How To Read People and Get What You Want

how to read people and get what you want

No matter what your profession or relationship status, effective communication is imperative.

I’ve worked in healthcare, sales & consulting, & as a nutritionist for almost 18 years. I’ve learned much from every experience & person I’ve met along the way. They’ve helped me not only learn more about myself, but others & in turn “get what I want.”
Because let’s not bullsh*t ourselves, at the end of the day we want to get what WE want, right?!

I learned I needed to recognize & understand someone’s energy &/or read a room in order to better help & serve.

What most people don’t know is that when you change your energy & learn to communicate well, you change your life!

Your perceptions & energy are powered by your thoughts, emotions, experiences & how you see the world.

So if you want to feel happier in life, you need to communicate well, be present & assertive, raise your vibration, learn how to portray yourself in the way you desire to be interpreted — & vice versa with other people.

The 1st step of any change or observation is awareness. When you become aware of your own energy, then you can start to transform it. Moreover, raising your energy & self awareness will help you recognize that of others.

This is helpful in business, parenting, dating & relationships (platonic or romantic) because you’ll have a better idea of who & whose energy you want to be around & boundaries you need to put in place.

The power of observation is a necessary tool in learning how to read people. In these situations, nonverbal cues (posture, body language, clothing/hair, personal style, habitual behaviors, gestures, facial expressions) will give you more information than verbal or written cues.

And remember, while your interpretation of someone may or may not always be accurate, I’ve found when you’re solid in trusting yourself & observing WELL, your intuition is rarely wrong.

Hope this helps y’all!
Oxox Coach K

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bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

The Older I Get the More Self Aware I Grow & The More I Realize These Things…

Something my life journey has shown me is that the more I heal & love myself as I am, the more grounded & peaceful life becomes.

A hard lesson I learned 👉how & when to adjust. It’s hard because often times as painful af & you don’t wanna do it. 

The older I get, the less I feel the need to perform.

the less I feel the need to shrink & settle.

the less I feel the need to chase.

the less I feel the need to overextend & over-explain.

The older I get the more I realize that I’m not interested in things or relationships that are not physically, mentally, emotionally nourishing, stimulating & rooted in authentic loving intentions.

MOOD: I’ve changed & evolved into a better version of myself. I’m choosing different & walking tall with fresh energy. I attract all that I desire to my highest alignment. Healing & self awareness are my superpowers. Growth is good to me. I love me, my body, my mind, & spirit. I now choose to stand in my power for good.

Drop a ❤️ if you’re in this season.

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Oxox Coach K

#lifelessons #Lessonslearnedthehardway #sundaychurch #selfhealing 

Hard Truths Why You Struggle With Food & Fitness

hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness

Let’s start at the beginning.
Because we know the statistics.

We know that obesity has quadrupled since the 1950s.

We know that diabetes has increased from around 1.5 million people in the 1950s to over 34 million today, 90% or more of whom have type 2 diabetes, which is preventable.

We know that roughly 50% of American adults have cardiovascular disease and 70% of American adults are on some kind of prescription medication.

We know that we get 1.5 to 2 hours less sleep per night than a hundred years ago.

We know all of this stuff, because we are constantly bombarded with these statistics, hammered over the head with them until they lose their meaning.

But what we don’t talk much about (& we should), is the inner root cause of WHY these statistics exist.

“Losing weight” or “getting in shape” repeatedly score the top ten of people’s New Year’s resolutions. If you, too, have declared that you “finally want to get fit in 2023,” then it’s time to look at where you’re at.

Have you changed? Or have you given up on your fitness goals again — like so many years before?

If you have been trying to become a fitter, healthier version of yourself & repeatedly failed, you might need to come to grips with a few uncomfortable fitness truths.

If you take them to heart & act accordingly, you are well on your way to becoming the fittest & healthiest you can be. Let’s dive in!

