What if instead of trying to fix your entire story, just focus on writing one extraordinary story at a time. Then commit to planting those extraordinary seeds every day and watch your story grow.
I write everyday.
Stories are important. For they create your identity. The book, Atomic Habits talks about stories.
What stories are you telling yourself?
What identity do you want to embody?
What systems do you have in place to help you achieve your goals?
I feel there are 3 big areas of emotion affected by the stories we tell ourselves.
Money stories.
Relationship stories.
Health (Food & Body) stories.
What I did wrong: all 3 of these in some way I discounted my worth & desires.
I set blocks instead of boundaries — there’s a difference.
For example, relationships: If I was asked out & I really liked a guy, I’d lose myself & completely change my plans to do what they wanted to do. This was me not valuing my needs. A block.
Now, instead of completely denying myself of my plans/needs I would simply say, “Let me get my workout in (or insert whatever plan I had for myself). I will connect & confirm plans later because I would like to spend time with you.”
This is me setting a boundary not a block. This application can be used across the board.
Example, Health: instead of saying, “I’m not a morning person, I don’t have time to meal prep.” Set a system & a boundary. “I don’t like to get up early but I will commit to 3 mornings this week & meal prep lunches because I want to be healthy.”
Choose extraordinary actions because you deserve to write extraordinary stories.
Write the identity you want to embody around money, relationships, & health.
MONEY: I am safe, able, deserving, successful & abundant.
RELATIONSHIP: I am loved, seen, heard, safe, & significant. My relationships feel like freedom & home. I want my future partner to feel the same in the way they need.
HEALTH: I am healthy, energetic, thriving, strong, intelligent, & beautiful in every season.
Inner calm, outer order😉
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