How long will it take me to lose 30lbs?

lose 30 lbs

Dieting from the inside out & “How long will it take me to lose the weight”…

It’s so much about your mental state and internal work when it comes to finding a diet/workout/lifestyle that works for you.

I really don’t think you can have one without the other. The mental health world and the fitness world should be mutually inclusive.

The problem is too often people are not willing to address their emotional, headspace, inner narrative problems — they just want someone to give them the diet or the workouts or the solution they think is going to solve all their problems when they are the ones that really have to solve the problems. No one can tell you what is going to work for you.

We can tell you as coaches & practitioners what to do but unless you see what the root cause of your issues are & take action to execute the plan, you’re never truly going to make a life change. You’re basically going to yo-yo diet through life


 tough love.

When you just simply lose the weight but stay the same you mentally, most often you’re going to find the weight you lost again eventually.
— Because you didn’t up level to who you truly want to be.

It’s like building a house with no foundation.

Swipe for all the deets & a reality check on how long it REALISTICALLY will take you to lose 30lbs.

Love & hugs y’all!

Coach K

Lifting, carnivore, & how to stay consistent

I ate meat & lifted things this morning, saved a snippet for ya. Swipe on IG

I’ve shifted my focus however completely from fitness & aesthetic goals to my career, having fun, & longevity the past couple years.

The one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact I still have Crohn’s, although in remission & med free, life still takes consistency & intention.

#meatbars for breakfast Airfry, 11 minutes. 380. 93% ground chicken and 90% ground beef. Recipes and videos under highlights on IG. Listed as “meat bars”

I know many of you are struggling right now, not just with your personal life, health & fitness stuff, maybe relationship struggles too.

A client asked a question yesterday that really made me think…She said, “I found your interview with @kelly_hogan91 on her YouTube channel, My Zero Carb Life. You talked about consistency, which I struggle. How do YOU stay committed & consistent?

I replied, “Commitment is defined as a willingness to give your time & energy into something you believe in, a promise or firm decision to do something.

What more worthy thing to believe in, commit to, & invest in than yourself?

It isn’t always, & most often is not, pretty or glamorous. It starts with honestly viewing your current condition with blunt af transparency, awareness, & acceptance.I’d rather be an imperfect human working on relentless betterment, than a facade of a perfect human surviving on bullshxt sandwiches.”

The process…
Truly look at yourself & current state. What are your goals/desires? What do you need to improve to move the needle forward? If you’re clearly not where you want to be, you need to own that. You control how you react & respond to all stimuli.

Picture your future self & condition. Thoughts become things. What thoughts & reality do you want to grow? How would you feel?

A practice that helps me visualize & shift my mindset & energy to a positive place: Pull up Pinterest & consume positive quotes, images, videos, anything that shifts my state to a happy place. I’ve made boards & folders there with intentions & desired goals. These things you’re seeing, feeling, & saving are YOU as your future self.

Triggered much?
Know you know better.
Right meow 


With love,

“Sorta sweet, sorta Beth Dutton


Coach K

Sunday Church: self care, boundaries, the mess is your message

Here’s your Sunday reminder you don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Don’t build your house to sit back & watch it burn.⁣

A phrase reminding you how important boundaries & self-care are. ⁣

Can you believe it’s mid May already???!!!!⁣

Listen, you don’t have to wait for the new year to start building again or start over.⁣

“There is an Indian proverb that says everyone is a house with 4 rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, & a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in 1 room most of the time but unless we go into every room everyday, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. “⁣⁣
— Rumor Godden⁣⁣
Don’t ignore your souls urge for solitude & adventure. ⁣

Listen to who & where it’s drawn to. Don’t question it. We tend to over complicate sht, stop doing that😆 ⁣ ⁣ Sometimes you just have to have a good laugh & fall on your face to start over again.⁣ ⁣ Sometimes it means spending time by yourself or saying fck it & going on that adventure.⁣
Don’t build your house in other people & don’t hand them the matches. Build your own & tend to your rooms.⁣

I get life.⁣
Rooms get messy.⁣
There’s beauty in the mess.⁣
The mess is your message only you can write.⁣
What are you doing for yourself today⬇️?⁣

Love y’all!⁣


Coach K

#sundayvibes #sundaychurch #lifelessons #catmomlife #plantmomlife #lifeisgood #butfirstcoffee

Love lessons and things to learn about yourself to be successful in love

love lessons

Love is a classroom not a candy shop.
— Life lessons I’ve learned from the school of hard knocks
📸 : simply showin love for this lil meat sack in the mirror.

