Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
The one about life is too short for… bad sex, bad food, watered down cocktails & the one that “gets around.”
I experience life as “moments of loving & learning.” And myyy have I had some exquisite moments of loving🥰😉
I had a woman message me yesterday stating she wanted to embrace her sexuality, but was afraid of exploring & being judged as the woman who “gets around” vs “perfect.”
She recently transformed her body, lost weight, feelin good about herself, & finally in a position to date. I can empathize. I too have lost 60 lbs in my lifetime.
Lemme tell ya…real women aren’t perfect. And perfect women aren’t real. We all out here with stretch marks, cellulite, hair in weird places, & skeletons in our closets.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks it only matters what you think. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Take the one that “gets around.” Here’s my 42 year old perspective. My observation & experience is the only thing that matters on my opinion of a person. People view people & life thru their own lenses of experience & trauma.
If someone tells me, “Oh he gets around, you don’t want that,” my 22 yo self would immediately dismiss that person with a negative label.
At 42, I’m now like “Thank God! I ain’t got time to f*ckin teach!” 🤣 For real. I want someone with experience. You add more to the table of life with more experience. With anything in life — not just sex.
You learn confidence. Likes/dislikes. How to be better & work with what you have. You put the puzzle pieces together to create your masterpiece.
It’s like getting really excited about a guy then having sex & finding out he has a really small penis. But he’s the guy with a really small penis that isn’t good at anything else so the whole experience is f*cking sh*t & you’re like, “Yep, never hittin that again.”😹
Whatever. Y’all are laughing, nodding, &/or ready to unfollow me right now. 🤭 It’s OK.
Live life for YOU. Not the opinions of others.
Ain’t nobody got time for bad sex, bad food, & watered-down cocktails.
Oxox Coach K
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. A sweary Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗
I wanna be with someone that would divorce me if I gained 50lbs.
Now hear me out…morning ponderings & real talk…
I’ve thought a lot about my journey of becoming my best self: past mistakes, my health, my fitness journey, my relationships, & every facet of 50 shades of f*cked up & beautiful on this ride.
For those of you new here I’ll be 42 years old this year & still don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing. It’s ok. I love every minute of this life! I’m grateful for all the sh*t I’ve been through because it’s made me the woman writing this today in this journal entry.
My opening statement isn’t about weight gain & aesthetic changes, it’s about being THE PERSON & with a partner who holds high standards for themselves too & one who makes me want to be a better woman, partner — human.
A reminder for myself & maybe you too 🤷♀️to be with people who make you want to be the best version of yourself. Maybe they make you feel a little uncomfortable. Good. Choose people who are different & help you grow.
I set these standards for all relationships — platonic, business, & romantic.
Why? Because it influences who you are.
I understand we’ve all been taught about these “fantasy” relationships & unconditional love …
… I believe love is conditional because people change & that’s totally OK. Lovingly allow the right people into your lives yet also realize it’s OK to lovingly release those who do not fit your nonnegotiable conditions.
👉 The game of relationships & choosing wisely @hormozi 👌🏻 🎙️
When Cardi B said, “I gave you more than I gave myself. So loyal to you that I betrayed myself.” I felt that…
Deep shiz reflections & life feels lately
I’m in such a wonderful place in life. I give gratitude every day for this privilege. This growth. I prayed for it.
How many times have you betrayed yourself because you were giving more to other people or your personal issues & limiting beliefs?
I understand how changing myself to please others or validation attracted all the wrong things that I needed to figure out all the right things. I know if I can’t be my raw, authentic, no filter, little weirdo self around someone it’s not meant for me.
Maybe it’s disordered eating
Maybe it’s that toxic relationship
Maybe it’s that job you hate
Maybe it’s drinking too much
Maybe it’s negative self talk
Maybe it’s stagnation & fear
Maybe it’s a scarcity mindset
Maybe it’s as simple as too much coffee🙋🏼♀️ (I’m trying 😆)
I’ve been in an abusive, obsessive relationship with all of these at one time or another in my 41 years.
What helped me? Journaling & getting real. Falling on my face. Failing. Spending time alone. Finally getting a place of my own that I LOVE. Stepping into my worth. Focusing on being the person that I would like to be with.
Knowing I don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy or more worthy. But knowing I’d really like to find a special someone to live life with that looks at me the same way I look at them.
