How to beat sugar cravings and food boredom

What I have to say may piss some of you off, and that’s OK. 

I hear this question a LOT. 

I asked you guys what you were struggling with & these were the biggies: What can I do to beat the sugar cravings? And the “I’m bored with my food.” 

And I get it, I’ve been there too, & I’ve also realized when I tend to crave things like this it’s because my life & body are out of balance.

⠀So here’s the thing…there’s not just 1 reason why sugar cravings take over. It really could be a number of things, but these are the ones that are worth taking a look at first:

• Under eating, over exercising, overly fasting

• Unbalanced blood sugar

• Too many processed carbs & sugar

• Malnutrition

• Too little sleep

• Not drinking enough water

• Unmanaged stress / emotional eating

• Bad habits 

When you start to become more aware & mindful about what’s causing your cravings & you start linking them to your lifestyle or daily choices, you can start to reset your body & strive for more balance in these areas, to help ease your cravings.

For me, not getting good, restful sleep is a huge trigger for cravings as well as Crohn’s flares.

Swipe through, I promise the cravings will get better the more you build a foundation on consistency & fueling your body & mind with nutrient dense foods like all the delicious meats & nourishing positive thoughts!


Coach K

My not so New Years resolutions, the carnivore diet, and what you should do instead

I’ve talked about how I choose a word every year. I choose a word I desire to embrace & embody. This year, & it also, now, being the start of #worldcarnivoremonth – I feel maybe it should be BEEF 🥩🐮🦾😜

2 years “carnivore” & a lifetime to go. #bodybybeef #Merica

The word I choose helps me to make decisions, to think, to feel, to BE the essence of that word in every facet of my life. I have learned over 39 trips around the sun in this lifetime to be my own accountability partner, my own best friend, my own favorite – my most important love. 

I learned to love my body because it is the longest commitment & only forever home I’ll ever have.

I learned to love my weirdness, my mind, my heart, & my spirit because it makes me, ME. And nobody else can look like me or BE ME. Same for you.

I can’t believe I’ll be 40 this year, I remember when I thought 25 was old, then 30 was old, & now it seems 40 is the new 20. I can tell ya I feel a whole helluva lot better as an almost 40 something than my 20 year old self.

My journey has been both pleasure & pain. I’m sure yours has been too. I understand. 

I hear you, see you, support you.

I’m right beside you unpacking & packing those bags sippin on that cup of coffee or cocktail, pick your poison.

I’m not writing this post today, on 1-1-2022, to tell you what to do, or to tell you I have all the answers to whatever you want to change or troubles you, but I am writing this to tell you that you can do it. I’m writing this to tell you that I believe in you. 

I used to pick 5-10 new goals each year. I realized a singular day on the 1st of the year, setting goals like I was “supposed to” never turned me magically into Superwoman. It didn’t magically give me the health I wanted, the body, the career, the money, the friends, the love I desired. 

I was still the same ole weird lil creature that I am, still overwhelmed with trying to change too much all at once, still “shoulding” all over myself. Still lost in all the information & society’s expectations.

Within a month or so, I failed or fell off the wagon & had to start over.


With lower expectations.

Shrinking myself.

F*ck that sh*t.

I’ve told y’all before, you can’t live a BIG, full, ABUNDANT life on an empty tank.

For a few years, I gave up on resolutions entirely. Then, I discovered the book, “One Word” & it changed my perspective. Instead of a sh*t ton of goals, I set intentions to embody 1 goal, 1 word, & that worked a lot better.

That concept is using your word as a theme for your year.

My word for this year is ‘Abundance.’ My word for last year was ‘Joy.’ Other words I’ve used were peace, growth, & grace.

I challenge you to simply glance at the year ahead & choose a word you’d like to embody as a pillar & map of growth.

Quick annoucement to my baby carnivores & people wanting to try a meat-based diet, my group coaching is open & ready to welcome you with open arms. Coaching FAQ’s in link in IG bio and HERE

You can always dm me and don’t forget to sign up for our email list HERE


Happy New Year! LFG!

Forever your biggest fan,

Coach K

#carnivorediet #carnivoreguide #lowcarbdiet #carnivorefatloss  #animalbasednutrition #meatbaseddiet #carnivorewomen #ketocarnivore #ketodiet #carnivoreketo #ketomacros #carnivoretransformation #carnivorecoach #animalbaseddiet #carnivoreathlete #lchfdiet ⁣#resetdiet #autoimmunediet #crohnsdiet #fitmoms #strongmoms #lowcarbreset #losebellyfat #fatlosstips #crossfitgirls #girlswholift #carnivoretips

New Years resolutions and habits to bring into 2022.

