70% of leadership is this

70% of leadership is how you lead yourself. There is a difference between leadership & management just like there’s a difference between preaching & practicing what you preach.

I strive to be the best woman I can be for others & myself. Has nothing to do with perfection, everything about effort & intention. 

Just like fitness, sharing a snippet of mine this morning with the 7am squad! Brutal.

videos here

I want to be a human that when someone talks about me I would hope that they would say she makes me want to be a better person. 

Had plenty of wake up calls where I asked myself a few things:

  • How do you maintain positivity in the face of negativity? 
  • How do you set goals & a plan to accomplish those goals?
  • When do you stay committed to yourself despite lack of motivation or shade from others?

People will follow you if you give them a purposeful reason to. That is the foundation that 70% of leadership for yourself is built on.

I feel there are 3 kinds of leadership:

1️⃣Physical leadership: Are you healthy & happy & nourished body, mind, & spirit to be strong & serve as a role model to others?

2️⃣Mental leadership: social media brainwashes you & continuously puts what you want to see in front of you. What are you clicking on, subjecting yourself to, & what are you consuming?

Find the people you want to be like, that you want to embody so you can learn from them & be better. Release the individuals who don’t take you where you want to go.

3️⃣Emotional leadership: The ability to stay balanced & even keeled. Choosing positivity in the face of negativity.

Watch your thoughts. Watch your words. Know your mission & values.

Your mission should be built on the foundation of your values. 

So what are your values? 

Mine: Service. Health. Wealth & Freedom. Self Nourishment. Extraordinary Relationships.

So with that, I’ll step off my soapbox🤗 

“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr. Seuss 

I love you all!


Coach K