Look for beautiful people & places that quiet your soul. Not just beautiful people & places.
I love my family & small circle.
We may not like or see each other every day but I’m grateful to know that I have a forever home to go to whenever I want & that’s wherever my people are. It’s wherever I am.
When we show up fully & completely as ourselves, content with where we’re at, being fully present & conscious in the moment, listening attentively, showing love & respect, practicing gratitude — we attract more love, positivity, & abundance into our lives & expand those feelings to others.
It took me a long time to learn that what society deems as “beautiful” people & places are common.
Hell, nowadays all you need is a good filter & just the right angle. You can’t build anything with beauty alone.
I prefer the REAL good stuff. The stuff that stings a lil bit. The ones with scars that tell a story. The places with history & character.
I had a client tell me she just wanted to be told she was beautiful. I teared up, I understood exactly how she felt.
I explained to her the difference between a beautiful person & person who was simply beautiful.
Yeah, it’s nice to be told you’re beautiful or hot or whatever, but I’d much rather hear someone say that I made things easier.
That they’re happy because I exist.
That I’m strong, & smart, & able.
That their life is better with me in it.
That they’re proud of me.
That they value what I bring to the table.
Be a person who is complimented on more than just appearance.
“Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up.”
I sat the other morning with coffee ☕️, talking with my plants about personal awakenings surrounding partnership & relationship 🪷🪴☺️ (I’m weird. It’s ok 😆 At least I’m high vibe🥰 haha! High five 🙌 to all my fellow woke weirdos)
Maybe y’all can relate to some of my thoughts & feelings 🤷♀️ Hope they resonate in a way that you need to find clarity, clear the cobwebs, or serve as a provoking thought conversation starter.
For those of you who are new here, I’ve struggled with relationships basically my entire life. It’s been about remembering myself. Not losing myself in another. Building a home in myself so that I can be that safe space and partner for another, too.
I’ve been divorced twice. Casually dated all different kinds of men. I’m really proud of myself for creating a kick ass self partnered life that I am so grateful for. But I do truly believe we are not meant to go through this life alone. I just haven’t quite been sure what kind of a partnership is right for me. I acknowledge not every relationship is meant to last forever, honoring whatever time a contract serves.
I understand now that I simply need a partner that sees & accepts me as I am, my whole self. “Flaws” quirks & all. Not just for my looks. One that does not judge/criticize but allows me to be my weird little self.
Someone who can fall in love with their safe space. One like simply sitting in solitude appreciating the sweet sounds & murals of nature outside.
I understand that I do have to be emotionally, mentally, AND physically attracted initially to a person, because that does not develop later. (For me) I’ve tried to force this in the past. Doesn’t work.
I no longer allow myself to let relationships romantically continue if I do not feel romantically attracted to that person.
I’ve realized I have had a lot of wonderful friendships with men, i’m naturally a “guys girl” being raised with brothers & on a farm. What I thought potentially was a romantic relationship on many occasions was a platonic attraction to someone.
So yes, I feel I have broken a lot of hearts, but I’m proud of myself for being honest. Honest in telling those people that I love them (because I do), but our relationship was more in the “friend zone” kind of way.
I align to someone that loves me not just for my looks or what I can do for them. I desire a partner that simply makes me feel safe & protected, special & appreciated. Money comes and goes. But I know you can always build a better life together with someone that makes you feel the way you want feel & aligned with your energy.
Memories & experiences are everything & meant to be shared. We weren’t meant to go through this life alone forever.
I used to think I needed a super successful, rich business man type. And I have dated many wealthy men because I needed those experiences. But what I discovered was that I actually wanted that success for myself so I had to go out and create that for myself. Which I did 👏🏼 I didn’t need that through another.
I had to show myself that I could travel and be free and be successful and create my own business & opportunities scaled to my needs, on my own. I didn’t need someone else to do that for me.
I realized I needed the aligned partner that made me feel emotionally & physically the way I wanted to feel, and that gift, that package, was probably going to be different than what I expected.
So I opened my mind and my heart to that concept and simply followed what I loved & was drawn to. I followed what I felt was right, and listened to the signs and the things, places, & people that I was drawn to whether I understood it or not.
I admit, there were/are many times I’m like l. “Katie you are f*cking crazy. I do not understand why you resonate & are so drawn to certain things.”
BUT… I know that I walk by FAITH, not by sight.
