4 Damaging Habits Ruining Your Results Most People Do When Trying To Lose Fat

sad fitness girl no results

Losing weight ultimately comes down to what you do on a daily basis.

It’s not your herculean efforts every month or so that will bring you results. It’s the small things you do day in and day out. While not hugely exciting, it’s effective.

In the blog post today we talk about: 4 Damaging Habits Ruining Your Results Most People Do When Trying To Lose Fat

PLUS here’s 7 easy habits that will help to accelerate your weight loss journey with simple lifestyle changes:

  1. Track calories
    Calories are not the be-all & end-all of weight loss. But they do matter. You need to have a good idea of how many calories you’re eating each day. Download MyFitnessPal. Track calories, daily.
  2. Create a calorie deficit
    Now that you have a good idea of how much you’re eating on a daily basis, you need to create a calorie deficit. A good method for this is the following formula:
    (Bodyweight (lbs) x 15) — 400
    Or use this calculator: tdeecalculator.net
    This will give you a rough ballpark to aim for.
  3. Get 8 hours of sleep
    If you’re not getting 8 hours of sleep, you’re sabotaging your fat loss efforts. Inadequate sleep makes your body more likely to hold onto fat.It also alters your hunger hormones & decreases willpower, making it much harder to stay on track with your nutrition.
  4. Eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight
    Eating more protein will accelerate your fat loss. Protein: Burns calories from digesting it, keeps you full for longer, builds muscle mass, limits cravings.
  5. Limit alcohol, sugar, & processed food
    All of these will sabotage your weight loss efforts.They’re packed with calories, mess with your hormones, & will lead to other bad habits. Go out and enjoy your life, but keep these to a minimum.
  6. Lift weights 3x/week, walk 10k steps/day
    Lifting weights & walking are key if you want to lose fat. Walking + loading your muscles: burns fat, makes you look leaner, increases your metabolism, improves your muscle mass (which will lead to you burning more calories at rest).
  7. Drink water
    Boring, I know. But drinking more water is crucial if you want to lose weight. In order to function properly, our bodies need a lot of water + electrolytes. Water is also highly satiating — meaning you’re less likely to want snacks & will also eat less at mealtime. Drink 1/2 your body weight in filtered water each day.

4 Damaging Habits Ruining Your Results Most People Do When Trying To Lose Fat

#1. Letting a Number Control Your Emotions

The scale can be your best friend or worst enemy.

If it helps keep you motivated & you use it to track your long-term progress, great. But if it’s a source of unending frustration, you’re probably falling into the first & most common pitfall of losing fat: obsessing over the numbers on the scale.

A number should never have the power to make or break your day — especially when dozens of variables affect it.

Though I weigh myself nearly daily, I only do it to keep track of the weekly & monthly averages. Tracking numbers with a long-term view can ensure you keep your goal in sight without falling into the self-doubt rabbit hole.

How to start:

  • If you like weighing yourself, do it daily or every once in a while, but make sure you only compare weekly or monthly averages. The long-term trend is more important than the random daily fluctuations.
  • Important tip: Get a scale that measures your fat & muscle percentages. Tracking these values is what matters when losing fat.
  • If you don’t like weighing yourself, take progress pictures with the same clothing & lighting conditions every week or every month.

#2. Becoming an App’s Prisoner

Many people have developed an eating disorder because they’ve let a calorie-tracking app rule their lives. They feel like a failure if they eat more than the app’s recommended goal or if their macros are off.

They start fearing certain foods, the origin story of most eating disorders.

Now, I tracked for decades, I only do occasionally now. It taught me a lot about nutrition — and food freedom (yes, you read that correctly). As I know how many calories my body needs to maintain weight & function at my best. I learned it SAFE to EAT WELL.

I know how to properly adjust calories & macros to make my body look & feel, too depending on my goals. I use the calorie tracking app to ensure I’m not going overboard with food.

How to start:

  • If you feel comfortable tracking calories, ensure you do so with a weekly overview. This will allow you to relax on the days you go over. For instance, if your goal is 2,000 calories/day, that’s 14,000 calories/week. So if one day you eat 4,000, ensure that on the other six days of the week, you eat 10,000 calories.
  • If you feel uncomfortable tracking calories or suffered from an eating disorder, try this tip: 85% of your meals should be nutritionally & calorically on point (protein centric, healthy fats & whole foods). The rest of the meals (15%) are for flexibly enjoying life.

