loss. It fueled the fire to more disordered behaviors because you crave that validation.

It’s ok to feel all the feels & go thru the wheel of disgust. You have to get to sweet spot of self love regardless of your weight.

Some things I want you remember:

1.) It’s OK to have body goals & want to see what your body can do as long as it comes from a place of self love, not loathing. Make sure you’ve healed any imbalances, done your due diligence to eat enough food to function like a rock star & set yourself up for a successful body goal.

2.) Body positivity & acceptance doesn’t mean you use them as an excuse to eat & treat your body like a trash can. You are what you eat & we were meant to move. You are your habits.

3.) Abs don’t mean you’re healthy & having a few extra rolls don’t mean your unhealthy. We all look different. Chase health first. Choose the diet that works for you. Choose the workouts you love.

Tap for reel: Living at maintenance really is the sweet spot 


⁣oxox Coach K

The difference between IBS and IBD and how Carnivore can help with gut healing

ibs ibd carnivore gut healing

I lived the majority of my life misdiagnosed with IBS when I in fact had IBD Crohn’s.

Know the difference!

Ulcerative colitis involves the inner lining of the colon, while Crohn’s disease involves all layers of the intestine & can occur in both the small intestine & colon. Mine is specifically is affected in the right lower quadrant (around where your appendix is located).

These disorders affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the area of the body where digestion takes place. Digestion affects every facet of your life including fat loss goals, performance goals, & just living every day life.

It can be paralyzing when you don’t know what to eat & are struggling with symptoms.

The diseases cause inflammation of the intestine & lead to ongoing symptoms/complications.

There is no known cause or cure for IBD, but fortunately there are many effective treatments to help control it, including diet & lifestyle. Carnivore saved my life.

If medications fail to control the symptoms of IBD, or if certain complications occur, surgery may be required.

There is no single diet or eating plan that will work for everyone with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Dietary recommendations with my clients are tailored for each individual, depending on what part of the intestines is affected, if they have IBS or IBD, specific body goals, lifestyle needs & preferences.

  • ibs ibd carnivore gut healing
  • ibs ibd carnivore gut healing

Swipe for all the cheat sheets on things that I learned, things that helped me improve symptoms, carnivore healing phases, symptoms, triggers, & supplements that were helpful! IG:

I assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Sending you all the love & hugs & know that I understand I’ve been there too!

Supplements you can find here with discount codes & coaching FAQS:

#IBS #IBD #constipation #bloating #weightloss #weightlossjourney #lowfodmap #guthealing #lowcarbweightlos #workouttips #guthealth #loseweight #sugaraddiction #foodaddiction #autoimmunewarrior #lowfodmapdiet #fatlossplan #carnivorediet #carnivorewomen #ibsdiet #crohnsdiet #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #carnivorecoach #crohnswarrior #lchfdiet #crohnsandcolitis #crossfit #bodybuilding

Why digestion affects your fat loss and workouts, especially living with Crohn’s, IBS, and Colitis. Tips to help!

gut supplements fat loss crohn's

I’m fortunate enough to be med free loving with Crohn’s.

I’m an advocate of being EDUCATED & FLEXIBLE, eating foods that are nourishing, suit YOUR lifestyle & needs.⁣

I’m a coach that helps you find your “happy.” I understand how living with gut issues, being overweight, or simply having a poor relationship with yourself paralyzes you.

I’m not a coach that’s gonna give you a specific meal plan, sell you sh*t that doesn’t work, or put on a façade that me or my life is perfect. Perfect doesn’t help anybody, remember that.

I’m gonna share my story & let you decide how to put your puzzle pieces together as your guide.

Specific Products did significantly help me. I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.⁣

I created an entire supplement guide just for you! PDF LINK IN IG BIO!⁣ I’m happy to answer questions via comments or dm.

So fueling like an athlete with special digestive needs & why digestion matters.

Here are my top tips living with gut issues as a fitnessor just like you! Swipe!

⁣Why do I eat a meat based diet?⁣
— I’m sensitive to lectins, oxalates, high histamine, high fodmap foods & phytates. ⁣

I wondered for years why I felt like poo after eating nut butters, high amounts of veggies, fruits, fiber, sweet potatoes, breads, & any nuts & seeds. Basically my body hates anything but coffee, gf alcohol, eggs, & meat.

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods

  • Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods
  • I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues.
  • Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest.⁣
  • Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. These are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an a$$hole
  • Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, don’t have energy crashes.
  • My body is more recovered, less inflamed, I eat more food & stay leaner with no binging. My workouts feel great & I simply do what I love.⁣

    I modify my “carnivore” diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of your adventure.

    I hope this helps you find your happy! Go crush it, Team!⁣

If you need 1:1 support, apply here!

