The Secret to Stop Playing Small

Let me see all the hands of the pros out there in the art of self sabotage like me!🙋🏼‍♀️

Introvert by nature, going after what I really wanted & the thought of being seen terrified me.

The fear of being wrong, judged, & accepted.

It transferred into me self sabotaging, resentment, playing small (literally & figuratively), & chasing a smaller version of myself the majority of my life. 

If there was a pro league — I would be a member. đźĄ‡ 

If you’re looking for clarity or understanding, the best thing I’ve found for me is to look at the  pillars of my life. 

I categorize these into: 





I uncover the triggers, resentment, & blocks holding me back. Instead of making myself feel guilty I’ll use them as anchors for learning more about myself & how I choose to re write my story. 

These are the areas you can improve to bring more of that good juju & alignment back into your front door of life.

Yeah, sometimes they’re icky & gross & hurt like a you know what but they’re necessary.

Now — the resentment. Resentment is a sign YOU didn’t honor YOUR boundaries.

In the past before I was self aware of the personal shxt storm I created for myself, I blamed this resentment on the other person or party or situation. When in fact, I was really the fire starter.

Now, when I start to feel resentment & triggered more often by comments &/or behaviors of others — they are a product of me not speaking up for myself & allowing others to cross boundaries I should have set clearly.

These are all things I coach you through as a health coaching client. Wellness encompasses all – body, mind, spirit.

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Happy hump day y’all! 

❤️ oxox Coach K