#3. Forgetting Sustainable Fat Loss Habits

Years before I got smart, I felt like a winner because I’d lost some weight while eating nutrient poor, processed diet foods. (Hello Atkins bars, slim fast, & lean cuisines) I reduced my meals from 3-4/day to 2 (& sometimes one) + exercised like 2+ hours a day.

The little food, coupled with excessive exercise + massive amounts of stress, created a hormonal, mental & physical dumpster fire. As I restricted more, & fell into the binge/purge/guilt/restrict cycle, eventually the weight returned & I looked worse. Why? Simple.

I made shrinking my body a hobby & tried to hate myself thin & happy. I learned an essential truth about sustainable fat loss: you have to make it a healthy lifestyle based on the foundation of the big rocks (see photos below).

How to start:

  • Though you can achieve a calorie deficit by eating whatever you want, try prioritizing nutrient-dense foods that provide your body with what it needs to thrive mentally & physically.
  • A place to start is to consume an average of 1g of protein/lb of body weight if you’re in a normal weight range or choose your goal weight if you have more weight to lose. Use the TDEEcalculator.net to find your maintenance calories & start there.
big rocks of sustainable fat loss lilbitoffit's bulletproof routine

#4. Hiding & Feeling Shame

When you’re trying to get healthy & lose fat, birthday parties, weddings — any social gathering can inspire anxiety.

What if I overindulge? What if they judge me? I’ll have to exercise extra hard to burn off that slice of cake!

I have a question: WHY are you trying to lose fat & get healthy?

For most of us, the answer will be something like: to be stronger, healthier, to look better — to be happier.

That last point is crucial. Most of us want to achieve a certain fat percentage because we believe that’ll make us happier. And I won’t lie: Achieving & maintaining the physique you want is incredibly rewarding.

But you know what’s even more rewarding? Spending time with your loved ones.

An 80-year Harvard study found that the #1 thing that makes us happy & live longer is having strong social bonds — not a hot body with a low fat percentage.

So if your ultimate goal is to be happy, neglecting social gatherings forever is your worst decision. Moreover, as I’ve mentioned many times, fat loss should be a long, sustainable process. A process of forever learning & evolving. It requires patience, time, and enjoyment.

How to start:

  • Don’t avoid social contact to achieve a fat loss or health goal unless it’s necessary. Instead, try adopting some best practices that can help keep you on track while enjoying the company of your loved ones.
  • Prioritize protein to help satiate your hunger while keeping your muscles strong. Ordering something like grilled chicken breast or a steak will keep you satiated & less prone to binging. Eat before you go if you need to, don’t go hungry.
  • Opt for zero-calorie drinks if possible. Water, tea, coffee, diet pop if you have to. No-minimal alcohol.
  • Check the menu ahead of time. Load up on protein first. Skip sauces & dressings or have them on the side. Check the cooking method used. Higher cal will be described typically as pan-fried, breaded, creamed, dipped, scalloped, slathered, etc. Low cal will be grilled, steamed, baked, roasted, broiled, seared.
  • Communicate your needs to others. Bring your food if you’re in prep or cutting for a specific reason that requires rigidity. Especially important if you have specific digestive needs. Use this opportunity to educate your friends & family if they ask you why you’re eating this way. ⁣

Final Thoughts

Long-Lasting Fat Loss is simple once you stop doing these things & make it a lifestyle you love. Many of us hope to quickly shed pounds when a significant event or a holiday approaches, so we:

  • Obsess over daily & normal scale fluctuations instead of tracking progress over a long period.
  • Become prisoners of a calorie-tracking app instead of using it for information while keeping a weekly (or monthly) overview.
  • Forget about the big rocks of sustainable fat loss & fall back into self sabotaging habits.
  • Get lost in information & think we have to do what everyone else is doing or we just don’t do anything because we’re so overwhelmed.
  • Avoid social gatherings because we’re afraid of judgement or we can’t manage ourselves instead of understanding that social contact makes us happy & flexibility is totally doable. You can have this AND that! Just takes a strategy & a plan.


