Listen Linda, I dieted A LOT & did a ton of cardio in my teens, 20s, & early 30s.
I had never back squatted or even fathomed stepping into a squat rack until my early 30s.
I did pump classes and ran until my a$$ fell off, literally.
When I started CrossFit I gained about 10 pounds of muscle. I hated it. I didn’t like the scale creeping past a certain number I had in my head that I thought made me worthy and beautiful.
I was afraid to eat anything, carbs especially. Everything hurt my gut. I followed whatever diet Insta famous Sally was doing or my favorite CrossFit athlete.
Tried to eat Paleo forever because that was the CrossFit thing. Everything besides meat that is on the Paleo diet I cannot digest because of my Crohn’s disease. Dumb
My sleep was terrible. Cortisol was jacked up. I never rested. I worked out 2-3 hours a day.
It’s taken me almost 40 years to find my sweet spot & the physique you guys see you today.
It took me a decade to build muscle & look like I actually worked out.

Stop saying you’re too old, or you don’t have time, or it’s too late to make a change. Unless you’re freakin dead, you have time.
The biggest shift you can make is your mindset and the belief that you can achieve whatever you want to.
Swipe for a list of truths you may or may not wanna hear, but they’ll change your perspective. Save & share on IG!
What would you add to that list so we can build an Army of well-fed humans & a stronger community?