➡️How bout them Boilers? 🏈 💛🖤🤍 #btfu

➡️I slept until almost 7. Our patient numbers in the ER are insane. Grateful for a day off right meow.🐱 

➡️I Googled #fengshui for the new year yesterday & they said to wear red or yellow underwear for good luck 🤷‍♀️🍀🩲 contemplating buying some😄 although I really hate wearing underwear. Jus sayin. I know I’m not the only one, don’t lie.

➡️Set routines not resolutions for the new year. You have to BE the lifestyle & the person you want. Routines will get you there, vapid resolutions with no true intention or action will not.

➡️Figured out how to keep Pete from waking me up when I don’t have to get up early. Set my auto brew on the coffee pot maker till later. ☕️ 🐈‍⬛ He hates it when I work on my computer in the mornings. He’s a Snuggle bug.

He wants to sit on my lap!

Holy sh*t tomorrow is a new year. I know they say as you get older time flies by, they ain’t kiddin. We’re only here for a short blip. 

Simply sharing things on my mind & heart this mornin. Swipe through for lessons I wished I’d learned earlier & “That Girl” habits to bring into 2022.

Click for full post on IG!

I just want to thank y’all for your love, your kindness, your dedication to yourselves to learn & grow & do that with me, here.

I promise the time that we spend here together is never wasted & I’m grateful for each & everyone of you!

To all my past, present, & future digital family, I love you guys! 

Let’s have us a year 🎉 🥩 🥂

Eat the meat. Go to the f*ckin gym. Be kind. Don’t be a d*ck.


Sorta sweet, Sorta Beth Dutton

✌️ Coach K

Why Digestion Matters & How It Can Affect Weight Loss: symptoms, triggers, and supplements

Why digestion matters & how to properly take digestive enzymes!

⁣Eating trigger foods, even when I transitioned to carnivore caused a lot of inflammation. I discovered some animal-based foods like pork, pork rinds, PSMF bread, & turkey caused water retention, constipation, weight gain, & poor digestion. 

Enzymes significantly helped! I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.

I created an entire supplement guide just for you!

I really had no idea the application of digestive enzymes or how vastly different foods affected digestion early on in my journey.⁣

Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, such as lipase, amylase, & protease, aid in breaking down fats, proteins, & carbs.

First & foremost, if you’re experiencing chronic problems, go get tested, see your doctor, practitioner, or qualified coach. Stop ignoring the root causes.

The best time to take your enzymes is right before, or right as you start eating. When in doubt, check the label. Usually anywhere from 10-20 minutes right before you eat is ideal.⁣

Most of us lack stomach acid. We don’t slow down when we chew our food, we’re always in get sh*t done mode & this is the 1st step in the digestion process. ⁣


💊BETAINE HCL &/or ACV: increase stomach acid to breakdown down macros, especially proteins & fats. Take prior to eating.⁣

💊OX BILE: great for people without a gallbladder, especially doing keto/low carb/carnivore. Take prior to eating.⁣


💊FISH OIL & MULTIVITAMINS: take mid meal.⁣

💊PROBIOTICS: take at night on an empty stomach.⁣

Below are lessons learned, my triggers & symptoms. You may be experiencing similar. Remember we’re all different!


▪️bloating after eating dairy, carbs, larger meals, too much sf gum

▪️reflux, poor digestion, inflammation after eating larger quantities of pork & turkey

▪️constipation when eating too lean too long & too many pork rinds 

▪️bloating & constipation after eating PSMF “bread” (egg white powder sensitivity)

▪️Bloating after larger lunch & dinners

▪️poor digestion in general later at night (which is why I don’t eat “dinners” & eat early in the day)

▪️gas & gi bleeding eating plants, grains, & most carbs other than white rice

▪️right lower quadrant pain during flares

▪️chronic constipation & slow transit digestion if I eat trigger foods, don’t get sleep, or am stressed to the titties

▪️low stomach acid & reflux eating trigger or meals too high in fat for my threshold

▪️low energy after too large/high fat meals

▪️energy crashes after eating carbs

▪️inflammation & water retention when eating triggers, too many artificial sweeteners, carbs, shitty sleep, too much stress, too much alcohol, workouts too high in intensity/volume/frequency


▪️Gluten⁣⁣, corn, fiber, grains

▪️Artificial sweeteners, preservatives⁣⁣⁣, most seasonings

▪️Nuts & seeds, popcorn, spicy food

▪️High fiber raw veggies⁣, basically all plants

▪️Gas producing veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels)⁣⁣⁣ lettuce

▪️Gritty fruit, skins/seeds

▪️Highfodmaps, lectins, oxalates

▪️Sugar alcohols, sugar free products

▪️Pork, Turkey, & dairy in larger quantities

▪️PMSF Bread 

▪️Meals too high in fat in one sitting

▪️Chewy, fatty meat like steaks & roasts (which is why I choose ground & shredded meat, I digest them better)

Hope these help! If you’re in need of a consultation, I understand what you’re going thru & we’ll figure out a plan of action.