Save & share! What’s mine is yours!
As Deepak Chopra says, “No one owns anything.”

oxox Coach K

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  • hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness
  • hard truths why you struggle with food & fitness
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

The Year I Give Up. 8 Bad Habits Preventing Your Dreams From Becoming Reality

8 bad habits preventing your dreams from becoming reality

I was staring at a terribly unflattering close-up of my face on my iPhone screen. Kinda like the terribly unflattering videos in the Target checkout line.

Staring at my iPhone, I was waiting for a client to accept our FaceTime call.

“Why the hell do reflections trigger us?” I thought.

I should have used those 10 seconds of wait time to express gratitude for this technology that allows us to connect from all over the world!

And yet all I could focus on was this red sun spot I have in the middle of my forehead & the fact my eyes looked tired af.

I moved the phone to a different angle to see if I could get a “better view.” I pulled at my eyes for an instant eye lift. I immediately started brainstorming solutions to these “imperfections.”

Was this something Botox could solve?
Would I need to invest in some kind of fancy cream or treatment?

I’m disappointed to say that all of this flashed through my mind in those 10 seconds, but I keep things on the real reel here & I’m just like you.

“Only from a place of self love do you have permission to change yourself,” I kept telling myself.
And that is what I remind myself every time the criticism Gremlin creeps in.

I understand it’s hard to break this cycle of self-critique. Especially when you’ve experienced trauma like being made fun of as a kid or raised in an environment where achieving & people pleasing were the only ways you felt you could receive love.

I realized years ago I needed to break these bad habits & started practicing daily gratitude & being present in my body as it was.

If you ask me today what my top beauty advice would be, I would say this…

Look in the mirror less, obsess less about things that don’t add true value to your life & look at the rest of the world to see what you could be using your time for instead.

I now use my extra time for growth & nourishment in the forms of education, service, money, personal development, health, self care, & making memories with loved ones.

I decided 2023 would be the year I give up. The year I nourish.

I owe it to myself, to you, to my dreams, & to the legacy I want to leave here that doesn’t have a damn thing to do with a red sunspot on my forehead.

Cheers to 2023 – the year I. Give. Up.

Swipe, save & share if this resonates with you!

  • 8 bad habits preventing your dreams from becoming reality

oxox Coach K

Binge eating almost destroyed me but here’s your message of hope

I didn’t dare talk about it much publicly when I was younger, I used to binge eat — A LOT. It didn’t help my health, gut, performance, or fat loss goals at all either. I was scared to strength train because I have no idea where to start. ⁣

Binging happened mostly when I was lonely, stressed, or bored. Sometimes, it would happen when I was celebrating, too — but always when I was alone. I would go to the store, buy junk food, then go home or sit in my car & eat as much as I could. I was an addict, food was my drug, & binging was a high.⁣

I’d eat until I didn’t think I could eat another bite, & then felt so sick I’d puke to “undo” what I”d done. Sometimes even after I threw up, I’d wait a while, & when the feelings of nausea started to subside, I’d start eating again until either the food was gone, I vomited, or until I went to bed in deep shameful sleep.⁣

Without fail, I’d wake up feeling like absolute shit the next day. I’d beat myself up, forcing an unending spiral of guilt, restriction, & punishment. My gut flares out of control!⁣

To make myself feel even worse, I’d look in the mirror & tell myself how terrible I looked, & that I would never be good enough until I could stop eating & got as thin as I could. That if only I could somehow turn myself into one of those people who just “forgets” to eat, then I’d finally be good enough.⁣

But that was the wrong approach. Obviously.⁣

I took the time to look deeper into my behaviors & habits, I started to be kinder to myself & feel empathy.⁣

Back then, I didn’t treat food as fuel & workouts as a celebration of my body as I do now.⁣

So if you deal with binge eating or know someone who does, or don’t know where to start on your fitness journey 👉know that you’re not alone.⁣