  • Eat the right foods for you. Make habits an effortless LIFESTYLE.
  • Get exercise, protein, & quality sleep everyday.
  • Track your data (food/weight/blood sugar/ketones, labs) if things aren’t working. Avoid fake, processed, sugary drinks & foods.
  • Mind your habits, thoughts, & circle or they’ll mind you.
  • Enjoy the process! There is no end goal, just the journey!

oxox Coach K

Like this Blog? Follow along for my digital diary plus daily tips & resources on Insta Here!

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com

Ridiculously easy ways to burn calories without exercise!

People with great bodies have a dirty little secret…⁣

…OR maybe they’re simply just more aware of their activity & habits.⁣

I’ve found shifting your perspective is EVERYTHING. Especially when it comes to diet & exercise. It’s a myth that “exercise is only effective when you break a sweat.”⁣

People often ask me, “how can I exercise every day, how can I do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, & how can I make exercise a habit.” My answer remains the same — reinvent the meaning of exercise.⁣

Though exercise does shred calories to disperse extra stored fat, aid in muscle building, & mobility, it doesn’t always imply killing yourself in the gym to attain the body you want. Oftentimes we’re doing too much. extremes are not sustainable.⁣

Exercise shouldn’t be a forced time-based activity. That’s one of the reasons why most of us fail at exercising. It needs to be enjoyable & easy just like the diet or WOE (way of eating) you choose.⁣

You wouldn’t believe how many straightforward ways there are to burn calories, but it’s easy to miss the opportunities if you’re not looking for them.⁣

Research has shown that swapping sedentary habits, such as watching television, for pretty much anything that doesn’t involve sitting down can make a world of difference.⁣

I hope these simple tricks help you on your journey & explain how to take every opportunity to love life, flex your muscles, boost your heart rate, & eat foods that yield maximum nourishment & satiety for a happier, healthier life!⁣

Story continues here, swipe, save & share with your fellow #fitfam !⁣

oxox Coach K⁣

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

Since I’ve been on my gut healing & weight loss journey I have thought a lot about addiction. It’s really hard to admit you have a food addiction because everybody needs to eat in order to live.

There were several things that made me realize that I was addicted to food & THAT was the biggest culprit which exacerbated my Crohn’s issues & inability to get healthier & lose weight.

Maybe you can relate to these too…

Going past a McDonalds & instantly wanting to devour a large fry & 20 piece nugget whether I was hungry or not (And I did smash the ENTIRE meal!)

“Having” to have something sweet after dinner & eat in front of the tv.

Seeing other people eating, especially food I restricted or labeled as “bad,” longing to do so regardless if I had just eaten.

Hiding food & eating when your friends & family don’t know you are. I’d binge then throw it all up.

And just plain feeling out of control!

I’m sure you understand the feeling of waking up in the morning & saying you’re “going to do better today” & then you fail miserably like you did the day before.

Maybe you’re like I was. You’d go to bed at night & say that “tomorrow will be another day & you’ll start working out & eating right.” Then you don’t.

I remember saying one time if food were liquor, I would be drunk every day.

It’s taken over 2 decades to build the body you see today, I’ve been every shape & size! If I can do it, so can you!

Life lessons I learned along the way to hopefully help you transform too: How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023!

  • How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

oxox Coach K

“I’ll start my diet Monday” Why it’s not working & tips to help

A sobering & reflective conversation…⁣

Emotion is energy in motion. Dieting is an emotional problem, it’s more about behavior than food.⁣

Nothing happens if nothing moves. So I ask you, “Where is your emotion driving you?”⁣

Hard truths & guidelines to help you push the restart button for the last time. 🔖⁣

Do you refuse to rest? Refuse to give up addictions? Refuse to reverse diet & STOP chronically dieting? Do you refuse to simply put in the work it requires to change your body, health, & life?⁣

Y’all, basically what you’re saying here is, “I want this, but I don’t it bad enough to do what is required to achieve it.” ⁣

Biggies: ⁣
“I can’t cut back on workouts.” (even though they’re stressing my body out even more which is actually hindering progress)⁣

“I can’t give up my coffee/bangs/etc.” (even though my cortisol is jacked up thru the roof & I can’t sleep at night)⁣

“I can’t give up sweets & snacking at night.” (even though they’re causing inflammation, gut problems, high glucose, fat gain, & more cravings)⁣