Link to coaching FAQs here.

Who else had no idea how to take their #digestiveenzymes ?🤪 💊 ⁣

Why I Don’t Eat Plants, Gluten, or Fiber and What I Do Instead

I personally do not digest plants, gluten, fiber, nuts & seeds, lectins, or oxalates well. Figured this out thru trial & error & 3 decades of living with gut issues.

You can catch the details of my story & whole first year one the Carnivore diet here in this interview.

The research points to YES according to Dr. Mark Hyman. Gluten has been found to negatively impact the lining of the gut, creating “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability, even in those who do not have celiac disease.⁣⁣⁣
The lining of the gut is supposed to be strong & tight, keeping food, waste, & microbes inside the digestive tract. Gluten can cause the release of an inflammatory protein called zonulin, which opens up the junctions in the lining of the gut & causes gaps, allowing particles to leak into the bloodstream (where they don’t belong) & creating an immune response. This sets the stage for systemic inflammation.⁣⁣⁣
To summarize world renowned gut specialist, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, animal foods are the foods that FEED the human body & SUSTAIN the physical structure of the temple you live in. Because only animal foods can provide the right quality protein & fats to build your physical structure. Our human digestive system is perfectly designed to digest & absorb animal foods.

Tap photo for cheat sheets on recipe for #meatbars

These are basic physiological facts.

Plants are indigestible for human beings. In order to digest plants mother nature created ruminant animals. They are equipped to digest plants, like cows, they have 4 stomachs with specific microbes. You have to have the right kind of microbes to digest plants & fiber efficiently.

We don’t have a rumen like cattle. We have 1 stomach that releases hydrochloric acid, which creates a hostile environment for many microbes, which is why the stomach is the least populated area of the digestive system. This acid & digestive enzymes are specifically equipped to break down meats, fish, dairy, eggs.

Plants do not digest to a large degree, they are than passed through the rest of our digestive system. We digest a small amt of water, things like vitamin K, vitamin C & some phytonutrients

Our body — muscle & fat & organs, are structurally almost identical to animal based products. Only animal foods provide the optimal protein to build YOU efficiently.

The more they study plant proteins, gluten is the most common, the more researchers find it is unsuitable for the human body & damages everyone in some way.

Light bulb moments right?

And fiber?
Which is what all my doctors told me to add back in along with fruits & veggies when I was experiencing chronic constipation & slow transit digestion are all like sandpaper on my insides.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It’s abrasive to the gi tract & damages the epithelial cells. Bacteria ferment fiber, creating gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, & methane.

Now do you understand why you’re getting gas pain in building when you keep adding fiber & more plants to your diet?!

A Journal of Gastroenterology study showed stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduced constipation & its associated symptoms. Showed complete resolution of constipation, bloating, & painful bowel movements within the study group on a zero fiber diet.

Now do you understand why I stick to meat & eggs & my digestive symptoms & constipation are completely gone since going meat-based?!

You just need to eat food you digest & absorb properly. All of us will be different but biologically most of us will do better on an animal-based diet.

Choose food that doesn’t cause any digestive distress or emotional issues triggering self sabotaging habits.

Hands-down for this cattle farmer’s daughter👉that’s meat for me.

This is me this morning getting in my workout!

I feel great, I love the way I look, I feel strong, & I’m never hungry. I 💯 support our farmers & give gratitude to Mother Earth & all creatures giving their life so we can thrive❤️🦾

#crohnsdisease #carnivorediet #crohnswarrior #carnivoreketo #animalbasednutrition #carnivorewomen #ketocarnivore #meatlover #meatbaseddiet #animalbaseddiet #glutenfree #carnivorewomen #carnivoreathlete #lchfdiet #femalebodybuilding #carnivorefatloss #carnivorebodybuilding #noplants #nofiber #ibs #constipation #crohns #colitis #bloating #carnivorediet #zeroplants #ketocarnivore #eatmeat #lilbitoffit #carnivore

The 4 Habits Crippling Your Brain and Blocking Success

It was like I was jumping into my car to go somewhere without the keys…

The number one block preventing me from transformation was my BRAIN.

Like 90% of all transformation comes from awareness & resilience. I didn’t know that when I started.