Here’s your reminder you CAN! ⁣

I’m over 3 years meat-based with my diet! It serves my autoimmune, physical & emotional needs! ⁣

Here’s to a lifetime of living vibrationally & giving myself what I deserve. ⁣

I wish the same for you too!⁣
Can you relate to my story?⁣

oxox Coach K #fitnessjourney #crohnsdisease #weightlosstransformation #bingeeatingrecovery

Confessions of a Saturday morning shameless selfie…

Daily confessions of a shameless morning selfie…⁣

In case you needed the reminder, it’s OK to be sorta sweet, sorta Beth Dutton🤚🥃⁣

Yellowstone. Dudes I love this show.⁣

I have not been so obsessed with a show since Grey’s Anatomy, One Tree Hill, & Sex & the City.⁣

To my new followers you’ll find I talk about all kinds of real life sh*t on here. Love, food, relationships, money, fitness – they’re all connected.⁣

If you meet me in person I want you to be able to say, “You’re just like you are on social media!” Because that’s how it should be.⁣

Some personal things about me…⁣

I’m not naturally “feminine” per se. It’s a skill I’ve had to develop.⁣
4 words: Bull in China Shop🐮⁣

As I aged I noticed how trauma affected the balance of my masculine & feminine energy.⁣
👉Trauma from from being made fun of as an overweight kid⁣
👉feeling I had to achieve to be loved⁣
👉or being liked simply for my looks & not the totality of all that I am⁣
The list could go on…⁣

I emotionally disconnected, became avoidant, & flirted more on the line of masculinity rather than embrace my femininity.⁣
✅Thank you therapy.⁣

My therapist asked me about my sex life. “Do you like to be the more dominant one?” (felt like I needed a shot of tequila at this point😂)⁣

I guess I never noticed how rough around the edges I was until a boyfriend criticized me for slammin cabinet doors. He’d yell at me.⁣
I said we’ll maybe you’re just fragile🤷‍♀️😆 Obviously💁🏼‍♀️that relationship ended.⁣

It made me wanna change myself because I thought, well, there’s something wrong with me.⁣
I changed for him & that cycle of losing myself in relationships continued for years.⁣

I’m grateful for every single piece of 50 shades of fxcked up that makes me — ME. ⁣

One of the best decisions you’ll ever make is to invest in therapy & always be seeking to be a better version of yourself.⁣

Tell yourself today👉you weren’t made to fit in, you were made to move mountains🏔 ⁣

Oxox Coach K #saturdaymorning #butfirstcoffee

How I managed my energy to create a happier, healthier life by doing these 8 things brilliantly

I used to smash Bangs ⚡️ like it was my job.  Coffees & energy drinks were temporary solutions. Which initially gives us some energy but after a while, we feel tired again.⁣

Let’s not forget the havoc it plays on our adrenals, inflammation, hormones, digestion, etc. 😔 ⁣

Feelings of tiredness are so common that many times we just sit on the couch watching TV, unable to do anything else. It makes us feel like a watered down version of ourselves.⁣

We have everything.⁣
Modern man has everything: a computer, internet access, which gives him the opportunity to communicate with people around the world. A car to get to work faster, a gym membership, & plenty of food.⁣

We know everything.⁣
We all know that we need to watch less TV, eat less junk food, move more, & read more books.⁣

But we do nothing.⁣
Most will deny this. Try to remember the times when you bought brand-new sports equipment or a gym membership or vowed to start your diet on Monday. Did you? Why?⁣

Most often because of lack of energy, purpose, fulfillment, time management, & discipline 🤷‍♀️ ⁣

So let’s promise ourselves positive change & continue to crush this week! Swipe, save & share: How I stopped being tired & started living by doing these 8 things brilliantly!⁣

Gimme an🦾 if you’re ready to make this your best life yet!⁣

oxox Coach K⁣

Healthier & Younger After 40: Secrets To A Sexy Life

Healthier & younger after 40: Secrets to a sexy life

You are where you are in life because you choose to be there.
Face the truth.