Self love is the best love.

Love is the most powerful force in the world. In my opinion, the only thing that matters. For nothing would exist in this world, including you, without love.

I used to think there was only one soulmate out there made specifically just for you. After 39 years I’ve learned you’ll meet many people & things throughout your life that will be your “soulmate.” Some for seasons & others maybe for life.

I define “soulmate” now as a mate that helps you find your soul. This includes yourself, memories, places, things, friends, family, lovers, & enemies.

A book that changed my life 15 years ago, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. I discovered it in a desk drawer at work & no one knew how it got there. I was miserable at this time struggling in my marriage & with mental & physical health. It taught me the power of my thoughts, love, & perspective.

Lessons I’ve learned about love that may help spark thought & introspection for you today…

-When you seek pleasure & lust it always runs away from you but when you seek purpose, understanding & connection, pleasure comes towards you because it’s a byproduct of you putting in the work.

  • Learn about yourself & your person. Understand what you both love, how you’re both wired, love languages, etc.
  • love lessons

Things that helped me understand myself & other people…
▪️Manifesting Generator (Human Design) basically get sh*t done & move at the speed of thought. Busy bodies, worker bees, get more done before 9am than most do in a week.

▪️ENFJ (Myers Briggs) among the rarest of the 16 types, only 2-3% of the population. The ENFJ is warm, extroverted, engaging, charismatic, persuasive, & talkative.⁣ Oprah, Barack Obama, Maya Angelou.

▪️2w3 (Enneagram) The helper/achiever, desire to fulfill the needs of others & can sense emotions with clarity & precision. Helping & achieving brings us Joy.

▪️Love languages: 1.words of affirmation 2. physical touch 3. quality time⁣

⁣▪️Astrology: I’m a Rising Scorpio ♏️ , Cancer ♋️ Sun, Sagittarius ♐️ moon. Basically a contradictory Unicorn because I love deep thinking, caretaking, & solitude, but the Sag loves freedom, extroversion & adventure. I’m freedom & home❤😘

  • All of these things craft a completely unique & wonderful individual. You can always know someone deeper.

This is why there is so much infidelity because we are addicted to newness. So why don’t you learn something new about your other half? It’s just like walking down the same path every day, why don’t you try to notice a new flower, rock, or tree? Then you’ll discover the same old paths can always be new & exciting. Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.

  • Be playful but don’t play mind games. If you’re interested, make the move & observe. If they don’t respond, move on. We build strength when we make the move because we build confidence. This is you being in charge of your destiny. Mind games destroy the authenticity of a relationship.
  • Making someone feel bad doesn’t make them good. You change because of love, clarity, & communication. We don’t change because of judgment, guilt, & expectation
  • Any recurring issues you need to solve for the long run.
  • Prepare your partner for your mood swings & schedule. Communicate what makes you feel safe. For example, ask, “Do you need support or a solution.?” “Does saving make you feel safe or your earning power?” Check in with your other half. Pick one day a week & have a date check in. Ask them, “What was the highlight of your week & how can I help you?
  • Focus on how you can complement, not compete or complete. When you compete you’re trying to be everything. When you compliment, you are just being you. Take a moment & recognize what your other half brings to the relationship.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday & Valentine’s Eve, squad!
Go out there & love someone today!

oxox Coach K

Why Life rarely turns out as planned and how some people just feel different

scrubs: Figs

2 things I thought about this morning: 1. Life doesn’t always turn out the way you planned, it’s usually frustrating af first, yet somehow always turns out better. 2. Some people just feel different & are your once in a lifetime kind of people.⁣