When you are at your lowest point, that is your greatest door to change. A big friggin door that smacks you in the face!

I remember the morning after I wrecked my truck. I fell asleep at the wheel. Tired, going through a divorce at the time, living with my parents, had been drinking that day.

My mom looked at me as I walked into the kitchen & I told her what had happened.
I said, “Mom I have a problem.” 

She replied, “Yeah I saw your problem sittin in the driveway. Congratulations, you’ve hit rock bottom. There’s only one way left to go & that’s UP from here!”

Trying to navigate my way through life, more specifically my weight loss & health journey, I thought my success & happiness would come when I found the perfect diet. I thought if I could just find an easy way to restrict food, lose fat fast, & shrink to the smallest version of myself my problems would be solved.

It wasn’t all my food, most of my problems stemmed from my thoughts & the story I kept telling myself.

Your brain is the control center for all activities in your body, mind, & reality you live. It regulates your breathing, heartbeat, emotions, thoughts, words, conversations you hold internally & externally, & many more vital processes.

Yet, most of us think success comes from singular things like diets, workouts, having just the right job or relationship, when we’re harming our brains every single day. And most of the time, we’re not even aware of it.

I started noticing positive changes & ease of life when I set new intentions & habits like spending more time outside, listening to my gut, doing things that brought me joy like coloring & walking, light therapy, gratitude, morning movement, less time on my phone, using blue blocking glasses, not drinking tap water, moving more throughout the day, removing toxic people/things/habits/social media & cultivating an up leveling environment. All products, codes, & links are in the link in my Instagram bio.

I wanna share these with you so you can learn them quicker than I did.

The 4 habits crippling your brain & blocking success!

  1. SLEEP

Y’all this a biggie! Most of us don’t get enough & realize the impact quality sleep has on our overall health & energy. It affects EVERYTHING from our mood, energy, performance, fat loss, muscle gain, body function, ability to give sh*ts about the truly important things we should give sh*ts about. 

When was the last time you didn’t sleep well but felt great & performed at your best?
Never. I’ll answer that for you. 

The consequences of sleep deprivation can be fatal & range from dementia, brain cell loss, early memory loss, or even Alzheimer’s. These effects slow down your thinking, impair your memory, & hinder learning. Research even shows that sleep deprivation might shrink your brain. When you sleep, your brain gets a chance to recover & process what you’ve learned & experience throughout the day.


Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep to feel & perform their best. However, it’s also important to consider the QUALITY of your sleep. Set regular bedtimes, wear blue blocking glasses after sunrise & light therapy in the mornings. I use Swanwick glasses. Put down the electronics an hour before bed, create a dark, cool environment by turning the heat down & getting black out curtains, reduce caffeine intake to mornings only & under 300mg/day, take a natural melatonin & or magnesium supplement before bed. Helpful supplements I’ve used are Natural Vitality Calmful Sleep, Relax Liposomal from Nuethix Formulations, & Zzzyquil. On Amazon Favorites List here

One of the most underrated ways you might be harming your brain is by NOT USING IT.
Your brain is like a muscle & like they say, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”
We are designed to move & create & think. Challenging thoughts, new skills, different hobbies, interesting & meaningful conversations, reading, podcasts, nurturing social media, YouTubes, new experiences, puzzles, games, coloring, cross stitching, painting, & crosswords can help stimulate your brain & develop neuroplasticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to adapt. Like any muscle, your brain needs to be used and flexed to stay in shape.

Research proves that brain exercises have a positive effect on our cognitive abilities. So, what are you waiting for? Ask yourself what you could do today or this week to learn something new & train your brain. Start with choosing something that brings you Joy! I enjoy coloring, writing, learning, exploring new places I’ve never been & talking to new people!


I’ll say it again, we were made to MOVE. Living a sedentary lifestyle can have dangerous effects on our mental & physical health. An inactive lifestyle comes at high costs, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, loss of strength, & even dementia.

A study found that a sedentary lifestyle also has negative effects on our brains. For example, it negatively influences our memory. There’s nothing wrong with chillin on the couch & taking a time out, we need that balance too. However, the problem is that millions of people, especially those working from home or with desk jobs are victims of a sedentary lifestyle (because you choose to be). 10k steps per day, make that a goal.

Beating a sedentary lifestyle is mostly about incorporating daily activity into your life that you enjoy & becomes a success habit. It’s not about exercising hours a day but being intentional to make movement a vital part of your day.

