Why The Carnivore Diet Isn’t Working And Tips On How To Get Real Results

Why carnivore may not be working for you! We assess both the higher fat approach & the higher protein approach.


Highly asked question the past few weeks & it is #worldcarnivoremonth 🙌 These are based upon my personal & client experiences.

**DISCLAIMER: I want you to find an approach & WOE (way of eating) that makes YOU feel AMAZING no matter what it is. This is simply for education & sharing my experience why certain approaches may not be working for you.

Summary of my experience in a shot glass:

– I personally do better on a higher, optimal protein approach. I’m an avid exerciser, crossfit athlete, lift weights, & live an active lifestyle. I want to build & maintain as much muscle as possible.

– I have Crohn’s disease & don’t have a gallbladder, my fat threshold is lower (means I can’t eat as much fat) than someone with a gallbladder who digests & absorbs fat well. Thru personal experience tracking food & experimenting for DECADES I discovered when I ate higher fat over 150g/d, my digestion was terrible, I had slow motility, constipation, inflammation, & gained weight.

– I am lactose intolerant. Dairy causes gut upset. I can’t add large amounts of butter & cheese to increase fat without gut upset & inflammatory. I also don’t digest pork & bacon fat well in larger quantities without digestion & histamine issues.

– I lived decades with disordered eating. I had shades of bulimia & anorexia. I’m a volume eater, which means I feel more satiated & “safe” on higher volume foods like meat vs low volume food like fats & oils. It is difficult for me to feel when I’m full on high fat, which leads to overeating, emotional stress & thus, weight gain. Self awareness is everything!

Thank you for allowing me to express my experiences & hope they help you!

If you need additional help, I would be happy to listen & assist. 

👉Coaching FAQ’s in link in IG bio🤗

Why you may be feeling bad on carnivore

I’ve found throughout my 3+ years on carnivore that most people feeling crummy typically have a few things in common: electrolytes may be off, you’re not enough food, increased glucose & insulin numbers, & low ketones.

You can check these with a simple glucometer from your local drug store, amazon, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM like Nutrisense, link in my IG bio, discount code: lilbitoffitCGM10), or a Keto mojo which checks both glucose & ketones.

If you’re eating too much protein, the excess can signal the liver to use protein as a fuel via gluconeogenesis instead of fat. This can cause your glucose numbers to rise & ketones to drop. If you are metabolically healthy & more active, you can still thrive, feel good, & lose body fat on large amounts of protein — I am one of those types of individuals, but not everyone fits that profile or protocol.

Tips, signs, & things to think about

Meal Timing & Food Quantity Matter

Calories & quantity still matter no matter what diet. So this is why saying, “Eat all the meat you want!” isn’t the best approach or message. The type of food you eat matters in terms of digestion. Ex: processed meat vs whole food or you may have allergies/histamine responses to certain meats & dairy. Macro ratios matter like high fat/mod protein vs higher protein/mod fat. Try spreading meals & protein quantities out equally through the day. Experiment!

Satiety Cues

If you’ve struggled with disordered eating/chronic dieting & can’t “feel” true hunger/satiety cues, slow down when you eat. We should be able to distinguish between true physical hunger & emotional hunger & habits. Meals should be large enough to keep you full for 4+ hrs. High fat carnivore can pose a challenge to volume eaters & lead to overeating. Make sure to get quality sleep always!

Blood Glucose & Ketones will Vary Person to Person

Lifestyle, health status, & activity level matter when it comes to both set of numbers. People who are highly active, avid exercisers, athletes, & fully fat adapted may not have high ketone numbers because their bodies are efficient at utilizing fat & ketones as fuel & there may not be as much concentrated in the blood. I am one of those people. I lift, CrossFit, & get 15k steps/d & still lost 20lbs with ketones averaging around .6. My glucose also tends to run around 85-90 fasting.

On the other hand, if you are more sedentary & getting higher blood glucose numbers & low ketones, this could be an indicator you’re consuming too much protein & not enough fat, maybe your meals are too large at a sitting, maybe you can try different fasting windows to get these to optimize. I find our largest meal should be post workout for most for optimal recovery & digestion. I’ve seen the best fat loss results tapering meal sizes later in the day, fasting 12-16 hrs overnight.


Once fat adapted, it is natural to lean more towards longer fasting periods. I can easily fast 20 hrs. If you fast & feel great & your numbers improve, fasting may be beneficial & more aligned to you & your lifestyle. I find more sedentary people do better with fasting & longer periods of fasting.