On some level, you feel like you deserve to be where you’re at in life, even if you don’t like your life. I’ve been there.

If you’re getting paid “less than you’re worth,” it’s because you’re not getting paid less than you’re worth. If you agree to a certain wage, you literally accept that wage as what you’re worth.

If you keep people in your life who don’t treat you well, you’re keeping them there because you have low self-worth. After all, if your self-worth was high you wouldn’t allow people to treat you that way.

The secret to a sexy life? Well, it’s not exactly what I thought it would be. It’s actually in doing the “unsexy” the majority of the time.

You see I figured out that “life” truly happens in the interlude & inbetweens.

I don’t know about y’all, but the last 4 years of my life have been UNREAL.

I went from being broke af, single af, sick af, lonely af, lost af
abundant af, healthy af, happy af, to married af, to divorced & single af again & everything in between!

That’s only a percentage of the roller coaster ride that strangers I meet & write for find delight in listening to.

My “regular” daily life?

Workout. Work. Write. Create. Read. Learn, Sleep. Repeat.

I found by walking the line of structure & spontaneity, that THAT in between was the secret sauce to finding the sexy life.

For me, the only way to facilitate such sweet serendipity was to keep leveling myself up in life — unlocking access to richer experiences, better health, & deeper people. That meant cultivating upleveling habits, environments, mindset, & goals.

So, if you’re puffing cig after cig before getting drunk at the local bar every night the only “serendipity” you might unlock is a clumsy, dumpster fire make-out sesh with someone with more baggage than a trash truck & a hangover the next day.

Swipe, save, & share: Healthier & Younger After 40: Secrets To A Sexy Life.

  • Healthier & younger after 40: Secrets to a sexy life

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

“I’ll start my diet Monday” Why it’s not working & tips to help

A sobering & reflective conversation…⁣

Emotion is energy in motion. Dieting is an emotional problem, it’s more about behavior than food.⁣

Nothing happens if nothing moves. So I ask you, “Where is your emotion driving you?”⁣

Hard truths & guidelines to help you push the restart button for the last time. 🔖⁣

Do you refuse to rest? Refuse to give up addictions? Refuse to reverse diet & STOP chronically dieting? Do you refuse to simply put in the work it requires to change your body, health, & life?⁣

Y’all, basically what you’re saying here is, “I want this, but I don’t it bad enough to do what is required to achieve it.” ⁣

Biggies: ⁣
“I can’t cut back on workouts.” (even though they’re stressing my body out even more which is actually hindering progress)⁣

“I can’t give up my coffee/bangs/etc.” (even though my cortisol is jacked up thru the roof & I can’t sleep at night)⁣

“I can’t give up sweets & snacking at night.” (even though they’re causing inflammation, gut problems, high glucose, fat gain, & more cravings)⁣

“I can’t reverse diet because I’ll gain weight.” (even though you’ve been eating less than a toddler for 20+ yrs & still don’t have the health or body you want)⁣

Sound familiar?⁣

I share these things because I love y’all and I’ve made all the same mistakes as you! ⁣

It’s Sunday night, let’s freaking rock this week! Here are some tips to help, take what you need!⁣

Oxox Coach “your biggest cheerleader” K 📣⁣

21 Cheat Codes I Wished I Knew At 21

There’s someone right now living & loving their life with less than you.⁣

They are living & loving their life the same weight, body size, body fat, relationship status, health condition, job, financial status & more, as you.⁣

External factors aren’t what make you unhappy, you do. It’s the perception of life & the thoughts in your head. You aren’t your thoughts but you do choose to listen to them.⁣

No more, “I’ll be happy when…”⁣

Cheat codes I wished I had learned earlier.⁣

Which one do you resonate most with?⁣

Happy Saturday family! I love you!⁣

Oxox Coach K⁣