Things I had to do to lose body fat and achieve a healthier lean physique

The majority of your questions today revolved around: macros, daily routine, changes that made the biggest impact on fat loss & my transformation, & workouts. 

Y’all I simply consistently eat meat & lift things. I’ve shifted my focus however completely from fitness & aesthetic goals to my career & longevity the past couple years.⁣

Some things that haven’t changed are the facts I still have Crohn’s (although in remission & med free), & life still takes consistency & intention.

I know many of you are struggling right now…with all kinds of stuff like life, health & fitness, maybe relationships too.

One of the best question asked today was, “How do YOU stay committed & consistent?⁣

I replied, “Commitment is defined as a willingness to give your time & energy into something you believe in, a promise or firm decision to do something.⁣”⁣

What more worthy thing to believe in, commit to, & invest in than yourself & your health?

The process…⁣

1. Truly look at yourself & current state. What are your goals/desires? What do you need to improve to move the needle forward?⁣

If you’re clearly not where you want to be, you need to own that. It is not anyone else’s fault but yours. You control your reality.

Picture your future self & condition. What thoughts & reality do you want to grow? How would you feel? Really visualize this as luscious & vibrant as possible. This is massively impactful, because it’s going to create possibility & self belief.⁣

A practice that helps me visualize & shift my energy to a positive place: I pull up Pinterest & consume positive quotes, images, videos, anything that shifts my state to a happy empowered place.

Swipe save & share! Hope these help!

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I’m rooting for you! 


Coach K