In contrast, if you are highly active, an avid exerciser, athlete, lifting weights, getting 10+k steps/d, & live a higher stress lifestyle, overly fasting can do the opposite & put more stress on your body causing glucose numbers to rise & fat gain in many cases. Hormones matter, be good to them & work with your body.

Fasting too long, over caffeinating, & over exercising while eating too little can also cause higher glucose numbers due to excess stress & a rise in cortisol. You may need smaller more frequent meals & shorter fasting windows to balance blood glucose & hormone levels.

80/20 or higher fat carnivore

May NOT work great for you if:

  • You have trouble digesting high fats. For ex: I don’t have a gallbladder & cannot optimally tolerate digesting large quantities of fat without digestive issues like reflux, slow digestion, constipation/diarrhea, & nausea.
  • You are lactose(dairy)&/or egg intolerant. Often times egg yolks, butter & dairy like cheese are added to meals to increase fat, If you cannot digest these well, they will cause challenges & inflammation.
  • You are active, an avid exerciser, or athlete lifting weights & focusing on muscle building. We typically have protein higher requirements to build & maintain this tissue.
  • You are a volume eater & cannot feel full or satisfied on a higher fat approach which makes it hard to sustain, adhere to, & leads to overeating.
  • You feel sluggish, digestion is off, & start putting on excess body fat with higher quantities of fat.

Experimentation & data tracking is the only way to know!

Higher protein/mod fat carnivore

May NOT work great for you if:

  • You are more sedentary. Your protein & calorie needs are likely lower than a more active person.
  • You are encountering higher fasting glucose numbers & lower ketone numbers consistently.
  • You don’t feel well eating higher protein quantities. For ex: low energy, constipation, high fasting glucose numbers, low ketones, peeing more frequently, lethargic, slow motility digestion(feeling like your food is just sitting there & vice versa for high fat too), ravenous hunger, never feeling full & satisfied, excess thirst.
  • You’ve tried higher protein & aren’t seeing any fat loss results. It may be time to switch it up & try a higher fat approach. You may need a diet break or try fat cycling higher fat days in with lower fat days.
  • You simply may need to eat more & reverse diet if you’ve been chronically under eating. To increase calories on a carnivore approach, you have to increase your fat. Don’t fear the fat! Experiment!

You can read more about how I healed my gut, disordered eating, & fat loss story here. This will answer the majority of your questions as well as provide products & supplements to help!

Happy carnivoreing!

oxox Coach K

6 Paradoxes That Will Blow Your Mind And Upgrade Your Life

6 paradoxes that will blow your mind and upgrade your life

Cleaning my apt yesterday I noticed a book. Hmm I thought…

Despite a busy schedule, I remember finishing The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck in 2 days. It was one of the 1st books that invoked shifts in my perspective on how I wanted to more authentically live my life. There were so many lessons to dissect & apply, I read the book numerous times.

I felt the urge to sit down & write about paradoxes & some counterintuitive takeaways I’ve learned & share them with you!

I feel most people’s ultimate goal in life truly is to simply “be happy.” But wtf does this really mean? I know I’ve had to ask myself this on numerous occasions while stepping off the hot mess express of life.

Happiness is a problem.
For many of us, happiness consists of relaxing on the beach while sipping our favorite cocktail 24/7. (Sounds good to me right?!) Or it may be getting healthier or losing weight. It may be getting a new job or relationship.

However, this concept couldn’t be more wrong.

Time after time, psychology has shown that human beings draw their positive feelings (happiness) often from achieving. You could picture happiness as standing on a podium holding a gold medal.

Try to recall the last time you felt joy. What was the trigger? Most often it was because you overcame a challenge & achieved something.

The “problem” I talk about is really the need for love & validation. It triggers us to do some crazy sh*t like extremes: diets, exercise, over working, people pleasing, & settling for less than we deserve.

In other words, just because a little may do great things, more doesn’t always mean better. The sweet & savory blend is found in the appropriate dose.

I actually learned to give a f*ck about the right things by giving less f*cks.

We can learn much about paradoxes which in turn can help us achieve our “happy.”

Just some things to ponder today…

  • 6 paradoxes that will blow your mind and upgrade your life

oxox Coach K

The Year I Give Up. 8 Bad Habits Preventing Your Dreams From Becoming Reality

8 bad habits preventing your dreams from becoming reality

I was staring at a terribly unflattering close-up of my face on my iPhone screen. Kinda like the terribly unflattering videos in the Target checkout line.

Staring at my iPhone, I was waiting for a client to accept our FaceTime call.

“Why the hell do reflections trigger us?” I thought.

I should have used those 10 seconds of wait time to express gratitude for this technology that allows us to connect from all over the world!