I enjoy & admire partners that let me take care of them. Not in the mommy role kind of way. But in the energy of allowing my to embrace my feminine strengths. To be soft & let a man take care of me, too.
I know my “role and my place.” I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I don’t say that in a disrespectful way, but one of self-awareness and appreciation.
i’m very very good at taking care of a household and I make shit happen because I am driven and I am strong. I am the glue. I am a natural caretaker. I am able and extremely resourceful and resilient because this life has made me that way and I’m grateful.
I cannot thank my parents enough for helping me build a solid foundation in myself. Same for people who were cruel and harsh to me. I appreciate every time they were hard on me &/or had high expectations because it made me the woman that I am today.
Although I do not wish to fall into the role of mother & teacher, as I know, I deserve an equal partner, I do acknowledge that I excel in both of these places, but I do so respectively.
I do not desire to be more masculine than my other half, I understand some women are guarded, and maybe a little defensive sometimes when it comes to allowing a man to be a man and take care of them. “Men” are natural providers and I feel that that is their right.
Loyalty, honor, duty, understanding, & respect are vital, really when it comes to supporting men especially in a certain environment.
I had to understand throughout my journey that I had to love myself as I was, first. That I didn’t always need to change to suit someone else or have materialistic items, titles, things outside of myself. But, on the other hand, that it was OK to love the things that I loved that made me feel amazing from a place of self-love and not by ego.
We all deserve abundance & everything that we desire. We weren’t meant to go through this life miserable, living in scarcity & fear.
Abundance is everywhere & love is everywhere if we let it in. And all of this comes via our unique journey and self-awareness, unlocking the doors to everything we have ever desired.
Thank you for reading my thoughts from the pages of my heart, my storybook, that I pour into the notes pages of my iPhone 📲 💕
Oxox Coach K
Like blogs like this? Live life with me here! Sharing self improvement daily!
Journaled my feelings & thoughts this morning around energy, intentions, & alignment.
Big Dolly Parton energy ✨
I realize I’m constantly shedding skin into new versions of myself. Like peeling layers off an onion. I reflected back even 2 years ago & wow such a transformation inside & out!
I share this in hopes of being relatable to y’all wherever you are right now too. We’re all humans living this experience.
I reminded myself this morning I deserve people & companies & connections who are SURE. SURE in themselves and SURE about me. Because I SURE as heck is sure about me 🙂
This year, one of my big intentions is calling in aligned partnership & connections. I’m open to receive whatever is meant for me & my highest alignment without judgement or questioning.
Yeah, it’s painful & uncomfortable af for someone who loves control 👋 😂
Another change is the way I view time. I had to let go of my old “routines” & simply organize & schedule my daily activities & energy management to cycles that serve me best.
So I decided to stop looking at time like the norm & view it in cycles authentic to me. Maybe you can relate to this too?! ⏰
February is the month of love. I hope you manifest & receive whatever love (for yourself, others, & your life) is meant for you🙏💕
I was asked before if I had a “best friend.”
So I thought, well, I guess I don’t really use labels like that at 41 🤔
As I’ve aged it doesn’t “fit” in my life anymore.
I view people in terms of frequency & the qualities they bring out in me – you see, they’re all different.
I don’t judge people based upon race, sex, sexual preference, religion, politics, size, shape, whatever da fugg you wanna put here.
I ask myself:
Do you make me want to be a better person?
Do you bring me joy?
Are you kind & energy giving?
High vibe?
Do you embody a human & life I align with?
Cool. We can hang out.
I have friends that hold keys to all different doors of my personality. I have close friends I’ve never even met in real life thanks to social media. I am incredibly grateful to have all of you in my life!
Some keys open my mind. Some my heart. Some my entrepreneur. Some my introvert or extrovert. Some my feminine side. Some my masculine. Some laughter. Some adventure.
Some Saint.
Some Sinner.
Some my rawest, deepest, ugliest, & most beautiful parts too.
Some I haven’t seen in decades or years, past lovers, acquaintances, friends, family, yet they’ve been a part of the most pivotal moments in my life.
They all take a piece of my heart that I plant in my garden of life. Some only grow & bloom for a season, or moment, or a lifetime.
It’s OK if a past friend, family member, spouse, or partner don’t hold all the keys to your billion dollar home or nourish every part of your field of life.
