Nothin like a 1st calf heifer bringin life into this world unassisted!
Video cred to my dad @bryankelly8261 I was like holy sh*t, dad posted a video on Instagram!
As my 👼🏻🙏Papaw, Jerome W. would say, “Good worker.”
To quote one of my favorite movies, “You can take the girl outta the Honkytonk, but you can’t take the Honkytonk outta the girl,” -Sweet Home Alabama
You know those places.

Those places your heart is the happiest & at peace.
For those of you who may not know I basically WAS raised in a barn. Kelly Farms has been in the family name for almost 160 years.

My first love was agriculture & cattle, it’s all I ever knew growing up. 10 years in 4-H, 4 in the FFA, president of my chapters, top of my livestock & crop judging teams.

I was raised by the toughest & hardest working parents & we were raised right. We knew what the 10 Commandments were & the golden rule & we respected our elders. I am beyond grateful. Unfortunately the world today is very different.
Not a day goes by I am not thankful for the parents & life that taught me the value of hard work.

That taught me to experience the circle of life, appreciation for the land & livestock, the feeling of running your hand thru the hair of your new 4-H calf & the feel of pride & the velvety purple champion banner after putting in blood, sweat, time, & tears.
That taught me knowledge + application was power➡️education was a priority but you still needed common sense & real life sh*t skills, too.
That showed me unconditional love, how to be resilient & disciplined, & still teach me life lessons today.
My daddy taught me to let my roots run deep & mama taught me to let my heart have wings! ✨🐮🌱❤️✨