And yet all I could focus on was this red sun spot I have in the middle of my forehead & the fact my eyes looked tired af.

I moved the phone to a different angle to see if I could get a “better view.” I pulled at my eyes for an instant eye lift. I immediately started brainstorming solutions to these “imperfections.”

Was this something Botox could solve?
Would I need to invest in some kind of fancy cream or treatment?

I’m disappointed to say that all of this flashed through my mind in those 10 seconds, but I keep things on the real reel here & I’m just like you.

“Only from a place of self love do you have permission to change yourself,” I kept telling myself.
And that is what I remind myself every time the criticism Gremlin creeps in.

I understand it’s hard to break this cycle of self-critique. Especially when you’ve experienced trauma like being made fun of as a kid or raised in an environment where achieving & people pleasing were the only ways you felt you could receive love.

I realized years ago I needed to break these bad habits & started practicing daily gratitude & being present in my body as it was.

If you ask me today what my top beauty advice would be, I would say this…

Look in the mirror less, obsess less about things that don’t add true value to your life & look at the rest of the world to see what you could be using your time for instead.

I now use my extra time for growth & nourishment in the forms of education, service, money, personal development, health, self care, & making memories with loved ones.

I decided 2023 would be the year I give up. The year I nourish.

I owe it to myself, to you, to my dreams, & to the legacy I want to leave here that doesn’t have a damn thing to do with a red sunspot on my forehead.

Cheers to 2023 – the year I. Give. Up.

Swipe, save & share if this resonates with you!

  • 8 bad habits preventing your dreams from becoming reality

oxox Coach K

How I Plan to Make 2023 my Best Year Yet Using This 8 Step Success Formula

I listened to a podcast by Jay Shetty last week that invoked the most enriching reflection on my year I’ve ever had. ⁣

Every year I spend time getting a clear insight of how this year went, the ups & downs, the special moments, & the things I might want to do away or restart next year.⁣

This year I asked myself 7 questions suggested on that podcast. I included them on the last slide for you!⁣

These would be a great idea for a date night, community group, or a night out with friends!⁣

And here’s a challenge for you, REALLY get to know people this next year.⁣

I feel we get so wrapped up in superficial 2 second reels & TikTok’s that we’ve forgotten about depth & real life sh*t. ⁣

I’m over the swipe right or left society we got goin on here. How bout you? 🙄⁣

Anywhoodle…to help you start somewhere, here is a synopsis of the success formula I’m using to make 2023 my best yet!⁣

Lots of life lesson gems 💎 in the one!⁣

Gimme a 🔥 of you’re ready to have your best year!⁣

Oxox Coach K⁣

Binge eating almost destroyed me but here’s your message of hope

I didn’t dare talk about it much publicly when I was younger, I used to binge eat — A LOT. It didn’t help my health, gut, performance, or fat loss goals at all either. I was scared to strength train because I have no idea where to start. ⁣

Binging happened mostly when I was lonely, stressed, or bored. Sometimes, it would happen when I was celebrating, too — but always when I was alone. I would go to the store, buy junk food, then go home or sit in my car & eat as much as I could. I was an addict, food was my drug, & binging was a high.⁣

I’d eat until I didn’t think I could eat another bite, & then felt so sick I’d puke to “undo” what I”d done. Sometimes even after I threw up, I’d wait a while, & when the feelings of nausea started to subside, I’d start eating again until either the food was gone, I vomited, or until I went to bed in deep shameful sleep.⁣

Without fail, I’d wake up feeling like absolute shit the next day. I’d beat myself up, forcing an unending spiral of guilt, restriction, & punishment. My gut flares out of control!⁣

To make myself feel even worse, I’d look in the mirror & tell myself how terrible I looked, & that I would never be good enough until I could stop eating & got as thin as I could. That if only I could somehow turn myself into one of those people who just “forgets” to eat, then I’d finally be good enough.⁣

But that was the wrong approach. Obviously.⁣

I took the time to look deeper into my behaviors & habits, I started to be kinder to myself & feel empathy.⁣

Back then, I didn’t treat food as fuel & workouts as a celebration of my body as I do now.⁣

So if you deal with binge eating or know someone who does, or don’t know where to start on your fitness journey 👉know that you’re not alone.⁣

Here’s your reminder you CAN! ⁣

I’m over 3 years meat-based with my diet! It serves my autoimmune, physical & emotional needs! ⁣

Here’s to a lifetime of living vibrationally & giving myself what I deserve. ⁣

I wish the same for you too!⁣
Can you relate to my story?⁣

oxox Coach K #fitnessjourney #crohnsdisease #weightlosstransformation #bingeeatingrecovery