Some of the most beautiful weeds are the most beautiful flowers, some of the most magnificent creatures are the most unruly.
Throw away the labels, definitions, boxes, chains, & cages – let love grow wild. 🥀🌱🌹
Be fearless. Let your guard down. Always put your oxygen mask on first. Stand by your boundaries.
Love fiercely (especially yourself) because this all ends.
Be who you wish you had grown up seeing in the mirror, the one you’ll proudly & affectionately look back on being, & the one savoring the process becoming them
It’s 5:55am this is likely & algorithmically the worst time to post
Alas, sometimes we just need to create when we have the mental real estate to do so.
We get so stuck in what’s next we don’t take enough pause to see how far we’ve come.
I cringed at my first stretch mark & belly roll. I bought the lotions & creams, I cursed the genetics that gave them to me. I hated food – it was the enemy. The thing that made me fat & “undesirable.”
That’s where we started.
Now? I feel nothing except gratitude for “flaws.” They did everything they were supposed to.
I was the girl who wore a T-shirt over her bathing suit for years both because I was ashamed of my body & overweight, & I was always in pain, bloated, struggling with gut issues — which made me a miserable person because that’s how I chose to react.
I empathize with anyone struggling with a dis-ease that makes them feel like a prisoner in their own body, that makes them feel lost & weird & less than & hopeless.
I have scars from surgery on my abdomen. I have a scar from a navel ring, which I got when I turned 18 because my parents told me I couldn’t
I have creases & cellulite & stretch marks on my tummy & thighs because my body is miraculous & adaptable.
I have belly rolls when I sit down just like you. I have tons of sunspots & freckles & wrinkles from days making memories in the sun.
I’ve survived cervical cancer, infertility, renal stones, eating disorders, obesity, chronic pain from #crohnsdisease , scoliosis & old injuries, broken bones, depression, childhood & relationship trauma, debt in so many more ways than money…
…it’s called life. And we have the power to control how we respond to things
Take your power back.
Oxox Coach K
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
She told me, “Once I lose the weight I know I’ll find the right guy & the right job because I’ll be happier & more confident.”
I felt her emotion in my soul, that was me at one time, too.
I thought as long as I shrunk myself to the smallest version possible I would, then & only then, finally be happy in the depths of my disordered eating & abusive relationship with myself.
Somehow I convinced myself by controlling my body, I held the power.
Guess what? Life kicked me in the face repeatedly.
However, despite the painful experiences of sickness, mental/physical heaviness of being obese, pain of living with Crohn’s, failed relationship & everything in between – I gained awareness.
I learned about communication, humility, compassion, empathy, self love, pride, proper nourishment, fitness, mindset, purpose, & the true meaning of wealth & happines.
I had one job I hated so much I wanted to cry every morning. I resigned after 2 months because I was miserable. I felt like the biggest failure & fell into a depression.
I didn’t know my purpose or what the f*ck I was supposed to be doing with my life. I didn’t know how to become the best version of myself.
I dove head first into researching & learning from resources & mentors such as The Secret, Abraham Hicks, Lacy Phillips @tobemagnetic , Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Joe Dispenza & more!
I learned about how I was wired, to embrace & accept myself thru researching my enneagram, astrology, human design, & Myers Briggs.
I learned that the statement, “I’ll be happier when”… – was total bullsh*t.
So if you take anything from this post, please read these slides in their entirety. I promise you they will change your life!
9 Devastatingly Painful Experiences That Transformed My Life
1. Realizing I forced control & that following my heart was all that mattered.
It’s challenging to wrap your mind around getting quiet & doing less, doing what you love, & releasing the need to control or make sense of things are the secrets to having & experiencing everything we want. The Universe/God/Angels/Guides/whatever you believe give us exactly what we ask for & vibrate at. It just may not be in the form or ways that we anticipated. I found I was rejecting many of my manifestations & desires because they did not come to me in the people, places, things, & forms I THOUGHT they would come packaged as. Painfully humbling realization to say the least. I let my head control my decisions from what other people & society told me was “right” & “true.” Which I found were full of falsities, filters, facades, ill ego & were draining.