As a younger version, I thought I’d be happily married for years, have that white picket fence, 2  kids, a dog, & happily ever after by 21. Let’s all laugh together, now.⁣

In reality, I’ll be 40 in July, I’ve been married & divorced twice. I’m single, have a cat named Pete, & struggled more years & cried more tears than you can shake a stick at. ⁣

However, I’ve learned so much about myself, how to communicate with others, who I am & wanna continue to be. I learned how to nourish myself, climb my way out of $43,000 of debt, build a business & myself as a brand. I am proud of the successful life & woman molded out of the imperfection.⁣

Life doesn’t always resemble what you thought it might look like. Milestones move, perspectives change, the things we yearn for evolve. Some things break never to be fixed again & some things break to be rebuilt better than you ever could have imagined.⁣

Life doesn’t gift us with a peek around the corner to see how things will turn out. Life does, however, litter the journey with love, laughter, moments of joy that take your breath away, learning, & it always lands us right where we’re supposed to be in divine timing.⁣

You’ll meet people who can read your silence & make your thoughts feel heard. You’ll meet people for the first time that you feel like you’ve known forever & don’t need to hide from.⁣

These people are your most cherished safe place & your most exciting adventure. They feel like the sweet burn of a good bourbon that tastes like freedom & home.⁣

They may come in & flip your life on it’s head in the most unexpected, joyful, savory, luxurious ways possible.⁣

Let life flow like water.⁣
Roll with it like a boss. ⁣

oxox ⁣
Coach K⁣

saturdaymorningview #lifeisgood

Scrubs: @wearfigs XXS top, XXSP bottom (5’1, 105lbs)

70% of leadership is this

70% of leadership is how you lead yourself. There is a difference between leadership & management just like there’s a difference between preaching & practicing what you preach.

I strive to be the best woman I can be for others & myself. Has nothing to do with perfection, everything about effort & intention. 

Just like fitness, sharing a snippet of mine this morning with the 7am squad! Brutal.

videos here

I want to be a human that when someone talks about me I would hope that they would say she makes me want to be a better person. 

Had plenty of wake up calls where I asked myself a few things:

  • How do you maintain positivity in the face of negativity? 
  • How do you set goals & a plan to accomplish those goals?
  • When do you stay committed to yourself despite lack of motivation or shade from others?

People will follow you if you give them a purposeful reason to. That is the foundation that 70% of leadership for yourself is built on.

I feel there are 3 kinds of leadership:

1️⃣Physical leadership: Are you healthy & happy & nourished body, mind, & spirit to be strong & serve as a role model to others?

2️⃣Mental leadership: social media brainwashes you & continuously puts what you want to see in front of you. What are you clicking on, subjecting yourself to, & what are you consuming?

Find the people you want to be like, that you want to embody so you can learn from them & be better. Release the individuals who don’t take you where you want to go.

3️⃣Emotional leadership: The ability to stay balanced & even keeled. Choosing positivity in the face of negativity.

Watch your thoughts. Watch your words. Know your mission & values.

Your mission should be built on the foundation of your values. 

So what are your values? 

Mine: Service. Health. Wealth & Freedom. Self Nourishment. Extraordinary Relationships.

So with that, I’ll step off my soapbox🤗 

“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss 

I love you all!


Coach K

Things I had to do to lose body fat and achieve a healthier lean physique

The majority of your questions today revolved around: macros, daily routine, changes that made the biggest impact on fat loss & my transformation, & workouts. 

Y’all I simply consistently eat meat & lift things. I’ve shifted my focus however completely from fitness & aesthetic goals to my career & longevity the past couple years.⁣

Some things that haven’t changed are the facts I still have Crohn’s (although in remission & med free), & life still takes consistency & intention.

I know many of you are struggling right now…with all kinds of stuff like life, health & fitness, maybe relationships too.

One of the best question asked today was, “How do YOU stay committed & consistent?⁣

I replied, “Commitment is defined as a willingness to give your time & energy into something you believe in, a promise or firm decision to do something.⁣”⁣

What more worthy thing to believe in, commit to, & invest in than yourself & your health?