Confessions of a Saturday morning shameless selfie…

Daily confessions of a shameless morning selfie…⁣

In case you needed the reminder, it’s OK to be sorta sweet, sorta Beth Dutton🤚🥃⁣

Yellowstone. Dudes I love this show.⁣

I have not been so obsessed with a show since Grey’s Anatomy, One Tree Hill, & Sex & the City.⁣

To my new followers you’ll find I talk about all kinds of real life sh*t on here. Love, food, relationships, money, fitness – they’re all connected.⁣

If you meet me in person I want you to be able to say, “You’re just like you are on social media!” Because that’s how it should be.⁣

Some personal things about me…⁣

I’m not naturally “feminine” per se. It’s a skill I’ve had to develop.⁣
4 words: Bull in China Shop🐮⁣

As I aged I noticed how trauma affected the balance of my masculine & feminine energy.⁣
👉Trauma from from being made fun of as an overweight kid⁣
👉feeling I had to achieve to be loved⁣
👉or being liked simply for my looks & not the totality of all that I am⁣
The list could go on…⁣

I emotionally disconnected, became avoidant, & flirted more on the line of masculinity rather than embrace my femininity.⁣
✅Thank you therapy.⁣

My therapist asked me about my sex life. “Do you like to be the more dominant one?” (felt like I needed a shot of tequila at this point😂)⁣

I guess I never noticed how rough around the edges I was until a boyfriend criticized me for slammin cabinet doors. He’d yell at me.⁣
I said we’ll maybe you’re just fragile🤷‍♀️😆 Obviously💁🏼‍♀️that relationship ended.⁣

It made me wanna change myself because I thought, well, there’s something wrong with me.⁣
I changed for him & that cycle of losing myself in relationships continued for years.⁣

I’m grateful for every single piece of 50 shades of fxcked up that makes me — ME. ⁣

One of the best decisions you’ll ever make is to invest in therapy & always be seeking to be a better version of yourself.⁣

Tell yourself today👉you weren’t made to fit in, you were made to move mountains🏔 ⁣

Oxox Coach K #saturdaymorning #butfirstcoffee

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

Since I’ve been on my gut healing & weight loss journey I have thought a lot about addiction. It’s really hard to admit you have a food addiction because everybody needs to eat in order to live.

There were several things that made me realize that I was addicted to food & THAT was the biggest culprit which exacerbated my Crohn’s issues & inability to get healthier & lose weight.

Maybe you can relate to these too…

Going past a McDonalds & instantly wanting to devour a large fry & 20 piece nugget whether I was hungry or not (And I did smash the ENTIRE meal!)

“Having” to have something sweet after dinner & eat in front of the tv.

Seeing other people eating, especially food I restricted or labeled as “bad,” longing to do so regardless if I had just eaten.

Hiding food & eating when your friends & family don’t know you are. I’d binge then throw it all up.

And just plain feeling out of control!

I’m sure you understand the feeling of waking up in the morning & saying you’re “going to do better today” & then you fail miserably like you did the day before.

Maybe you’re like I was. You’d go to bed at night & say that “tomorrow will be another day & you’ll start working out & eating right.” Then you don’t.

I remember saying one time if food were liquor, I would be drunk every day.

It’s taken over 2 decades to build the body you see today, I’ve been every shape & size! If I can do it, so can you!

Life lessons I learned along the way to hopefully help you transform too: How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to Reveal Your Best Body in 2023!

  • How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat to reveal your best body in 2023

oxox Coach K

Life & love advice I wished I knew at 20 that I know now at 40

A meaningful post I feel for many out there… 

Ran into a friend today reminiscing about summer & old times, relationships & new energy we’re both looking forward to for 2023.

We laughed about what if we knew back then what we know now 👀 

Ever thought about that too?

So, we came up with a list…swipe & enjoy!

We also talked about how the people who are comfortable being alone will never waste your time with dating games.

Zero bullshit. If they’re special, you’ll know & you’ll know you’re special too because they choose to spend time with you over their favorite person, themself.

Hi. It me 😆👋 

⁣I thoroughly enjoy straight forward people who take the lead & tell me exactly what they want. You always know where they stand.

People who have taken the time to be alone & be ok with it are basically interviewing you to replace ourself as our new best friend & we really don’t want to give up that position but we are also intrigued & hopeful that there is more out there❤️

Whatcha thinkin?