2. Realizing society lies & simply doing me unlocked the doors to manifesting.
I committed to learning & accepting more about myself, other people, & this world. Sources that opened my eyes: The teachings of Bob Proctor, The Secret, Lacy Phillips, Wayne Dyer, Abraham Hicks, Mike Dooley & his books Infinite Possibilities & Manifesting Change, & The Magic of Manifesting Series by Ryuu Shinohara. I now simply focus on feeling, allowing, & receiving whatever it is that I want in whatever form the Universe gives to me & feels right in my heart. I release questioning the who, what, why, & how. I know I can have whatever I want simply because I decide it is so which also takes action & intention. Release societies beliefs & rules on constructs on timelines, shoulds, love, work, relationships, wealth, health, money, success, etc. Live in the NOW. Your answers lie there.
3. Battling obesity & disordered eating.
By the time I was in the 7th grade, I weighed 160lbs at barely 5ft. My disordered eating & poor relationship with food & self started at the age of 8. I hated my thighs, my tummy, flabby back, & love handles.
I missed out on a lot of memories, parties, & wonderful experiences because I was that person who was too attached to their eating disorder, body dysmorphia, & f*cked up routine. My mental & physical health suffered. My relationships suffered.
Losing weight, finding a diet & lifestyle (carnivore & lifting) that worked for me, getting fit & strong helped me get a healthier body & boosted my confidence. It’s the reason I have success habits & a routine today to be my best self.
4. Realizing I create my reality.
I discovered 2 secrets that changed my life instantly:
belief systems
abundance mindset Work on the 2, & you’ll be an invincible force.
I discovered that negative belief systems created a negative life. And that wasn’t acceptable anymore.
Until I recognized negative patterns & changed my self-talk, I was constantly settling & walking around as a watered-down, half-assed version of myself. If your inner chatter is negative, how can you do something amazing on the outside?
Same with an abundance mindset — there is enough for all of us to thrive & be successful.
5. Quitting my job.
It’s hands down one of the scariest & best decisions I’ve ever made. I had a job I hated every single day. It was in a cath lab. I had anxiety, my health was suffering because of stress & I was miserable. My relationship at the time suffered too. They both were extremely toxic environments I knew I had to gtf out of.
This season led to some of the most painful & wonderful discoveries of my life – moving, making my own schedule, CrossFit & nutrition coaching, learning to leap with faith.
I cannot even think of going back to one traditional 9–5 job now & having somebody else control my life.
My standard of living has improved. I’m happier, have more time, & earn more. I learn new sh*t every day.
6. Going thru divorces & dates.
I can’t even begin to describe the feelings of failure & shame as an overachiever & people pleaser enduring not one but TWO divorces & numerous failed relationships.
I didn’t even know how to date after my first divorce at 27 years old. But with each year & each shade of relationship, I discovered more & more about myself, other people, love languages, & communication. That relationships were here for reasons, maybe only a season, a more extended period of time &/or everything in between & that was ok.
I learned what worked well for me, what didn’t, how to communicate more efficiently, how to be happy alone & mold into the human I am today.
I now experience life & people with joy & curiosity. I live by The Four Agreements & don’t take anything personally. I learned to release people with a loving heart.
7. Forgiving my past.
It’s messy to come from a life of trauma & bullying. It leads to a part of you being affected deep in your subconscious.
Even today, it pops up from time to time, but I’m able to navigate thru it successfully. It turned me into a people pleaser, enabler, & over achiever which made me feel I always had to me more than what I was or something different.
Huge piece of advice…forgive everyone who’s hurt you directly or indirectly — family, friends, strangers. Hate is poison. I’m free of worry, blame, anger, resentment, shame.
Thinking of this gives me peace & makes me feel I have more control over my life & confidence I can shape however I want to. Every day is magic!
8. Writing vulnerably online.
I started my IG over 10+ years ago simply sharing my fitness journey. Today, I write online to share all my life lessons & secrets about anything that might benefit someone out there.
It changed my life forever. It gave me a voice, confidence, purpose, mediums to be of service, a side business that I’m proud of & so much more!
“Giving is the secret of abundance.” — Sivananda
It’s also something I enjoy doing immensely, so I’m grateful every day that I get the opportunity to serve. There’s not a single day I haven’t written about it in gratitude.
It’s also wonderful reflection & therapy for me too. So thank you for allowing me to add value to your lives!
9. Practicing the power of love.
So let’s talk about the power of negativity. You look at a friend having fun & you feel jealous. You think you’re not as good & focus on what you do not have. That’s a sad way to live, you know? Instead, what if you use the power of love everywhere — starting with yourself? Give yourself love via affirmations & become an energy of love to spread everywhere else.