“I can’t reverse diet because I’ll gain weight.” (even though you’ve been eating less than a toddler for 20+ yrs & still don’t have the health or body you want)⁣

Sound familiar?⁣

I share these things because I love y’all and I’ve made all the same mistakes as you! ⁣

It’s Sunday night, let’s freaking rock this week! Here are some tips to help, take what you need!⁣

Oxox Coach “your biggest cheerleader” K 📣⁣

Brutally Honest Answers to your fat loss & muscle building questions

I remember walking into the gym thinking everyone was judging me. ⁣⁣
👉🏻 Am I too fat to be in here?⁣⁣
👉🏻 Are they judging me because I’ve been on the treadmill for an hour & don’t know how to use this machine?⁣⁣
👉🏻 Are they laughing at me because I’m not as strong as I used to be or I’m not very good at doing this specific lift. ⁣⁣
👉🏻 Are they judging me because I am not as lean as I used to be?⁣⁣
What matters is you find the movement your heart loves. Movement is energy, movement is life, movement is abundance! This doesn’t mean killing yourself in the gym 7d/wk.⁣⁣
How do you start?⁣⁣
✅Shoot for 10K steps a day. ⁣⁣
▪️Park further away from your destination.⁣
▪️Take the stairs. ⁣⁣
▪️Time block morning or evening walks. ⁣⁣
▪️Take a walk at lunch. These can even be short 10 minute walks.⁣⁣
✅Time block 2-3 workouts a week. ⁣⁣
▪️ Pick what time of day works best for your schedule. ⁣⁣
▪️Shoot for 20-30 minutes starting out. ⁣⁣
▪️ If large crowd stress you out pick a time a day that’s less crowded or workout at home. ⁣⁣
✅Invest in a trainer or workout buddy⁣⁣
▪️ They are there to help you! They will show you what routines & how to use equipment. ⁣⁣
▪️ Swole mates keep you accountable & give support you need! ⁣⁣
▪️ Sign up for online training programs that give direction & align with your goals. ⁣⁣
✅Set your day up for success⁣⁣
▪️Sleep in your gym clothes if this makes it easier for you to get up & go in the morning⁣⁣
▪️ Wear clothes you’re comfortable in & make you feel GOOD. ⁣⁣

If you don’t know where to start, I will help find the right fit for you no matter what skill level 🤗 Swipe for your questions answered to help you on your journey!⁣⁣

Crush it fam!⁣⁣
Oxox Coach K⁣

I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & Gained Real Strength At 40

I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & gained real strength at 40

5 years ago, I wrote a journal entry about my ongoing struggle with binge eating & unhealthy addiction to exercise.

I detailed longstanding struggle with my seemingly endless appetite & f*cked up addiction to stuffing huge amounts of food in my face, struggling with gut flares & drowning in a black cloud of self loathing & frustration.

I had no “cures” as of yet, but I was now out of the closet getting REAL with living in a haunted house.

Since writing that entry, I created a community here simply sharing my life in hopes of helping others living a similar nightmare. I’ve received dozens of messages asking about my journey of recovery from disordered eating, poor body image, food addiction, orthorexia, & Crohn’s disease.

Living 3 decades with these devils on my shoulders, I’ve learned much about these demons that used to haunt me.

After going “carnivore” with my diet & changing my perspective on health & fitness, I never binge & am healthier than ever at 40 years old. I want the same for you.

How did I crack the code?

Well, first, I stopped looking outside myself for solutions, online & advice from friends, doctors, & latest fads. Instead, I decided to compassionately look inward & get curious on what life & fitness meant to me.

I started observing myself to understand why I behaved. I found without exception, I binged in response to 3 different situations that left me hungry physically & mentally:

When “restricting” & trying to eat like everyone else instead of ME
When avoiding an emotion or lacking purpose
When neglecting my own pleasure & needs

My priorities now are: Great food in the form of animal based nutrition — quality sleep & exercise — simple joy & peace.

I don’t categorize dieting & working out as a daily must-do activity anymore. I’ve learned to consider lifestyle a choice I love, not a chore.

A CHAMPION means to be someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.

Strong gave me the life I thought skinny would.


Be the woman who wakes up with purpose, shows up, & takes up space with intent.