#ibs #ibd #crohns #colitis #carnivorediet

How To Fix Your Bloat and Find Your Trigger Foods

Ever wasted your money on a food tolerance test to try to fix your gut issues?


 Hi it me, too.

There are numerous food intolerance tests available like blood, breath, & hair tests.

I found in my experience it didn’t tell me what I already didn’t know, & many were inaccurate.

Quick tips in a shot glass with Coach K

What saved me was tracking food & journaling symptoms. Things that caused problems I was overlooking were things like lack of sleep, combinations of foods like dairy, fruit, & veggies, & eating too fast.

The only way to accurately diagnose a food intolerance is via elimination of that food, your symptoms dissipating, then coming back when you reintroduce.

A reason a meat-based diet is great for people with gut issues & autoimmune condition is it eliminates the majority of triggers & allows your body/gut to heal which helps you lose body fat & achieve a “toned” lean healthier physique.

I discuss how to heal your gut in my Meat & Macros macros guide which you can find the link in my IG bio along with Coaching FAQs.

Talk to someone quantified if you’re not sure what to do. I promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel!


  • Gluten⁣⁣, corn, fiber, grains
  • Artificial sweeteners, preservatives⁣⁣⁣, most seasonings, Low quality vegetable & seed oils
  • Nuts & seeds, popcorn, spicy food
  • High fiber raw veggies⁣, basically all plants
  • Gas producing veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels)⁣⁣⁣ lettuce
  • Gritty fruit, skins/seeds
  • High fodmaps, lectins, oxalates
  • Sugar alcohols, sugar free products
  • Pork, Turkey, & dairy in larger quantities
  • PMSF Bread
  • Meals too high in fat in one sitting
  • Chewy, fatty meat like steaks & roasts (which is why I choose ground & shredded meat, I digest them better)

All links:

oxox Coach K

How to create the life and body of your dreams by choosing your own adventure

Yesterday I pulled over at Hardee’s & ordered 3 chicken boobies, grilled, plain. (I had to refrain from sayin “chicken boobies”😂)

Back to work today after a fun few days in Nashville!

The dude looked at me like I had 4 eyes. He was like, “Oh you want the chicken club sandwich?” 

I’m like 🙄, “No b*tch, I want exactly what I ordered.” My carnivores, I know you feel my pain when ordering out.


video here

My past self would’ve simply settled for the sandwiches when it wasn’t exactly what I wanted because I would’ve been afraid to order something different.

Do you know we all just supposed to be here Vibin, enjoying ourselves?! That’s it. 

Why do we over complicate things?

-Because we fear judgment & not being accepted.

Manifesting the life & body you want is not about changing your current reality, it’s about shifting into the reality you desire.

Speak up for yourself.

You still have to do the work with food, exercise, money, & relationships.

The biggest steps are self-awareness & learning not to give a 💩about what other people think.

For example: my diet is 99% meat & egg-based. How dare I post me enjoying alcohol or coffee because that makes me different. It opens myself up to criticism.

I’m not sorry they bring joy to my life in moderation & I don’t give 2 fux what anyone else thinks. And neither should you.

It would’ve saved me much heartache in relationships. Because I was too afraid to ask for what I needed in fear they wouldn’t love me.

It would’ve saved tons of debt because I wasn’t buying sh*t I didn’t need just to impress other people or numb my unhappiness.

It would’ve saved years in agony trying to eat fruits, fiber, vegetables & foods that absolutely tore my insides up, exacerbating my Crohn’s.

You don’t have to be perfect or fit a mold to be worthy, to matter, or for your voice/story to impact others.

Do you boo. 

Happy hump day🥩 

Eat meat, lift weights, be happy😃 

Oxox Coach K

The best diet for the athlete and exerciser with IBS, Crohn’s, and Colitis

I thought living with an autoimmune disorder was just going to be my story until I decided to rewrite it.

I’m fortunate enough to be med free, to have my health, to have jobs I love, & a friends circle that is nothing short of bombdiggity!

I’m not one to slap labels & fit into any certain “camp.” I’m an advocate of being EDUCATED & FLEXIBLE, eating foods that are nourishing, suit YOUR lifestyle & specific needs.

Your questions around fueling like an athlete with special digestive needs➡️here are my top tips living with Crohn’s as an athlete! Swipe!

Why do I eat a meat based diet?

I’m over 2 years carnivore! Healthier than ever!

— I’m sensitive to lectins, oxalates, high histamine, high fodmap foods & phytates. 