The process…⁣

1. Truly look at yourself & current state. What are your goals/desires? What do you need to improve to move the needle forward?⁣

If you’re clearly not where you want to be, you need to own that. It is not anyone else’s fault but yours. You control your reality.

Picture your future self & condition. What thoughts & reality do you want to grow? How would you feel? Really visualize this as luscious & vibrant as possible. This is massively impactful, because it’s going to create possibility & self belief.⁣

A practice that helps me visualize & shift my energy to a positive place: I pull up Pinterest & consume positive quotes, images, videos, anything that shifts my state to a happy empowered place.

Swipe save & share! Hope these help!

Link for product info, discount codes & resources here

I’m rooting for you! 


Coach K

Things adulthood taught me that never age 

Things adulthood taught me that never age…


👉🏻Choose your friends, food, & alcohol wisely. Ps. Taking 3 shots instead of 5 is still not taking better care of your body🥃 ⁣

👉🏻Credit cards are dangerous

👉🏻You can bless & block anyone or anything from your life if it disturbs your peace & energy. You don’t owe anyone anything

👉🏻Rescuing a cat 🐈‍⬛ & a bottle of @crownroyal are totally acceptable valentine gifts to yourself

👉🏻There is no such thing as too many plants (or coffee)🪴☕️ ⁣

👉🏻 I don’t remember life before @instacart & @amazon prime or #meatbars ⁣🤷‍♀️

👉🏻 Life actually starts when you get an airfryer. Get 1 sooner♨️❤️⁣

👉🏻The answer is always walk & meat 🥩🦶

👉🏻Stop ignorin all the red flags they be showin, they’re not check engine lights 😆 & when you think a mf won’t do you like that, they absolutely will do you like that 👀 ⁣

👉🏻You cannot send 2 questions to a man in the same message or next message before getting a reply to the 1st one. You’ll only get a reply to 1. Slow down😜⁣

⁣👉🏻You spend the majority of your day rubbin a piece of glass 📱🤳🏻 Love life fiercely that’s all that matters. Not just the highlight reels.⁣

⁣👉🏻Grocery Stores should put carts in the middle where my pride realizes I have too much sh*t to carry⁣⁣

⁣👉🏻Rugs are expensive save your money, spend it buying your own flowers💐 ⁣

👉🏻When I was young I wanted 2 kids, a picket fence, & married by 21…lets all laugh together. 😂 Live your own timeline.⁣

⁣👉🏻 Live simple. Things weigh you down. ⁣(Except meat. Buy the meat 🍖🙃)⁣

👉🏻Part of me wants to be a powerful independent woman who makes a 💩 ton of money & the other part wants to be a trophy wife with new boobs sitting at the pool & the most difficult decision of my day being what cocktail I wanna drink. Your wants & needs will change. Let them. Always aim to evolve higher. You can do it all!

👉🏻Beware of cocktails that taste like juice, ice cream, or a slushy…before ya know it you can’t walk & have to pick up your dignity down the street the next day. Treat your body like a trash can & you become the trash can.⁣

⁣👉🏻It’s ok to go thru this phase called “fxck everything.” Do your squats & know your worth. Take it one “WTF” at a time. ⁣


Coach K

Why you need to chase what lights you up

The question I want you to ask yourself today is what lights you up? 

Why you ask?

Because what’s embedded in your responses lies your answers.

I’ll share some of mine & stories you might relate to as well…

➡️I love money.

I didn’t always have a good relationship with money nor believed I was worthy of it. In fact I had a scarcity mindset the majority of my life. In the past few years I’ve learned I need to nurture my relationship with money just like any other.

Money gives me time, freedom, the ability to give back & invest in others. It gives me the ability to give myself things that light me up which in turn give me the energy & happiness to serve at my best.

I changed my story from the thoughts of “I’m greedy & money is bad.” to “I am worthy, smart, & compassionate because I know without money I’m not able to serve others or myself at my fullest capacity.”

➡️I love my health.

I know without my health I also cannot function at my highest capacity physically, mentally emotionally, intellectually, or financially. 

This is why I work out 5d/week & eat food that nourishes my body to help me perform at my best. This also means taking time to rest. If you want to be a top-notch athlete you need to live & think like one.