Even when you reach the age where your heated seats are more about easing muscle pain than heating you up 😝😂📛

Hope these tips help you! SWIPE, save, & share freely!

  • I Stopped Counting Reps & Started Counting These & gained real strength at 40

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com


How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat When Working a 40+ Hour Week: The simple 6 guide to fat loss forever

Today, I’m 40 years old & 55 pounds lighter. My heaviest weight at 5’1 was 160lbs & it’s been one hell of a journey living with challenges like gut issues, Crohn’s dis-ease, disordered eating, training as a Crossfit athlete & juggling all the life lessons along the way from the school of hard knocks.⁣

My story is not one of overnight success. I didn’t take a magic pill, although admittedly tried diet pills & every diet known to man. The physique I earned today took over 10 years to build. ⁣

My results were not from a fad diet or a product from an infomercial. My journey has been more like a roller coaster ride of trials, errors, & a collection of milestones along the way, eventually leading to more than I ever expected to gain (or lose).⁣

I was an unhappy girl with no self-esteem, trapped beneath a baggy t-shirt & stretchy pants & desperate to lose weight to just “be normal.” I had no idea that it would turn into a journey of self-discovery, freedom, & finding joy.⁣

Trying to lose weight & build muscle while working a job(s), commuting, trying to take care of your family & juggling all the adulting can be hard work.⁣

But I want you to know that it doesn’t need to take hours each day. In fact, you can make a lot of progress with only 20 minutes of daily effort.⁣

The key is that you need to focus on the right lever-moving actions each day. It’s about controlling your environment & creating a success routine with the intentional habits to help you embody the person you wanna be & the life you wanna live.⁣

You won’t always be motivated. In fact I loathe the word motivation because I feel people use it as an excuse to not do what you need to do to be better. It comes down to keeping commitments. You’re worth keeping commitments to.⁣

A professional is a human who can do their job when they don’t feel like it; an amateur is one who can’t when they don’t feel like it.⁣

Which one you wanna be?⁣

So here is your 5 step blueprint & simple 6 guide for building a lean, energetic, happy, healthy body for LIFE!⁣

oxox Coach “You got this!” K

Age 40+ Is Your New 25 — If You Know How To Take Care of Your Body & Stay Mentally Sexy!

If you’d have said that at 40 I’d be fitter, healthier & more attractive than my 25-year-old self, I’d have laughed in your face. (Then secretly hoped you knew something about my destiny than I did.)

Optimistic me likes to hang on to any glimmer of hope, while gullible me will believe anything that you tell me if it’s going to make me feel good. Yet the bizarre thing is, it’s true, along with many of my fellow 40-somethings who are refusing to attach themselves to the notion of what 40 should look like.

Not one to pigeon-hole an age or say what’s right or wrong, but in my 20s I had already decided that once I hit 40 I’d be old af. Lackluster weekends would consist of goin to Lowes & cartin kids around only to complain about my 9-5 every day (thank you Jesus my life is far from that description & perfectly imperfect in it’s own right).

I think back to how I was behaving at 25 & I realize I am one of those late bloomers. I’m totally ok with it, now, but thought there was something wrong with me because I hadn’t lived a traditional “timeline” by old school society’s standards. I felt a failure for decades going thru 2 divorces, living with extensive gut issues & a shitty relationship with food & body image.

There’s always a catalyst to a radical lifestyle change & I suspect that the end of my marriages were mine. Both times I had to rediscover myself & learn to live again. I grew the most in my last relationship & it was full of more good experiences than bad. I understand many people aren’t as fortunate to say they were able to lovingly go thru a conscious uncoupling. I’m extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to spend a season of my life with an incredible man, still evolving & trying to be better just like me. We were simply victims of life & poor timing. Still great friends to this day.

At 40 I have no hesitation in admitting my age or my mistakes. One thing I’ve learned which comes with age, aside from a lil wisdom & a chunk of hindsight, is the confidence to not give a shit what others think of you. It’s freeing, you should try it.

Believing in yourself is your most potent weapon & defense mechanism — guard it well! If you believe & have complete confidence in your body, mind, now, & future, there’s no need to ever think about your age again.

Sharing some shiz I’ve learned along the way, enjoy!

