Q: Do I need to train different for muscle gain vs fat loss? I want your arms & shoulders! What do you do?
A: One, the basics don’t change. Two, you just need to be the best version of you💚 The most common mistake I see people make is changing their training & nutrition every time the wind blows. You guys have to stick to something consistently for more than 2 weeks-30 days.
The biggest difference between muscle gain & fat loss phases are going to be the amount of food you’re consuming. Your workouts shouldn’t change much, maybe volume & intensity to reduce the stress on your body in a calorie deficit depending on your biofeedback.
Volume, intensity, & duration are your levers you can adjust any way that you need to tailor for your needs.
Walking is really all the cardio you need if your strength training & food are on point.
You don’t need to do endless circuit training, group training, & HIIT for results.
Sweating is not a point of progress or efficacy.
Your fit trackers are not 100% accurate when it comes to calorie burn. We shouldn’t be working out to earn or burn food anyways. It is fuel and should be treated as such.
During fat loss phases we simply want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible because you’re eating in a deficit.
Muscle gain takes extra food & it is very hard to do both simultaneously. Commit to one or the other.
Train & eat smarter, not harder😉
Enjoy some sample programming & movements that I enjoy for push, pull upper body, & lower body days. Swipe!
Consistency & loving what you do are the keys 🔑 always!
Oxox Coach K