Coach K

How I managed my energy to create a happier, healthier life by doing these 8 things brilliantly

I used to smash Bangs ⚡️ like it was my job.  Coffees & energy drinks were temporary solutions. Which initially gives us some energy but after a while, we feel tired again.⁣

Let’s not forget the havoc it plays on our adrenals, inflammation, hormones, digestion, etc. 😔 ⁣

Feelings of tiredness are so common that many times we just sit on the couch watching TV, unable to do anything else. It makes us feel like a watered down version of ourselves.⁣

We have everything.⁣
Modern man has everything: a computer, internet access, which gives him the opportunity to communicate with people around the world. A car to get to work faster, a gym membership, & plenty of food.⁣

We know everything.⁣
We all know that we need to watch less TV, eat less junk food, move more, & read more books.⁣

But we do nothing.⁣
Most will deny this. Try to remember the times when you bought brand-new sports equipment or a gym membership or vowed to start your diet on Monday. Did you? Why?⁣

Most often because of lack of energy, purpose, fulfillment, time management, & discipline 🤷‍♀️ ⁣

So let’s promise ourselves positive change & continue to crush this week! Swipe, save & share: How I stopped being tired & started living by doing these 8 things brilliantly!⁣

Gimme an🦾 if you’re ready to make this your best life yet!⁣

oxox Coach K⁣

Therapy Confessions about dating & things that make me want to drink

Therapy confessions👉Things people ask me that make me laugh, want to drink🥃 & smoke a cigar😂(💁🏼‍♀️like I need a reason sip bourbon & smoke a cigar but whatever🙃)⁣

Why are you single?⁣

Are you getting married again?⁣

Don’t you want kids?⁣

Listen, I admittedly was a serial monogamist the majority of my life. I was the girl that always had a boyfriend. 

I had only dated & kissed 2 guys up until the age of 27. Don’t worry, I made up for it quickly after my 1st divorce😆why lie.⁣ They call it the “Hoe Phase” for y’all not familiar👀 

I don’t think I ever really learned how to “date.” ⁣

I honestly had no idea WHAT I was doing.

It’s like I just wanna hang with an awesome person, go adventuring & do cool sh*t with. One I love being around, that’s easy & down the road if it turns into something more, that’s the end goal🤷‍♀️ ⁣

Had a follower ask what I thought she should do about dating & marriage…everyone laugh now😹 ⁣

So we talked…⁣

Don’t know if I’ll ever get married again, never say never. I know the people meant for me, find me. Hell I’m not even sure what the right answer is anymore nor do I care.⁣

I feel relationships are whatever you choose to define them as, not what society tells you. I don’t feel you need a contract for happiness or validation.⁣

By dating you do figure out what you don’t like so you know what you do like.⁣


Don’t say yes to men or women who aren’t suitable for you, don’t ignore red flags just because you don’t want to be single. Don’t do things you don’t agree with just to keep a relationship going. Don’t dishonor your own values just so you aren’t lonely. Don’t lose yourself. Don’t lose faith in love.⁣

One day, you’ll understand the price is too high to pay to lose yourself — the most important person in your life.⁣

All of your painful experiences craft you into the impeccable person you are today. ⁣

And the right person will appreciate every part of you, your story & let you live life on your own terms.⁣

The right person feels like freedom & home imo.⁣ You can’t read a book to tell you how to feel…

You can read all the books in the world but if you can’t read yourself you can’t efficiently execute anything.⁣


Has anyone else felt they read all the books but in honesty you realized you were a really sh*tty executor, too?😆👋⁣

A painful truth brought up in therapy one time was the realization that when I felt anything or anyone was touching the walls of my freedom or made me feel “unsafe” or “wrong” — I’d run.⁣

Confessions of a recovered avoidant🙋‍♀️ 

It was fear. I had a follower ask me today if I’ve ever been afraid of anything so much that I ran from it. Fxck me.🤦‍♀️ It forced me to painfully sit there & reflect.

I realized thru experiences & relationships what I should’ve been asking myself during periods of discomfort was, “Is this relationship or experience making me want to up level into a better woman?”

I stayed in a LOT of situation-ships & cohabitations far longer than I should have because of fear.

I also RAN from a lot of potential relationships because of fear. Fear to be in a situation-ships or comfortably numb cohabitation again.

I didn’t have the tools back then or self awareness to assess/navigate relationships & life experiences effectively.

If you feel you have to appear a certain way to receive validation, respect, or love — you need to figure out what it is inside you that makes you want to change to be more accepted & worthy.⁣

Look for the pebbles in your shoes, they may not be large stones but they will cut you after time.⁣

All right, hope my ramblings and therapy sessions helped you toO!

Love & hugs,

Coach “no longer in my hoe phase (thank the Lord 🙏😄)” K