Teach yourself to be a morning person, get your workout or some kind of movement done first thing. The most successful people make this a part of their morning routines. Take short walk breaks every 20-30 minutes, walk after meals, park further away, take the stairs, wind down with a short walk at night, do yoga, stretch, run, do group classes, walk around your house & lift dumbbells during commercials – just do something!
I walk around our ER & around my CT machine in between patients, I walk after meals & work out in the morning. I also have a pair of extra 10 & 3lb weights & a resistance band I keep in my radiology suite for a quick circuit during down time.


According to Fernando Gomes Pinilla, professor of neurosurgery at UCLA, what you eat affects how you think. 100% agree! If you’re like me, I’m one that has suffered with gut issues & food addiction. Never had a great relationship with carbs or sugar, nor could I digest them well.

Research also proves that a high-sugar diet slows down our brains as well as interferes with memory & learning. What do we tend to crave in times of stress or boredom? Typically highly caloric foods chocked full of sugar, carbs, & fat. When we get overwhelmed & stressed, these cortisol spikes make us feel the need for more energy & the easiest way to get that instant hit is through sugar. And that’s exactly what most junk food delivers: minimal nutrients, low quality oils, additives, sugar, & salt. 
The problem is that we are overfed & undernourished as a whole because of readily available “junk” food. Malnutrition doesn’t only harm your waistline but also affects brain function & development.
Our brains make up 2% of our body weight, but they use 20% of the resources. That’s why the food you consume has such a huge effect on your thinking & behavior.


Cut out the crap. Protein & healthy fats should make us the majority of your meals. Choose foods you love & ones that do not trigger negative physical or mental problems like gut issues, mood swings, & disordered eating habits like binging & emotional eating.

Make sure you’re eating enough, We should be eating out true maintenance calories the majority of the year. You can use the to find yours & it’ll give you a suggested group of macros. I like my protein set around 1g/lb of body weight or goal weight if you have more to lose. I’ve personally even gone up to 1.5g/lb of body weight & for smaller individuals like myself doing a more meat-based, low carb lifestyle.

My meal 2 at work today! #meatbars 😉 Airfry. 380, 12 minutes thru preheat cycle. Surf & Turf! Air fried shrimp, 80% ground beef, & 93% Perdue ground chicken! Cleaning out the fridge. I bring an airfryer to work with me. Have an instant vortex 6 qt. on Amazon fav list. These also re heat well. Info all over my IG, scroll thru, check highlights & link in IG bio!

Invest in a coach or practitioner or qualified individual to help you! My Coaching FAQ’s are in the link in my Instagram bio & here!

AS always, to my humans out there just tryna be better!
oxox Coach K

Uncomfortable Truths I Wished I Had Realized and Accepted Earlier In Life

Feeling pretty & PRETTY STRONG this mornin. Shamelessly admiring my arms in the freakin awesome lighting🦾 @hotworx.fishers

Your homework is to take time to simply love on yourself today, too. You’re magnificent!

Photo dump on IG of my morning success habits which includes me writing to y’all (& myself) every single day.

I had a great workout & sweat sesh while learning & listening to @iamsahararose & @itskrista talk about The Law of One. Well done sisters👏🏼 this was mind-blowing 🤯 & remarkably expansive!

Link here:

Sparked what I felt nudged to channel & share with you guys:

Uncomfortable truths I wished I had realized & accepted earlier in life …

Here goes…

Happiness is the byproduct of living your purpose.
Happiness doesn’t make you happy, having purpose makes you happy. Once you become at peace with your purpose, your life & your body will fall in line. You won’t feel the need to numb & self sabotage with emotional eating, gluttony, self-loathing, overspending, sleeping around, excessive drinking – pick your poison.

Talking with clients & reflecting on my own journey, the reason we self sabotage is because we’re trying to find love & stimuli outside of ourselves & feel we have no purpose, no significance.

It’s like eating when you’re bored. It’s like the elderly & their partner dies or they’re put in a nursing home or you take their keys away, they often expire shortly after. It’s like taking away their purpose.

Gut check moment, right?!

Learn to redirect your mind & you then learn how to redirect your life. It’s your choice.

We all have definitions of heaven & hell.
We are all deliciously unique individuals. Just let people BE. Loving someone in the hopes that they will change is not truly loving someone. Truly loving someone is giving them the free will to live as they choose. This includes learning to lovingly release & let people go. Remember everything happens for you not to you. Stop trying to cram a round peg into a square hole.

Not everyone wants to be in the same kind of “relationships.”
The definition of a relationship will be different for us all. We’re all One. One Love. There is no right or wrong way to live your life, it’s all an experience of your choosing.

I personally feel there is no requirement to have to slap labels or legally binding contracts on relationships to make them more significant or lucrative.