➡️I love my relationships.

Without community connection in some way shape or form we lose our sense of purpose. Be mindful of the company you keep, make sure to surround yourself & consume an upleveling environment.

We were put here to learn, connect, live with Joy, & follow what lights us up.

The truth is we often forget by doing what light us up that is the fastest way to bring the abundance flow back to you.

It’s never too late to rewrite your story & I’ll remind you that there’s nothing enlightening about resisting pleasure, money, your health, etc & turning down the beauty in your heart.

“Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive & go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman


Oxox Coach K 

☕️: @trustwealthstrategies

How to live life like Dolly Parton

Big @dollyparton energy today y’all✨ 

I enjoyed these quotes this mornin & I hope they set the stage for your week (& the rest of your life).

I watched a Netflix documentary about Dolly – she’s a magical human y’all.

I’m in love with her bling, flare, essence of unapologetically being herself, her femininity & her get shit done attitude! #girlcrush #rolemodel 

Minus the boobs, I dunno how she functions in those things. Props ✊ Proud card toting member of the #ittybittytittyCommittee here 👋 🎟 

It made me want to continue to live life BIG.

To attract my dreams. 

I no longer say “chase” because a high value human doesn’t chase anything, you become what you want & you ATTRACT what is meant for you. – write that down 😉✍🏼 

And these…

Living a BIG life requires:

not being afraid to shine

being YOU

giving less fux

not playing small

& not chronically trying to shrink yourself in every facet of that statement

Put your crown on 👑

Get your beauty sleep🥰

Pose in your underwear, whatever tf you wanna do. 

I’m sure I’ll get hate messages for it & you know what?! Thank you. 

Because if they ain’t talkin about you you ain’t doin something right. – words of wisdom from my momma

I crushed almost 9 hrs last night, no ragrets. Pampered myself instead of going out, & I realized as I’ve gotten older it feels so much better to wake up refreshed🤘🏻

Gonna get in a good workout

Gonna spend the day with friends & family gloriously watching sports & enjoying life!

Rooting for my Purdue Boilers!

I dunno who to choose in the playoffs, great teams! Going with the Bengals & 49ers, how bout you?

Enough rambling, swipe away, words of wisdom from the Queen!

I hope you have the most magical, refreshing Sunday ever!

Oxox Coach K


On Faith

“If I can hold God’s attention, I can hold the world’s.”

On Believing In Yourself

“The magic is inside you, there ain’t no crystal ball.”

On Work

In her book Dream More, Parton wrote, “I never have considered myself a perfectionist, but I do think of myself as a ‘professionalist’…I always strive simply to be my very best.”

On Ambition

“Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen. Pour myself a cup of ambition.”

On Life

In July 2019, Parton tweeted: “If you see someone without a smile today, give ’em yours.”

On Diamonds

“I look totally artificial, but I am totally real, as a writer, as a professional, as a human being. A rhinestone shines just as good as a diamond.”

On Love

I’ve had to go against all kinds of people through the years just to be myself. I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love.”

On Life

“Everybody has their own journey, they have their own way of doing things. And who am I to judge?”

On Marriage

“He’s always loved who I was, and I loved who he was, and we never tried to change each other,” Parton said about her

husband Carl Thomas Dean, in the June 2016 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine.

On Real Beauty

“You don’t have to look like everybody else. You don’t have to be a raving beauty to be special and to be beautiful.”

On Life

“I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life. I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. These small actions help remind me that there are so many great, glorious pieces of good in the world.”

On Work

“I always count my blessings more than I count my money. I don’t work for money, never did.”

On Life

“Everybody’s life is a soap opera. Everybody’s life is a country western song, depends on who’s writing it.”

On Diets

In her book Dolly: My Life and Other Unfinished Business, Parton joked, “I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.”

On Life

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

On Stardom

“I’m just a working girl. I never think of myself as a star because, as somebody once said, ‘A star is nothing but a big ball of gas’–and I don’t want to be that.”

On Work

“I’m not going to limit myself just because people won’t accept the fact that I can do something else.”