I wondered for years why I felt like 💩 after eating nut butters, high amounts of veggies, fruits, fiber, sweet potatoes, breads, & any nuts & seeds. Basically my body hates anything but coffee, gf alcohol, eggs, & meat😂 

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods👇⁠

⁠ ✅Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods⁠

✅I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues. BM’s more normal. Maybe TMI but for those of us who struggle with gut stuff — shxt matters — literally 💩

✅Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest⁠.

✅Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. I found these are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an a$$hole.

✅Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, I don’t have energy crashes, I can eat 1-2 meals & be happy all day & not have to worry about having a bunch of meal preps.

✅My body is more recovered, less inflamed, I eat more food & stay leaner with no binging. My workouts feel great & I simply do what I love.

I modify my carnivore diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of what you put in your mouth. (Get your mind outta the gutter)

If there is a food not animal based, that doesn’t trigger symptoms for you, don’t feel pressured to avoid it.⁠


I hope this can give you HOPE. Go crush it, Team!

Peace, love, & 🥩⁠💕

Why I Don’t Eat Plants, Gluten, or Fiber and What I Do Instead

I personally do not digest plants, gluten, fiber, nuts & seeds, lectins, or oxalates well. Figured this out thru trial & error & 3 decades of living with gut issues.

You can catch the details of my story & whole first year one the Carnivore diet here in this interview.

The research points to YES according to Dr. Mark Hyman. Gluten has been found to negatively impact the lining of the gut, creating “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability, even in those who do not have celiac disease.⁣⁣⁣
The lining of the gut is supposed to be strong & tight, keeping food, waste, & microbes inside the digestive tract. Gluten can cause the release of an inflammatory protein called zonulin, which opens up the junctions in the lining of the gut & causes gaps, allowing particles to leak into the bloodstream (where they don’t belong) & creating an immune response. This sets the stage for systemic inflammation.⁣⁣⁣
To summarize world renowned gut specialist, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, animal foods are the foods that FEED the human body & SUSTAIN the physical structure of the temple you live in. Because only animal foods can provide the right quality protein & fats to build your physical structure. Our human digestive system is perfectly designed to digest & absorb animal foods.

Tap photo for cheat sheets on recipe for #meatbars

These are basic physiological facts.

Plants are indigestible for human beings. In order to digest plants mother nature created ruminant animals. They are equipped to digest plants, like cows, they have 4 stomachs with specific microbes. You have to have the right kind of microbes to digest plants & fiber efficiently.

We don’t have a rumen like cattle. We have 1 stomach that releases hydrochloric acid, which creates a hostile environment for many microbes, which is why the stomach is the least populated area of the digestive system. This acid & digestive enzymes are specifically equipped to break down meats, fish, dairy, eggs.

Plants do not digest to a large degree, they are than passed through the rest of our digestive system. We digest a small amt of water, things like vitamin K, vitamin C & some phytonutrients

Our body — muscle & fat & organs, are structurally almost identical to animal based products. Only animal foods provide the optimal protein to build YOU efficiently.

The more they study plant proteins, gluten is the most common, the more researchers find it is unsuitable for the human body & damages everyone in some way.

Light bulb moments right?

And fiber?
Which is what all my doctors told me to add back in along with fruits & veggies when I was experiencing chronic constipation & slow transit digestion are all like sandpaper on my insides.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It’s abrasive to the gi tract & damages the epithelial cells. Bacteria ferment fiber, creating gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, & methane.

Now do you understand why you’re getting gas pain in building when you keep adding fiber & more plants to your diet?!

A Journal of Gastroenterology study showed stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduced constipation & its associated symptoms. Showed complete resolution of constipation, bloating, & painful bowel movements within the study group on a zero fiber diet.

Now do you understand why I stick to meat & eggs & my digestive symptoms & constipation are completely gone since going meat-based?!

You just need to eat food you digest & absorb properly. All of us will be different but biologically most of us will do better on an animal-based diet.

Choose food that doesn’t cause any digestive distress or emotional issues triggering self sabotaging habits.

Hands-down for this cattle farmer’s daughter👉that’s meat for me.

This is me this morning getting in my workout!

I feel great, I love the way I look, I feel strong, & I’m never hungry. I 💯 support our farmers & give gratitude to Mother Earth & all creatures giving their life so we can thrive❤️🦾

#crohnsdisease #carnivorediet #crohnswarrior #carnivoreketo #animalbasednutrition #carnivorewomen #ketocarnivore #meatlover #meatbaseddiet #animalbaseddiet #glutenfree #carnivorewomen #carnivoreathlete #lchfdiet #femalebodybuilding #carnivorefatloss #carnivorebodybuilding #noplants #nofiber #ibs #constipation #crohns #colitis #bloating #carnivorediet #zeroplants #ketocarnivore #eatmeat #lilbitoffit #carnivore