How can you love someone else when your own cup is empty? This is why so many relationships are hollow. Time & physicality do not determine the success of a relationship. Intimacy, openness, acceptance, & being able to evolve beside one another, do. Love starts from you, & only then can it reach others.
“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”- Oscar Wilde
I appreciate all y’all who take the time for me too to read & hold space❤️
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
Imagine having one life to live, yet f*cking it up.
Yikes, right?!
I know a few things about starting over. I have done it more times than I want to admit including health problems with my Crohn’s disease, eating disorders, getting myself into debt, romantic & friendship break ups, including 2 divorces. Yup, Double Divo Club…carb toting member.
The main thing about starting over is that you are not starting from zero. It is impossible to do that, given that we are complex creatures with memory & experience.
The best way to start over is to reflect on goals, your memories & experiences, and think about what drives you, your purpose in life, your reason for living.
The change of life means changing your approach! Listening to older mentors helped me “start over” without being angry at myself.
Working out more & eating less wasn’t going to help me. Shrinking my body & punishing myself with restrictions & addictions weren’t going to help me, but changing my lifestyle & mindset to include the things that worked positively FOR ME, did.
I’m 40. Happiest, healthiest & most fit I’ve ever been & here’s how…
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
The past couple years have felt really different, this year especially.
I told myself this year was my year. It was the year of “F*ck yeses only & no lateral moves because lateral moves don’t mean a level UP.”
My bff sent me a TikTok about cake vs icing. How we think icing is always the most important end goal & oftentimes we miss out on how good & more important the cake may be.
Both are important but it’s truly about dose & ratios & what’s appropriate for you at the moment.
It’s like wanting shredded abs (icing) but missing the more important goal of a healthy, happy, body you love (cake).
Or it can be like wanting partnership (cake) but truly wanting & deserving that partnership that sets your soul on fire (icing).
I wanted to remind y’all of something really important when it comes to any kind of relationship…& that can mean dating or partnerships, friendships, work-spouse relationship, parent-child, & that is this: I want to invite you to be the cake & to let everyone else in your life be the icing on the perfect cake that is you.
🤷♀️If you don’t like cake, that’s fine. Sub in pie🥧 💁🏼♀️Honestly, really, I’m more steak 🥩 than cake, but be the steak doesn’t have the same ring to it so here we go with be the cake 🍰
We often enter into relationships & make decisions from our codependent & people-pleasing habits with the desire for other people or bad habits to fill a gaping hole in our hearts & our lives.
You are the cake to end all cakes, everyone else is a delightful addition to your life, not the main attraction.
Commit to cakeful (or steakful) living. When you live in a space of freedom, self love, & empowerment, you allow yourself to be the icing for someone else.
Honor the people who are your icing 🧁 & the space where you are the cake 🍰 (or steak 🥩) 😉
No matter what your profession or relationship status, effective communication is imperative.
I’ve worked in healthcare, sales & consulting, & as a nutritionist for almost 18 years. I’ve learned much from every experience & person I’ve met along the way. They’ve helped me not only learn more about myself, but others & in turn “get what I want.” Because let’s not bullsh*t ourselves, at the end of the day we want to get what WE want, right?!
I learned I needed to recognize & understand someone’s energy &/or read a room in order to better help & serve.
What most people don’t know is that when you change your energy & learn to communicate well, you change your life!
Your perceptions & energy are powered by your thoughts, emotions, experiences & how you see the world.
So if you want to feel happier in life, you need to communicate well, be present & assertive, raise your vibration, learn how to portray yourself in the way you desire to be interpreted — & vice versa with other people.
The 1st step of any change or observation is awareness. When you become aware of your own energy, then you can start to transform it. Moreover, raising your energy & self awareness will help you recognize that of others.
This is helpful in business, parenting, dating & relationships (platonic or romantic) because you’ll have a better idea of who & whose energy you want to be around & boundaries you need to put in place.
The power of observation is a necessary tool in learning how to read people. In these situations, nonverbal cues (posture, body language, clothing/hair, personal style, habitual behaviors, gestures, facial expressions) will give you more information than verbal or written cues.
And remember, while your interpretation of someone may or may not always be accurate, I’ve found when you’re solid in trusting yourself & observing WELL, your intuition is rarely wrong.
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,