What “successful” looks like, what “beautiful” looks like…if they make you happy & fulfill some part of you, let it BE & savor the moments. And if you choose at some time to be exclusive or to change your definition in a different way, let that BE & savor the moment or the season. Stop over complicating shxt.

Have a partner who wants to see you thrive & evolve WITH YOU or no partner at all.
Y’all, being around energy vampires who’re trying to keep you small is painful af – AND your decision. One of my best friends, as well as myself, have been in a relationship(s) where the other persons needs & goals were always way more important. You felt all that mattered was that you made it as easy as possible for THEM to move forward & be comfortable. If you achieved success, they were jealous, felt you were overshadowing, it was never as good as theirs, & your goals were ridiculous.

Even though we sometimes can’t choose whether we fall in love or not, we can indeed choose whether we stay with someone. There’s a big difference in being alone & lonely. I will repeat this to my very last breath.
If your partner constantly dulls your shine & all you feel is your energy waning & seeking to people please, it’s probably the wrong partner.

A rich relationship should be full of support, nourishing challenge, & encouragement. If someone doesn’t want to see you achieve your dreams, they won’t be there when you hit rock bottom either. Sorry Sis, no, quit bullshxttin yourself. And just because a relationship has lasted “a long time” doesn’t mean it’s working.

Life isn’t “fair” it just “is.”
If you expect life to be fair, you’ll be disappointed & never reach your potential. Shxt happens, & sometimes, there’s no reasonable explanation for why things happen or why people do what they do.

Ultimately I do believe we manifest our lives & attract what we get, we attract what we are. So think about that & control what you can control, which is your vibration & reaction to things.

There won’t ever be a better time to start.
Most people waste their lifetime procrastinating instead of living their desired life because they think there will be a “better time to start.” You never know how much time you have left, & life is certainly too short to postpone experiences that bring you joy. Making a wrong decision is better than making no decision. It’s like that saying I love SO much, “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” 😂

Money is simply energy & it has power.
No matter if you like it or not — money matters.
Learn to love it. Learn to appreciate it. It isn’t bad. It doesn’t make people bad. The vast majority of the global population spends 40+ hours per week working for money. Most people hate their jobs, but stay because they need to “pay the bills.”

Many of us spend a significant part of our lives working for money, I personally LOVE working, it brings me happiness & a feeling of purpose, but most people deny its importance or they let it define them.

Stop denying the power & importance of money & start learning how to use it to your advantage & give back. Make it work FOR you, stop wasting it on useless things, use things love people, invest only in things that bring you joy & upleveling.

Money isn’t everything, but it certainly brings you freedom, the ability to give back, & makes life a whole helluva lot easier & more fun.

Social media can steal your time, energy, & your soul but it doesn’t have to.
I have a love-hate relationship with Social media. The trolls make it unbearable some days, haters gonna hate, hurt people hurt people, etc. etc.

Your voice matters, don’t let other people stifle what you want to share with the world. Be proud of your life & your body. You can decide whether you use social media to make your life better or worse. You have control over what you consume & what you see.

Choose to be a creator, not a consumer of content. I loathe the word influencer, I choose to be an Authority. Sorta sweet, sorta Beth Dutton vibes. 🙅🏼‍♀️😉 Where my Yellowstone fans at?! 👋

Final thoughts…
Life ain’t always easy but it’s always good. It’s a privilege to wake up & be alive. Don’t expect life to be fair, create your own rules. Or do as I do, I don’t do rules I do what feels right.🙃

If you constantly choose comfort & ignorance over courage & awareness, you’ll end up being the puppet of others. If you, however, manage to embrace the following truths, you might be able to design an extraordinarily fulfilling, purpose-driven life earlier than I did.❤️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥

Coach K

#beabetterhuman #manifestabundance#lifelessons #wordstoliveby #selfhealing #womeninhealthcare #xraytech#spreadpositivity #dating #relationshipgoals #singlelife #carnivorediet #carnivorewomen #catmom #plantmom #lilbitoffit #girlswholift #singlegirlproblems #singleguyproblems #indyblogger #indianablogger #midwestblogger #womenofindianapolis #womenofradiology #indianapolis #fishersindiana #carmelindiana #datinginyour30s #datinginyour40s

Things that spike your blood sugar even on a low carb and carnivore diet! Plus how I use my NutriSense continuous glucose monitor!

Did you know even if you’re “low carb” you can still have blood glucose spikes?

Experiences I too encountered starting my carnivore journey 2 years ago & using a continuous glucose monitor from @nutrisenseio

New YouTube video where I show you how to apply a CGM & things I wanted to track with mine to see how my body responses to different food & stimuli. Code: lilbitoffitCGM10 link in bio to CGM info.