  • Age 40+ Is Your New 25 — If You Know How To take care of Your Body & Stay mentally Sexy!

Make the most of every day, & love it! Age is just a number that most pay far too much attention to.

You have 2 ages:

  1. Chronological Age — your actual time alive
  2. Biological Age — how you look & feel
    The choice is yours: You can go with the clock OR you can choose the body & mind option, keeping yourself fresh af.

What do you prefer?

I’m all in with No 2!

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hoosier farm girl & Purdue University grad, Katie is a multifaceted human!

She’s a nutritionist, radiologic technologist, motivational speaker & writer, brand growth consultant, & connection maker working with individuals, businesses, organizations, & executives.
She specializes in mental health, IBS/IBD conditions, sports nutrition, disordered eating & how to organize/optimize life for better health, increased wealth, & happiness!
Katie welcomes all preferences & skill levels with a no diet dogma or one size-size-fits-all approach to health, fitness, & nutrition.
After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!
You can find her on the gram at http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Fat loss tips for a higher protein approach to the carnivore diet

fat loss tips high protein carnivore diet

Why high fat carnivore & keto aren’t working for you???

I personally am an advocate of a higher protein, low carb, moderate fat approach a meat based diet.

I find most women especially, including myself, lose more body, maintain more muscle, & aesthetically attain the “toned” physique they’re looking for.

As always, everyone is different so go your own way & take what you need.

Our ultimate goal should be longevity & metabolic flexibility. Which means you’re able to utilize different energy sources (fats & carbs) efficiently without putting on excess body fat & maintaining metabolic & hormonal health.

For me, I find I feel & look my best with macro ratios anywhere around around:
0-10% Carb
40-50% Protein
50-60% Fat

I’m fully meat based adapted. I’m active enough I am able to efficiently utilize higher carbs on occasion & higher fat when I need them.

The important factor: you don’t want to eat high carb and high fat together.
That is when your body is more apt to store body fat which is why people either choose a low fat, high carb approach or they choose a high fat, low-carb approach.

Protein for most stays consistent.

Basic rule thumb: the more active you are the more you should be able to utilize more calories, which would include higher carb if you choose to incorporate them.

The less active & sedentary you are, the less carbohydrates. You may also do better on low to moderate protein approach & a higher fat.

  • fat loss tips high protein carnivore diet
  • fat loss tips high protein carnivore diet

Here are tips that helped me, you’ll wanna save & share this one!

Coach K

lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com

Tips and FAQ’s that helped me lose weight on the Carnivore Diet

lose weight tips carnivore diet
carnivore fat loss before and after photo

When I started my fitness journey my goal was to lose as much weight as possible on the scale. I had no idea what body recomposition meant. ⁣

Got down to 105lbs by basically starving myself & doing cardio all the time. I’ve been all shapes & sizes & learned immensely throughout my journey by making mistakes.

Know that the body you desire may take years to build & develop, mine has taken nearly a decade.⁣

I was shocked at a check up for insurance 10+ years ago when they told me my body fat was 25% at 105lbs. Huge wake up call! I was #skinnyfat⁣

(Photo left) I went carnivore 3 years ago, took a higher fat approach at 1st, gained weight (15lbs) my body fat was higher at almost ~26%. I switched to a higher protein/moderate fat approach & that is truly when my body changed to the lean physique you see today.⁣ (Photo right)

You can make your diet cyclical. You don’t have to follow a higher protein approach or low carb forever, just make sure however you’re eating aligns with your body goal.

People freak out & think just because they’re not in high levels of ketosis they’re not gonna be able to lose body fat.

I was never in a high level of ketosis & I still managed to lose 20lbs. Took an inbody scan & my body fat is around 16% which I realize is pretty low for a female. (I’m being transparent not asking for criticism)

This is the lowest my body fat has ever been, the most food I’ve crushed, & the best I’ve felt.⁣

No matter what diet camp you belong to, if you’re gonna crush 2 habits a day please make them be SLEEP & eating enough protein 

Swipe for tips & #carnivorediet FAQ’s that helped me lose weight.

  • lose weight tips carnivore diet
  • carnivore diet faq's guide

I hope these help you however you need!⁣

I also have a 354 page Meat & Macros guide. Link here to get yours!

Coach K

All link, guides, coaching, & free stuff here

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