Blood sugar imbalances affect our energy, mood, digestion, cognitive function, metabolism, performance, as well as our ability to lose body fat.

How have I tracked my blood sugar? 

I’ve used a simple glucometer in the past when I started with testing strips from Amazon & CVS.

I’ve also used a @ketomojo which tracks glucose & ketones from Amazon. On favorites list, link in bio & highlights.

What range should my blood sugar be for optimal body fat loss? I like mine in that 75-90 dL range fasting. 

Mine tends to run a little bit higher during the day & fasting (usually around 90-100 fasting & around 105ish during the day. It stays steady & doesn’t spike much even after a large meal. I think the highest it spiked after a meat-based meal is 130 & 160 after consuming a few rice cakes one time) 

I found what spiked mine the most was a high intensity workout while fasting. Duh. Your body does this to give you the boost of energy it needs to perform. It’s a big stressor. So to all of you who are beating the shxt out of  your bodies, working out too much, even if you’re eating low-carb, your blood sugar is still spiking. FYI.

Again, we’re all bio individually different. Our environment, lifestyle, genetics, as well as the food we eat all play a part.

Some things you may be overlooking that can spike your blood glucose! 

Swipe on IG & check out the new 6 minute video!


🔼adrenaline & cortisol (stress hormones) & blood sugar which can cause a release from our liver glycogen even when fasting.  This was one thing I tested, luckily black coffee only affected my blood sugar like 2-5 points.

2️⃣Fasting too long

Again, increases body stress which increases your cortisol level which will cause liver glycogen to be released & your blood sugar to rise. Are you waking up in the middle of the night? Is your fasting AM blood sugar high (>95)? Try eating more, shorten fasting windows


Less blood volume=higher concentrations of glucose in the blood. Shoot for 1/2 your body weight in Oz of water daily.


No they’re not the devil. Typically it’s our relationships with them & our habits that are. Carbs do keep us calm by  🔼serotonin & 🔽cortisol. Our tolerances vary bioindividually. Typically in a healthy individual the more active the more carbs we require & tolerate. Carbs do spike your insulin higher than protein or fats. Carbs obviously spiked my blood sugar higher than any other food even experimenting consuming 2lbs of a high-protein meal. 3 rice cakes spiked my insulin to 160. The 2lbs of beef #meatbars spiked my insulin to 130.

5️⃣Over exercising, under eating, &/or eating trigger foods. All huge stressors on the body which increase cortisol & thus blood glucose. That gut brain connection is so impactful on our body function as a whole.

6️⃣Artificial sweeteners & sweet beverages

If it tastes sweet typically it will cause a reaction in your body & spike your blood sugar to some degree. I’m all about moderation but don’t have the majority of your diet full of diet foods & Splenda just to save a few calories & carbs.  They lack in micronutrients which your body needs to function properly. In my experience with the CGM, they did elevate my blood glucose slightly but not very much, maybe 5 to 10 points max. 

7️⃣Alcohol. I’m just leaving this one there, y’all this is common sense. The higher the calorie, the higher the sugar, the higher the carbs the more it is going to spike your blood glucose. The “worst” options are beer, wine, sugary cocktails like White Russians, margaritas, Mojito‘s, Long Island iced teas, etc. I know it’s heartbreaking right 😂?! Vodka actually dropped my blood glucose when mixed in Diet Coke. Weird but it happens every time & I notice I get cold when this happens. This was not consuming any food with my drink.


Not only does this disrupt your satiety & hunger hormones like a leptin & Ghrelin which can cause you to crave carbs & feel like a bottomless pit, it also spikes your blood sugar, & your performance, fitness goals & recovery suffer. I found lack of sleep, & high intensity workouts especially fasting were the biggest culprits that spiked my blood sugar & made me feel like trash.

Which ones do you struggle with?

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Code: lilbitoffitCGM10

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Q&A: What should my macros be for a high protein carnivore diet, maintenance calories, and fat loss tips?

First, disclaimers:⁣

There are 50 shades of a meat based diet. Some people include small amounts of carbs, some do fat or carb re-feeds, some do not. Don’t be that Ahole that shames other people for including other things & different approaches into their diets because you don’t. We all have different needs/preferences. I see it too much. No need for dogma of any kind, we are here to learn & support one another. Choose what work best for you.⁣

Seems most “higher” protein carnivores are around 40P/60F, 50P/50F, 60P/40F as far a protein/fat macro ratios. Always go your own way, again, we’re all different!

⁣I’m showing you what I’d do for myself as far as macros, not saying you have to follow these, but a visual & calculation breakdown were requested. If you need coaching, fill out an inquiry here & I’ll send details via email.

Your 1st steps in choosing any kind of diet need to be:





As far as Carnivore, get adapted & heal FIRST. I wrote a blog from an interview on my experiences the 1st year of my carnivore journey. Please read that interview here (link also in IG bio to blog post) — it will answer the majority of your questions as far as my story, living with Crohn’s as an athlete, adapting, transitions I went through, & my special digestive needs & trigger foods.⁣

⁣I don’t recommend any kind of manipulations with the carnivore diet for fat loss until you are adapted, eating at maintenance, & thriving confidently with this lifestyle.

Fat Loss Tips:⁣

  • Create a calorie deficit from pulling from your fat macros. Protein should stay consistent (around 1g/lb of body weight or goal weight for most) Tracking will help. It creates awareness & more educated decision making when making adjustments. Protein for most/meal should be around 30g minimum, most do fine around 40-60g/meal if you’re eating 2-3 meals/d.
  • Choose meats that are easier to track & control like ground meats & eggs.⁣ Leaner meat will naturally be lower in calories.
  • When in a calorie deficit, & this will depend on your degree of calorie deficit, it can be helpful to increase your protein macros to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible especially if you’re strength training. (YOU SHOULD BE)
  • If you’re fat cycling for fat loss, try 4-5 lean days/wk, 2-3 higher fat days/wk. Its helpful to have higher calorie (high fat days) on days of higher activity or harder workouts. You can also reserve these for days of social events for easier adherence.
  • Diet breaks & structured refeeds can be wonderful tools to create adherence, consistency, & decreased hormonal & metabolic stress. ⁣I included a graphic on different kinds of periodization.
  • Intermittent fasting can also be a wonderful tool to allow larger meals for satiety while staying within your allotted calories. Choose eating windows that work for you & your schedule.⁣ Do not abuse fasting. Extended fasting is not necessary, most do fine fasting 14-16 hrs overnight. It will bite you in the a$$ by increasing stress on the body if you abuse them. Same for overdoing protein sparing modified fasting (PSMF). PSMF are more applicable to people with significant weight to lose, of higher body fat, & kept only 2-3 days/week. If you cannot control yourself with portions after fasting because you’re SO ravenous, decreases your fasting windows.
  • If in doubt, WALK. Simply increasing steps & choosing lower intensity activities will be easier on your body yet still help create a calorie deficit by increased activity.⁣
  • If you’re including carbs in your training & fat loss diet, keep them around workouts. Your largest meal I prefer post workout for recovery & optimization & earlier in the day. Taper meal sizes as the day goes on.
  • If you’re waking up starving, having sh*tty sleep, peeing all the time, low energy – these are signs you may need higher fat, higher calories, &/or a period of a diet break or refeed. YES, hunger will be part of a fat loss diet, but you also want to optimize hormone & metabolic efficiency as much as you can. That’s what diet breaks & refeeds are for. If you’re body & mind are stressed to the titties as I say, it will not drop body fat easily or optimally.
  • Sleep is a nonnegotiable, 7-8 hrs/night. If you eat carbs, a little before bed can help decrease your cortisol level. Do not eat late, heavy meals. You won’t sleep well & your digestion will be a dumpster fire. If having loose stool after meals &/or wonky digestion, include some digestive enzymes before or mid meal to help, decrease meal sizes & decrease fat. You will adjust. I use Nuethix Formulations Utilyze, Discount Code: lilbitoffit

Full Post on IG with Cheat Sheets Here

oxox Coach K

Lilbitoffit Crispy Airfryer Chicken Nugget Recipe

AirFryer Chicken Nuggs! 🍗 

The kids love these! ✅ 

Tap to save post on Instagram!


  • 1lb ground @perduechicken (yes the brand matters 👋 chicken snob. It tastes best)
  • 2oz cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Dash of salt (I rarely measure 👀)
  • Pork Rinds for the coating (I prefer Epic brand baked pork rinds but use what you want. I find it takes about 2-3 bags of the small Epic packages & about 3/4-1 bag of the regular sized pork rind bags)


  • Mix ground chicken, egg, cream cheese, & salt in a large bowl
  • Crush pork rinds up
  • Roll chicken into a “meatball” or use a spoon or scooper to scoop & coat the meatball with the crushed pork rinds (warning, it’s sticky af. That’s chicken for ya)
  • Place meatball or nugget (however you wanna shape your chicken) in the air fryer. Space evenly. Spray your basket if you need to.
  • Airfry for 10 mins at 400°
  • Flip your nuggs & cook for another 5-10 minutes at 400°, depending on your desired crispiness or texture. I like mine CRISPYYYY so I do 10.
  • ENJOY!!